HR works for the company, NOT for the employees. Anyone who thinks that HR is there for YOU is an idiot. Never tell HR anything you don't want management to know because as soon as you get off the phone with HR, HR is on the phone with your manager. HR will tell your manager everything you said!!

Truth. Don't be so brazen.

HR at this company is a joke. No more qualified than a McDonald's employee. Don't even bother calling them. They should save their money and get rid of Management and HR.

Do not do it I just asked for an ADA accomadation and I go a EE on my review from my DM. After I was granted ADA accomadation DM me on PIP I had 147 % of plan I left shortly after that and landed a better position soon after. DM rode with me every week for 6 weeks very unprofessional I paid a Employment Attorney $400 an hour for nothing.

Not getting satisfaction w/ L in HR contact her Supervisor and Main Company HR head Hara Behk at 718.340.6732, Let Hara know that you never get a call back and you don't understand why. Hold these Publicis Managers accountable like they think the sales force should be held. They are just all milking the system, Publicis NY needs to know this stuff.

HR totally sucks. Sexual harassment of females by male manager at a meeting. Manager given no consequence. Female rep given a written warning for reporting the incident!!