How would you rate AZ morale on a scale of 1 to 10?

Omg hilarious and 100% accurate. Isn’t that right Karen?

There is not a single more corrupt dept. at AZ than HR. I have worked in Wilmington HQ for over 15 years and have seen the lack of professionalism, favoritism, blatant false or manufactured evidence that comes from HR investigations. Just like Congress, their failures and lawsuit settlements resulting from their behavior when conducting investigations, are hushed up with payouts and agreements to silence us.

left a few years ago now but still feel damaged by my time at AZ. Culture is unbelievably toxic - can't understand how it's possible to make so many people behave in such a nasty way

left a few years ago now but still feel damaged by my time at AZ. Culture is unbelievably toxic - can't understand how it's possible to make so many people behave in such a nasty way
I would have disagreed about the toxic culture until this year. It’s surprising what cbd and dsm are allowed to get away with. Really sad that I no longer recommend AZ as a good place to work.

left a few years ago now but still feel damaged by my time at AZ. Culture is unbelievably toxic - can't understand how it's possible to make so many people behave in such a nasty way
Move on, will you? My goodness. Why are you holding on to your AZ experience? Just treat it as a part of life, growing pains, if you will. Go see a shrink if that’ll help.

Why would a great company like AZ, that has great leadership and management talent, allow the morale to sink to this level? Why would our great leaders allow this to happen? My sense is that this is part of an overall plan to disenfranchise as many people as possible to leave on their own. People leaving on their own is a hell of a lot cheaper than having to pay out even a nominal separation package. So we have people leaving on their own that have gotten screwed in one way or another and major parts of the company being spun off under separate umbrellas (like Oncology and Medimmune). If you were the board of directors you would want to keep the areas of the company that show promise and long term growth. This disqualifies every TA other than Oncology and Medimmune and creates a situation in which the winners are kept and the losers are put up for sale. Who are the losers? If you are in Diabetes, CV, or Respiratory you are dead meat. Tick Tock. If you can stick around until the March bonus you would do well to check out and protect yourself! The band is playing and we are on the Titanic!

Why would a great company like AZ, that has great leadership and management talent, allow the morale to sink to this level? Why would our great leaders allow this to happen? My sense is that this is part of an overall plan to disenfranchise as many people as possible to leave on their own. People leaving on their own is a hell of a lot cheaper than having to pay out even a nominal separation package. So we have people leaving on their own that have gotten screwed in one way or another and major parts of the company being spun off under separate umbrellas (like Oncology and Medimmune). If you were the board of directors you would want to keep the areas of the company that show promise and long term growth. This disqualifies every TA other than Oncology and Medimmune and creates a situation in which the winners are kept and the losers are put up for sale. Who are the losers? If you are in Diabetes, CV, or Respiratory you are dead meat. Tick Tock. If you can stick around until the March bonus you would do well to check out and protect yourself! The band is playing and we are on the Titanic!

Great leadership? What the fuck are you smoking?

LOL Medimmune ROFL

WTF has Medi delivered except spending money ??

The single biggest cancer that is robbing AstraZeneca of life is called MedImmune.


However speak to any of the Medi people and they can tell you why they are great !!

LOL Medimmune ROFL

WTF has Medi delivered except spending money ??

The single biggest cancer that is robbing AstraZeneca of life is called MedImmune.


However speak to any of the Medi people and they can tell you why they are great !!

With the arrogance to match

Medimmune has a higher pay scale than AZ. Ergo why respiratory biologics and oncology were moved there. What they pay us on the AZ side isn’t enough to recruit for biologics. But I bet that the respiratory specialty team will be carrying the new drug soon. But they won’t be compensating specialty with the same dollars. That is why MedImmune exists not because it brings anything to the table.

so much bitter jealousy in our world. As soon as we are done taking down one regime it’s not long before the next one is on the hit list from the savages below who cannot get there themselves. We are very fortunate. Count your blessings and remember if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. I imagine those complaining the most are the ones nobody even knows are there.

so much bitter jealousy in our world. As soon as we are done taking down one regime it’s not long before the next one is on the hit list from the savages below who cannot get there themselves. We are very fortunate. Count your blessings and remember if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. I imagine those complaining the most are the ones nobody even knows are there.

STFU Prick