How's Maquet?

Depends on what division you are getting into. EVH for the CV Reps is a huge number and most territories are already heavy Maquet. Competitors are coming after that business hard at very low price points.

Beating Heart is Dying, most Surgeons roll their eyes when TMR is brought up, but their Perfusion systems are solid (Cardiohelp is a cool product).

Balloon Pumps had a recent study come out (IABP-SHOCK II TRIAL) that put some doubt into the therapy. Those reps have a big capital number to hit in an already saturated market.

There's honestly good potential in their anesthesia machines and ventilators, but they're still trying to figure it out. Also, they're a newer system so there's naturally going to be some apprehension vs. a system with a proven track record. Same with their Hybrid OR's. Very nice system but trying to break in at a high price point.

The only other aspect is that Maquet in the US is really a distributor. Germany sets the yearly numbers for the US Sales Force, so reality of the marketplace is somewhat lost in the expectations. Not sure if that helps your decision. There's warts, but every company has them. Good luck.