i am not an HSBS but I have no doubt I or any one of my TBS colleagues could do that job! WHy?, because my HSBS spends the whole day calling on the same HCP targets as me and my colleagues.

As the accounts in our region are closed and do not put our products on formulary, the HSBS leadership in collaboration with DMs have decided we need another share of voice in the already difficult access primary care offices. Addional justification is that a primary care HCP may be influential to the health system.(although this has never been the case in my 6 yrs in the territory). So my HSBS can't sample(the health system does not allow samples in primary care offices) and can't do lunches(again health system does not allow). But they do make my life more difficult as we are both trying to get in the same offices which creates a burden for our customers.

If my HSBS should go away tomorrow it would not be too soon and me and my colleagues would gladly continue to do the heavy lifting in the territory! This HSBS experiment should be done

Agree! The HSBS “net sales” for system accounts doesn’t come close to the cost of running the territory. Plus, throw in the bloated salaries+ for their pompous and self-important HSBMs, and we could all go on a nice trip!

i am not an HSBS but I have no doubt I or any one of my TBS colleagues could do that job! WHy?, because my HSBS spends the whole day calling on the same HCP targets as me and my colleagues.

As the accounts in our region are closed and do not put our products on formulary, the HSBS leadership in collaboration with DMs have decided we need another share of voice in the already difficult access primary care offices. Addional justification is that a primary care HCP may be influential to the health system.(although this has never been the case in my 6 yrs in the territory). So my HSBS can't sample(the health system does not allow samples in primary care offices) and can't do lunches(again health system does not allow). But they do make my life more difficult as we are both trying to get in the same offices which creates a burden for our customers.

If my HSBS should go away tomorrow it would not be too soon and me and my colleagues would gladly continue to do the heavy lifting in the territory! This HSBS experiment should be done
They did your job and walked in your shoes, you never walked in their shoes. You don't know what that job entails and every health system is Very unique. But you are correct, having a few shared targets is not unreasobable, but not all of them. That is BIs fault. There should not be that much shared accountability. If the system is to that "closed", it should just be a hsbs account.

They did your job and walked in your shoes, you never walked in their shoes. You don't know what that job entails and every health system is Very unique. But you are correct, having a few shared targets is not unreasobable, but not all of them. That is BIs fault. There should not be that much shared accountability. If the system is to that "closed", it should just be a hsbs account.
Agree! There should not be 3 TBS from three sleeves and HSBS calling on the same targets in a closed system. The HSBS covers all products, so it should be the hsbs. If you are not dropping samples and doing lunches what are you doing in there as a TBS? Share of voice is 1990. hsbs has bigger job description and works the entire account - collaborating with all Health System teams. HSBS are not all at same level of acumen and may not understand. Some won't last long because true acct selling is not for them. Hsbs with prior hospital experience "get it". old days of doing business will be in the past. Many health systems (and reps) have just not caught up yet.

i am not an HSBS but I have no doubt I or any one of my TBS colleagues could do that job! WHy?, because my HSBS spends the whole day calling on the same HCP targets as me and my colleagues.

As the accounts in our region are closed and do not put our products on formulary, the HSBS leadership in collaboration with DMs have decided we need another share of voice in the already difficult access primary care offices. Addional justification is that a primary care HCP may be influential to the health system.(although this has never been the case in my 6 yrs in the territory). So my HSBS can't sample(the health system does not allow samples in primary care offices) and can't do lunches(again health system does not allow). But they do make my life more difficult as we are both trying to get in the same offices which creates a burden for our customers.
1980 called; they want their reps back!!

If my HSBS should go away tomorrow it would not be too soon and me and my colleagues would gladly continue to do the heavy lifting in the territory! This HSBS experiment should be done

i am not an HSBS but I have no doubt I or any one of my TBS colleagues could do that job! WHy?, because my HSBS spends the whole day calling on the same HCP targets as me and my colleagues.

As the accounts in our region are closed and do not put our products on formulary, the HSBS leadership in collaboration with DMs have decided we need another share of voice in the already difficult access primary care offices. Addional justification is that a primary care HCP may be influential to the health system.(although this has never been the case in my 6 yrs in the territory). So my HSBS can't sample(the health system does not allow samples in primary care offices) and can't do lunches(again health system does not allow). But they do make my life more difficult as we are both trying to get in the same offices which creates a burden for our customers.

If my HSBS should go away tomorrow it would not be too soon and me and my colleagues would gladly continue to do the heavy lifting in the territory! This HSBS experiment should be done
1980 called; it wants it's reps back!!

