HR/Compliance issue


I need help. Recently I reported my manager to compliance because he/she is making life miserable for me. The last field visits have been almost intolerable with the intimidating attitude and discussions. I feel like I'm beaten down to a point that I shut down and can't respond to the intense questioning of my actions with my customers.
Today I expected to have a call from HR to further discuss, but instead a call from Compliance to meet with them on a priority issue. Wow, I guess Compliance trumped HR and I get NO HELP. I forgot, I don't sign HR's checks. I'm being sold down the river.


I need help. Recently I reported my manager to compliance because he/she is making life miserable for me. The last field visits have been almost intolerable with the intimidating attitude and discussions. I feel like I'm beaten down to a point that I shut down and can't respond to the intense questioning of my actions with my customers.
Today I expected to have a call from HR to further discuss, but instead a call from Compliance to meet with them on a priority issue. Wow, I guess Compliance trumped HR and I get NO HELP. I forgot, I don't sign HR's checks. I'm being sold down the river.

If you are a minority or a female and your manager is a white male then here is how it will play out.
First they will try to find evidence that your manager violated some compliance policy of which there are volumes. Next one of the female man haters from H.R. will interview you to see if you have any evidence that your manager violated any company policies. Then they will interview others in your District until they get someone to give them what they want. There may be dozens who claim your manager is outstanding and honest as Abe Lincoln but they are only interested in finding the one or two who are negative towards him. If you can find one of your peers to claim sexual harassment and you can back her up, presto, you are in like Flint.

If you are a minority or a female and your manager is a white male then here is how it will play out.
First they will try to find evidence that your manager violated some compliance policy of which there are volumes. Next one of the female man haters from H.R. will interview you to see if you have any evidence that your manager violated any company policies. Then they will interview others in your District until they get someone to give them what they want. There may be dozens who claim your manager is outstanding and honest as Abe Lincoln but they are only interested in finding the one or two who are negative towards him. If you can find one of your peers to claim sexual harassment and you can back her up, presto, you are in like Flint.

Poor poor innocent and sweet white males.

If you are a minority or a female and your manager is a white male then here is how it will play out.
First they will try to find evidence that your manager violated some compliance policy of which there are volumes. Next one of the female man haters from H.R. will interview you to see if you have any evidence that your manager violated any company policies. Then they will interview others in your District until they get someone to give them what they want. There may be dozens who claim your manager is outstanding and honest as Abe Lincoln but they are only interested in finding the one or two who are negative towards him. If you can find one of your peers to claim sexual harassment and you can back her up, presto, you are in like Flint.

I appreciate the advice; but there is no sexual harassment. It is more an ageism thing that I see; but difficult to prove. My manager 35 ish has gotten compliance involved to beat me to the punch w HR. Clever manager.
No, I have not been fired to thread #5, but HR is not responding this week as they told me they would, because Compliance prob has told them to chill. It really stinks as I have been a top performer for over a 15 years and won many top awards and now being hit with this due to down numbers within the first 6 weeks of this year; autumn of my career, it really hurts to go out like this. It feels like all that I thought I accomplished and would have to be proud of is stripped away. I'm worthless to the company and my record tarnished by a likely firing.

I appreciate the advice; but there is no sexual harassment. It is more an ageism thing that I see; but difficult to prove. My manager 35 ish has gotten compliance involved to beat me to the punch w HR. Clever manager.
No, I have not been fired to thread #5, but HR is not responding this week as they told me they would, because Compliance prob has told them to chill. It really stinks as I have been a top performer for over a 15 years and won many top awards and now being hit with this due to down numbers within the first 6 weeks of this year; autumn of my career, it really hurts to go out like this. It feels like all that I thought I accomplished and would have to be proud of is stripped away. I'm worthless to the company and my record tarnished by a likely firing.

Are you a female over 40? Maybe even 50? Plenty of lawyers would love to take your case. Hope you saved emails and countless text messages showing compliance violations of your manager and your team members. Worth a million dollars or more out of court.

I appreciate the advice; but there is no sexual harassment. It is more an ageism thing that I see; but difficult to prove. My manager 35 ish has gotten compliance involved to beat me to the punch w HR. Clever manager.
No, I have not been fired to thread #5, but HR is not responding this week as they told me they would, because Compliance prob has told them to chill. It really stinks as I have been a top performer for over a 15 years and won many top awards and now being hit with this due to down numbers within the first 6 weeks of this year; autumn of my career, it really hurts to go out like this. It feels like all that I thought I accomplished and would have to be proud of is stripped away. I'm worthless to the company and my record tarnished by a likely firing.

Reality here, you are deemed too expensive to keep around. AZ is cutting costs and it starts by removing tenured and higher salary people. If you are over 50 with 20+ years of experience (salary creep) you are starting to hurt the bottom line. They can hire two to replace you for the same cost. Get it??

I appreciate the advice; but there is no sexual harassment. It is more an ageism thing that I see; but difficult to prove. My manager 35 ish has gotten compliance involved to beat me to the punch w HR. Clever manager.
No, I have not been fired to thread #5, but HR is not responding this week as they told me they would, because Compliance prob has told them to chill. It really stinks as I have been a top performer for over a 15 years and won many top awards and now being hit with this due to down numbers within the first 6 weeks of this year; autumn of my career, it really hurts to go out like this. It feels like all that I thought I accomplished and would have to be proud of is stripped away. I'm worthless to the company and my record tarnished by a likely firing.
Yeah that’s a thing in my region as well. It’s happening to a female, not white currently. I agree with you, it sucks to end your career this way. I suggest you start looking for a job AND consult an attorney. At least you will get a decent settlement. Good luck.

