HR concerns


Thank you for reading this thread.

My question/ concern is in regard to hours worked and expectation of evening and weekend work.

As we feel the pressure of the launch drug to perform with growth measured against others in the company we have repeaditdly been having 7:30am meetings and calls with management after 5:30 pm. We have children and a very demanding schedule and the expectations of Forest is beginning to severely impact my life outside of working hours.

Is it allowable to consistently have meetings with managers (team meetings, one on one) at 7:30 am (meaning I have to drop my young children off at 6:45 am. And also to have calls, conference calls after 5pm (program's are a separate issue but we have been asked to do one every two weeks)

And I also feel it is unfair to have me working on emails and spreadsheets to all hours of the evening. We are selling drugs here, not solving world problems.

Is this acceptable or am I just learning that being a rep for family friendly forest (told at interview was listed as working mothers magazine rating, but this was a few years ago) isn't so family friendly at all ?

8:30 to 5 is now 7:30 to 6 and then programs make it 7:30 to 9:30 or 10 by the time I get home.

I would also really appreciate a break for lunch. Just one day a week a lunch break would be humane. Is it just me or do you guys do your lunch appointment with a Dr. Then go to next call, meaning you don't actually get a down time or break for 30 minutes.

I asked my manager and he said we get a free lunch. I don't thibk this is a quid pro quo situation exchanging my break time for food. This isn't china after all. Or is it.

Any thoughts or am I just feeling way overworked.

No, they tell us we're salary so that means they own us 24/7. Work all day and email speadsheets all night to DM and team. Gotta love the las tminute requests from DM's to have something to them by 5p or that night. Forget having a life or family time.

Arbeit macht frei! off to the work camp to be set free!! LOL

Family friendly at forest means they will support you if you choose to adopt a child but will not give you any time to take care of your own newborn child. Aside from the federal law requiring them to give you 12 weeks unpaid off they will pay you 40% for each week off for every year you are at forest. Mighty nice of them and very much a family friendly company I must say.

More like slave labor equation! get to work mule!! be glad you have a job in this economy! I don't know how many times we are going to hear this from Mgmt but they must think we are all idiots to believe that Forest is the only job around. I think it's more like brainwashing.
Get out and save your soul!
It's not all about their low salary in the end!

True, I would rather be paid hourly by Forest. I would do much better with the overtime and they wouldnt be giving me all of the late night busy work when it costs them.

Thank you for reading this thread.

My question/ concern is in regard to hours worked and expectation of evening and weekend work.

As we feel the pressure of the launch drug to perform with growth measured against others in the company we have repeaditdly been having 7:30am meetings and calls with management after 5:30 pm. We have children and a very demanding schedule and the expectations of Forest is beginning to severely impact my life outside of working hours.

Is it allowable to consistently have meetings with managers (team meetings, one on one) at 7:30 am (meaning I have to drop my young children off at 6:45 am. And also to have calls, conference calls after 5pm (program's are a separate issue but we have been asked to do one every two weeks)

And I also feel it is unfair to have me working on emails and spreadsheets to all hours of the evening. We are selling drugs here, not solving world problems.

Is this acceptable or am I just learning that being a rep for family friendly forest (told at interview was listed as working mothers magazine rating, but this was a few years ago) isn't so family friendly at all ?

8:30 to 5 is now 7:30 to 6 and then programs make it 7:30 to 9:30 or 10 by the time I get home.

I would also really appreciate a break for lunch. Just one day a week a lunch break would be humane. Is it just me or do you guys do your lunch appointment with a Dr. Then go to next call, meaning you don't actually get a down time or break for 30 minutes.

I asked my manager and he said we get a free lunch. I don't thibk this is a quid pro quo situation exchanging my break time for food. This isn't china after all. Or is it.

Any thoughts or am I just feeling way overworked.

Why not do your 7:30 conference call and then go back to bed for a few hours. Get up around 11, forge 5-6 sigs, drop off some lunch, get a few more legit sigs, get a quick 9 in before the dinner program. Your dumbass DM's won't know the difference. I been doing it for 11 years now.

Family friendly at forest means they will support you if you choose to adopt a child but will not give you any time to take care of your own newborn child. Aside from the federal law requiring them to give you 12 weeks unpaid off they will pay you 40% for each week off for every year you are at forest. Mighty nice of them and very much a family friendly company I must say.

OP here, you make an excellent comment. For all the chanting, and self promotion what exactly does the forest machine do for family, work life balance that isn't mandated by law ?

Do they even consider the expense and extreme hardship I am faced each time we have a POA meeting? (my husband travels out of state weekly for work) try and get a 24 hour a day nanny for a week and see what that costs. If you can even get one, do I ever hear that discussed or corporate recognizing how challenging it is.

We have a small token child care match the covers about the first 2 weeks of one month (thanks, really generous, you help with 2 weeks, I'll get the other 50)

This seems to be a big topic of discussion in the field. The lawsuit isn't about all tge concerns I have, just overtime. That's only being address by forest obce again because they are facing a lawsuit. Would they or have they ever offered up anything without the fear of litigation or because its the law?

Frx. Profit over people, unless we're forced to give a little back to the people.

Forest is too short sighted to understand the untangeables and how a happy sales force is more productive. Disprespect, Penny penching and cutting corners on your emplyees to save a few bucks doesnt really pay off. It may look good on paper but more is lost with productivity than is gained financially. Cut corners and disrespect reps and you'll find reps that cut corners and take from the company. Offer respect and fair treatment and you'll see a change in the way reps view and treat the company. Back to the golden rule! Not the one that says he who has the gold makes the rules! Simple!!

Remeber Christmas vacation? Jelly of the month club! maybe we need more cousin eddies of the world to pick up HS' of the world and they would rethink their decisions as to how to treat their employees??

Interstingly, the top 50 companies to work for in america in 2011 didnt list Forest at all but Johnson and Jonhsin as well as abbott were listed #10 and #13 respectively. Heck the US military made the list. NO Forest?? what about how great we are and different from the big pharma companies?

Interstingly, the top 50 companies to work for in america in 2011 didnt list Forest at all but Johnson and Jonhsin as well as abbott were listed #10 and #13 respectively. Heck the US military made the list. NO Forest?? what about how great we are and different from the big pharma companies?

To clarify:

Top 50 "happiest companies to work for 2011"

manager here, agreed, all of it. overworked, unappreciated. I put in 70-80 hours a week (yes reps I know its all bs work you think we do, I was a rep just like you, dont forget that) but its never enough, the growth is not enough or the calls are not enough then you do well and no one says anything apart from you better keep this going next qtr, work harder and more to keep the results up. i cant work more or harder. i have no life, im exhausted when i get in at 7 and then work for another hour then get up at 5 and do it all again. oh, my RD says well you get paid to do that, thats not the only reason i work but thanks for your liomited understanding of my work life balance.

i talk to otrher dms and reps who think this is borderline sweat shop sales mentality. i have to somewhat agree and it feels like it is getting worse.

Shut the f**ck up and go eat your cry baby soup! It's called sales and nobody ever said it was easy. Leave if you're so unhappy! You're all f**cking lazy and shouldn't be in sales!