They did your job and walked in your shoes, you never walked in their shoes. You don't know what that job entails and every health system is Very unique. But you are correct, having a few shared targets is not unreasobable, but not all of them. That is BIs fault. There should not be that much shared accountability. If the system is to that "closed", it should just be a hsbs account.
Un fricken believeable! What is even more pathetic is that you actually believe the BS that you just spelled out! You epitomize what is wrong with "pharmaceutical sales". Especially your last sentence. In a closed system no title on a business card is going to open doors. What part of "closed" system don't you get. I know, HSBS gets paid to knock on and open those doors. Well how has that worked out overall? The downsizing of the HSBS team answers that question, now doesn't it?

In the the example above it looks like the HSBS has no shoes to walk in other than those of the TBS. Do I really have to point out to you that everybody has to start somewhere and nobody is born with the gift of HSBS!

You must be in management!

Agree! There should not be 3 TBS from three sleeves and HSBS calling on the same targets in a closed system. The HSBS covers all products, so it should be the hsbs. If you are not dropping samples and doing lunches what are you doing in there as a TBS? Share of voice is 1990. hsbs has bigger job description and works the entire account - collaborating with all Health System teams. HSBS are not all at same level of acumen and may not understand. Some won't last long because true acct selling is not for them. Hsbs with prior hospital experience "get it". old days of doing business will be in the past. Many health systems (and reps) have just not caught up yet.
Least amount of attrition comes from old hospital reps. A few reasons come to mind: they are paid more (many came in at executive status), they are more mature and they know how to manage an account. Most TBS who move to HSBS come in at lower pay, and can't adjust to broader scope- higher level thinking above R&F, lunch and sample drop signure hunting. Not trying to be a jerk, but this is true. REPs still have their place but haelth care is evolving fast and these skills are not found in all reps.

If you are an HSBS you are fucked. CBD's has been in field trying to figure out what you actually do to try and rationalize why we have the HSBS roll. You can't so you are gone. impressive BI paid you for as long as you claimed your worth. Shame on them for waiting so long to make the change. SAE and HSBS are the most worthless positions in the organization.

No one claimed they were worth more. BI came up with the crap position and gave people a chance to interview if you got it you weren't thrown to the wolves on cut day. Doesn't pay anymore than TBS other than a fraction of bonus that doesn't make up for getting pulled in every direction and dealing with whatever brand team has come up with another fire for us to put out. They couldn't give a clear description of the role during interviews and they still don't know what they want it to be. Every quarter they add or take away a brand to pay HSBS on. If they kept MBOs there wouldn't be nearly the overlap in offices, but when you're paid on retail, you focus on retail. There are problems with the role but it's not the reps fault. BI has never given clear direction since the orchestrator left. It will fail, but not because of the people on the front lines.

Sad though obvious the previous poster simply does not understand what leadership role the HSBS position entails.
HSBS hold the keys to the closed account access doors.
I mean Marge in the cath lab could one day see the CFO and tell him what a nice person the HSBS is to her. The CFO will reply that he really thinks that guy is going places. Not sure what he does and is with some strange Long named company that he has no idea why the guy keeps leaving a card with his secretary.
One day someone may actually use the HSBS business card to write other short notes on - I believe the Chief Medical Director has more cards than post it notes from this fine man.
Stand back Boehringer Ingelheim reps and prepare to be dazzled by the HSBS.
Marge is the sister of Sally who sits at the window and takes your iPad to get a signature so u can have your 8 fake F2F calls per day. We're all just trying to get by and do our job!! Get over yourself!
You can be replaced too!

If you are an HSBS you are fucked. CBD's has been in field trying to figure out what you actually do to try and rationalize why we have the HSBS roll. You can't so you are gone. impressive BI paid you for as long as you claimed your worth. Shame on them for waiting so long to make the change. SAE and HSBS are the most worthless positions in the organization.
We have not had SAE position for 2 years. Goes to show how much you know about these positions.

HSBS and HSBM are gone. Company can't fund make believe positions anymore.

Do your job and don't worry about me or any of my HSBS colleagues. If the HSBS role stays, then it stays. If it doesn't, then I will find another opportunity. I focus on what I can control (effort & integrity). Why do you care so much about our jobs? Not once this week, this month, or this year, have I spent time debating who will or should lose their job.

you are high if you think that is reality. Explain why CBD's are in field with goal of trying to understand their role and impact? Take home is no impact.
Other companies have tried and scrapped this failed model. Truth is, large health systems don't want their drs to rx a product that isn't on the system's formulary.
When a new consulting firm dangles the "next greatest sales model" carrot under the nose of leadership, BI will scrap this model as well. Perhaps pods will make a comeback. :)

Do your job and don't worry about me or any of my HSBS colleagues. If the HSBS role stays, then it stays. If it doesn't, then I will find another opportunity. I focus on what I can control (effort & integrity). Why do you care so much about our jobs? Not once this week, this month, or this year, have I spent time debating who will or should lose their job.
Amen sister!!!