Unless you can prove they are discriminating against you based on race, gender, religion or sexuality...they can bully you all they want. Really the only way to prove this is to have a partner that you are the minority with and have written proof that you were treated differently than your partner. Ex. Y’all have the exact same rank but you were written up for poor performance and your partner was not.

Unless you can prove they are discriminating against you based on race, gender, religion or sexuality...they can bully you all they want. Really the only way to prove this is to have a partner that you are the minority with and have written proof that you were treated differently than your partner. Ex. Y’all have the exact same rank but you were written up for poor performance and your partner was not.

It won't matter, if they want to get rid of you then they will find or manufacture a policy violation. If you fight them on strictly a performance issue and you are a protected minority or have a good case, the best you can count on is a mutual separation agreement. But as Trump is now finding out, having a non disclosure contract isn't worth the paper it is written on and this woman was paid $130,000 to stay quiet. So take the money and then take them to court. Wouldn't it be great if the FBI raided AZ H.Q. Can you imagine the illegal shit they would uncover in our H.R. and Legal Depts.

It won't matter, if they want to get rid of you then they will find or manufacture a policy violation. If you fight them on strictly a performance issue and you are a protected minority or have a good case, the best you can count on is a mutual separation agreement. But as Trump is now finding out, having a non disclosure contract isn't worth the paper it is written on and this woman was paid $130,000 to stay quiet. So take the money and then take them to court. Wouldn't it be great if the FBI raided AZ H.Q. Can you imagine the illegal shit they would uncover in our H.R. and Legal Depts.

You are completely clueless.

It won't matter, if they want to get rid of you then they will find or manufacture a policy violation. If you fight them on strictly a performance issue and you are a protected minority or have a good case, the best you can count on is a mutual separation agreement. But as Trump is now finding out, having a non disclosure contract isn't worth the paper it is written on and this woman was paid $130,000 to stay quiet. So take the money and then take them to court. Wouldn't it be great if the FBI raided AZ H.Q. Can you imagine the illegal shit they would uncover in our H.R. and Legal Depts.

Not to mention the sales reporting process and FSIP payouts and COE rankings. All of the data is manipulated to reward the chosen few.

Not to mention the sales reporting process and FSIP payouts and COE rankings. All of the data is manipulated to reward the chosen few.
You seem to have a very strong opinion about this. Please share what you know about how someone gets “chosen” to reap the rewards. Also, what evidence can you provide to prove that data is manipulated?

You seem to have a very strong opinion about this. Please share what you know about how someone gets “chosen” to reap the rewards. Also, what evidence can you provide to prove that data is manipulated?

OH please. How is the data manipulated? How about starting with the fact that the forecast or objective setting process is a complete dart toss. Throw in shared customers with multiple reps promoting the same product and the lack of accuracy in tracking sales. The whole data model is a fucking joke. Just compare our market share in our reports to our market share in another pharma company's reports; they aren't even close to being the same. Look, if you win COE, God Bless you and have a nice time. But don't think that you did anything special. AZ is full of examples of COE winners who were denied the trip because they were found to not be working or they were about to be fired for incompetence.

If you are a minority or a female and your manager is a white male then here is how it will play out.
First they will try to find evidence that your manager violated some compliance policy of which there are volumes. Next one of the female man haters from H.R. will interview you to see if you have any evidence that your manager violated any company policies. Then they will interview others in your District until they get someone to give them what they want. There may be dozens who claim your manager is outstanding and honest as Abe Lincoln but they are only interested in finding the one or two who are negative towards him. If you can find one of your peers to claim sexual harassment and you can back her up, presto, you are in like Flint.

It doesn't always play out like that. My white male manager was actually messing around with reps but I was not interested (I'm a white female) and neither was a black female in my district. We became targeted despite having good numbers and the white male stayed because he was favored by upper management but is now an RSD.

I had to get the hell out of AZ because of that toxic manager.

OH please. How is the data manipulated? How about starting with the fact that the forecast or objective setting process is a complete dart toss. Throw in shared customers with multiple reps promoting the same product and the lack of accuracy in tracking sales. The whole data model is a fucking joke. Just compare our market share in our reports to our market share in another pharma company's reports; they aren't even close to being the same. Look, if you win COE, God Bless you and have a nice time. But don't think that you did anything special. AZ is full of examples of COE winners who were denied the trip because they were found to not be working or they were about to be fired for incompetence.

Amen! I have always said that numbers are the easiest thing to manipulate!

OH please. How is the data manipulated? How about starting with the fact that the forecast or objective setting process is a complete dart toss. Throw in shared customers with multiple reps promoting the same product and the lack of accuracy in tracking sales. The whole data model is a fucking joke. Just compare our market share in our reports to our market share in another pharma company's reports; they aren't even close to being the same. Look, if you win COE, God Bless you and have a nice time. But don't think that you did anything special. AZ is full of examples of COE winners who were denied the trip because they were found to not be working or they were about to be fired for incompetence.
With all the non reporting pharmacies, it’s not possible to gather accurate information. Ergo they make it up. I agree they might use a dart board.

You seem to have a very strong opinion about this. Please share what you know about how someone gets “chosen” to reap the rewards. Also, what evidence can you provide to prove that data is manipulated?

Very few are privy to the inner workings. Let’s just say it is about to be exposed. Pages and pages of raw data from IMS as compared with the data pushed down to the field along with data from a competitor have been collected. Glaring examples of misconduct await.