You said Aricept and Aciphex will be well over billion. Yeah right. You should be part of the home office forecasting group since you're as clueless as them.
What about Critical Care and Lymphoma?
Agree with most points except- living in territory. Last time they moved most reps around to different territories, and most had really long commutes, none of it made any business sense.
Also no one is safe! They will lay you off if you are new, old, young, sick, dying, out on sick leave--- they dont care and everyone is a target. I will say if your DM loves/is going to bed with you--- you will be safe!
I would hope on the oncology side that current DM input is weighted much. Due to the restructure 4 months ago, half the reps from both clinic and hospital are reporting to new DM's that don't know them well enough to make objective and fair assessments. Many DM's will likely be biased towards their longstanding reps and those that came from their side of the business. If they are evaluating multiple reps in a given geography, the natural tendency will be to try take care of their own in most cases. Eisai could be setting themselves up for possible legal trouble if input only comes from current DM's and not previous as well.
If they are going to listen to input from field leadership, more weighting should be placed on the RSD's assessment of their reps. They manage both teams and sides and most should have a pretty good handle on who the reps are in the region that have the best skills and work ethic to help the organization succeed going forward.
You're kidding right? Most of the RSDs are new and so are the DMs, fresh from primary care. They don't know the reps and don't know the business.
Listen to new voicemail. Give me your thoughts.
You guys need to stop worrying about it. Decision was made last time by consultants. I'm telling you they can not tear this down and rebuild it in only 1 month. Think about it. It takes how long to get a freaking target removed to Focus? And you think they can do this? You all have seen how inept "leaders" are in this company. Have a freaking brain. I know Lonnel contradicted this in the town hall but OB also said just a month ago there would be no layoffs.
this has been in the works for a LONG time now. This has been coming since Sep/Oct at the very least. Hell, LC said as much in Dec, in fact, he was just setting up Friday's meeting.
My guess is that the 3 layers at the top will survive and the rank in file will be pummeled. Eisai has a culture of outsourcing anyway. The layer of workers was quite thin in the HO.
There are a lot of hard workers in WCL, but there is a lot more dead wood. It's a pity much of the dead wood is what will survive this thing. This company is a farce. I hope I keep my job, but ONLY so I have time to pick my next move. I've been selective for a long time now, but it's time to broaden the net.
I tend to agree with your assessment...especially that the dead wood is what Lonnel will keep. The only decent thing he said yesterday was that consultants needed to go before employees. Now, that may just have been lip-service for the sake of employees so that later when they keep all the consultants, we can't say that he didn't try.
Not that's funny. Very true, but so funny
You guys need to stop worrying about it. Decision was made last time by consultants. I'm telling you they can not tear this down and rebuild it in only 1 month. Think about it. It takes how long to get a freaking target removed to Focus? And you think they can do this? You all have seen how inept "leaders" are in this company. Have a freaking brain. I know Lonnel contradicted this in the town hall but OB also said just a month ago there would be no layoffs.
Yeah, I got this feeling from our "debrief" conference call yesterday. The message from the dm was to stay focused and sell as much halaven as you can between now and the end of March, but we all know that the decisions have already been made as to who will stay and who will be let go.