HST sales July YTD down >$110 million to plan

Bohaboy inside man/girl

HST sales July YTD down >$110 million to plan

What a disaster, GSS is getting worse, VOLTE no one can sell it , being surpassed by EMR vendors.

What a terrible purchase by Joe and the board . How can Joe survive this , throw him out on his ass please


oh i thought hillrom had so much connected technology that it would bring baxter into the 25th century… again another due diligence that went wrong with a team of clueless monkey that could not make the difference between a portal and an access DB with a web interface…

August is even worse HST is a joke , Reaz and jason richardson are 2 clowns who task countries privide ZERO support cant manufacture anything on time , the numbers area disaster , organisational chaos, we sell the same as when we purchased HR at 1/2 the margin
PSS is like the Vantives HD buisness in that it makes fuck all margin!!!! FLC will be smahed in a few years as SEYMOUR is not comepttive with MINDRAY and Phillips new products

We paid 12 Billion for a company describe by Jim Borzi as Ferarris withiout engines

we are a laughing stock

Anyone seen the China HST sales ?

Down 750 k to plan in September , many more millions YTD

who is running this ? what a disaster

needs intervention from a brilliantbean counter like Jason richardson , maybe jason could task them to make a sale ???

or trott out the line " how can we help ;you " maybe stop the convoluted finance calls and processes , day minus 4 , mid month , f1 f2 f3 so many fucking useless meetings

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