How's this for turnover?


KS, MBS, TR, EB, PF, SH, KW, and now CC (one of last years trip winners).

That's almost 30% in a year with more to come. Great job GE! You're a real leader. And now you appoint JJ as NSD. That should straighten things out.

Next POA, JJs lesson on organizing your trunk.

Isn't it interesting all the RAMs that have come and gone, by choice or not. They get blamed for the poor performance and numbers, but there's been one constant that's been there the whole time. You ever wonder if that's the one that should actually go to make the company successful? Think about it.

Isn't it interesting all the RAMs that have come and gone, by choice or not. They get blamed for the poor performance and numbers, but there's been one constant that's been there the whole time. You ever wonder if that's the one that should actually go to make the company successful? Think about it.
Without clinical development into other areas, there is no chance in this saturated market place that myobloc will go anywhere. What a shame it's falling a lot since solstice. At least you had Rams to call in pairs we knew that it was useless good luck

The turn over here is all because of GE. When is LW going to wake up and get rid of this blow hard. From the stories I here this has been the case since they opened the doors at USWM. We need a motivating leader that supports the sales teams to drive sales. The "gotcha attitude" doesn't work anymore. Can't wait to see the next stale marketing material and admin driven selling strategy that is launched at the next meeting. GET US A NEW PRODUCT OR YOU WONT HAVE ANYONE LEFT TO SELL ANYTHING. forget that get us a new sales leader and we will be happy to sell our shitty products as long as you want.

The latest appointment of NSD is not encouraging. If you read posts from JJs past companies, he was just as terrible there as he is here. Talk to anyone from the central region and the stories of his abuse are legendary. Sometimes makes you wonder how he justifies what a pathetic human being he is and now he gets to rule all of our lives. From some of the stories I've heard from his reps, there is not a hot enough place in hell for him.

Things at the USWM are not going to change. There will be a big fall. Maybe not soon, but it's coming.

Isn't weird that anytime LW or TT are mentioned the post gets removed. Interesting?

They are the two most fun people at every meeting, why say anything about them unless you want things to change. I like our meeting atmosphere exactly the way it is until GE or JJ are around, then we have to fake like we like them. JJ is GE's man....and everyone knows that JJ is a man's man.

The answer is everyone that's there that doesn't mind getting sweat all over them. --- Grosse. I have decided to get implants because that is the only way to presidents club. Bigger the better in this company .