How would you rate AZ morale on a scale of 1 to 10?

Leadership has alot to be desired: 2
Benefits,pensions cut or modified:1
Leadership hasn't a clue what's going on:2
Me too products, why can't we be leaders vs followers? :1
1.5 overall

I can't wait to get the hell out of this joke of a company. Only a handful of people will ever retire from this place. Now they are telling us that we have to be 55 with 10 years of service by a date certain. I have been with this ass wipe of a company for 15 years and won't make the cutoff. As soon as I get my bonus in March I am out of here!!

As for the all day lie......keep it going for as long as you can, but it will never compensate you for the things they are taking away from us. We are nothing more than fools by staying here.

You can't help but think that this is part of a plan to get as many people to leave without any severance while at the same time sweetening the pot for a merger or takeover. Pathetic.

I can't wait to get the hell out of this joke of a company. Only a handful of people will ever retire from this place. Now they are telling us that we have to be 55 with 10 years of service by a date certain. I have been with this ass wipe of a company for 15 years and won't make the cutoff. As soon as I get my bonus in March I am out of here!!

As for the all day lie......keep it going for as long as you can, but it will never compensate you for the things they are taking away from us. We are nothing more than fools by staying here.

You can't help but think that this is part of a plan to get as many people to leave without any severance while at the same time sweetening the pot for a merger or takeover. Pathetic.

Totally agree. It is all done by design to get rid of the older employees. And it just may work. I know some individuals who will miss the cut off by months! With no pension and now no medical coverage, why stick around? Leaving is just what AZ wants you to do.I say, stick it out and stick it to them!

Totally agree. It is all done by design to get rid of the older employees. And it just may work. I know some individuals who will miss the cut off by months! With no pension and now no medical coverage, why stick around? Leaving is just what AZ wants you to do.I say, stick it out and stick it to them!

W/ last December, I know a person who missed the "bridge" of 6 months for qualifying for benefits by 8 days. Yes, 8 days. Guess what the company told them? Just one guess.

2? I know a rep who started a catering business w/ her husband and then added in flipping homes. The all day lie is alive and well.

I know a rep who caters family parties and life events with company funds. Works out deals with caterers who are known to provide perks for reps in the industry. This one goes above and beyond the occasional gift certificate and the “wink wink” bill on this date and deliver on this date arrangements we have all witnessed through the years. Manager can’t speak enough about this shining star. Rumor has it DM did the same when DM carried a bag, so DM is forced to look the other way. I estimate the rep’s embezzlement to be upward of $2000 per year. Can’t imagine how much was skimmed when we had unlimited budgets.

I know a rep who caters family parties and life events with company funds. Works out deals with caterers who are known to provide perks for reps in the industry. This one goes above and beyond the occasional gift certificate and the “wink wink” bill on this date and deliver on this date arrangements we have all witnessed through the years. Manager can’t speak enough about this shining star. Rumor has it DM did the same when DM carried a bag, so DM is forced to look the other way. I estimate the rep’s embezzlement to be upward of $2000 per year. Can’t imagine how much was skimmed when we had unlimited budgets.

HR here call me I will make sure the guilty parties are cleared and will make sure you are punished for calling me call in the next 15 minutes and I will throw some made up shit into your personnel file

getting back to morale, I would rate it a 2.

Only good thing is the all day lie being used by everyone I know including my DSM.

The bad: look at the number of responses about layoffs. This has been created by the culture of us vs. them prevalent at AZ. Career Ladder definitions and criteria always seeming to change, DSM giving out below 3 ratings to the majority of their team, yet they get a “meets”. How does that happen?

AZ just sucks and yes I am looking. Grass has to be greener than this cesspool.

You ask how the team can get beat up yet he gets a "meets" is simple. Someone likes him (or her as the case may be). There is so much $$ in the pie. It's a zero sum game. There is no such thing as a career here, and no-one will ever retire from this hell hole. Another reason why this place eats the big one.

I rate it 1...terrible culture with an even worse working environment. Exactly why I recently left! It is such a shame since it was so good when I first started. See you all on the other side.