How will the stock do over the next four years?

These laboratory GLP1 hormones are perfect for Robert Kennedy. Once safety concerns present themselves, Robert Kennedy is going to have a field day. This is going to be a very public trial of the pharmaceutical industry at large. I will make some popcorn and watch this shit show unfold.

Does it make sense to artificially force the healthy pancreas to produce and store insulin with mega doses of long acting laboratory GLP1, and then give the pancreas less “glucose dependent” release of stored insulin? Less opportunities to release stored insulin because people are eating less and loosing weight. This is truly Frankenstein science at its best. I hope Robert Kennedy learns of this situation and puts an end to it.

Does it make sense to artificially force the healthy pancreas to produce and store insulin with mega doses of long acting laboratory GLP1, and then give the pancreas less “glucose dependent” release of stored insulin? Less opportunities to release stored insulin because people are eating less and loosing weight. This is truly Frankenstein science at its best. I hope Robert Kennedy learns of this situation and puts an end to it.
You can get "Free GLP-1" with exercise alone Europe PMC

Does it make sense to artificially force the healthy pancreas to produce and store insulin with mega doses of long acting laboratory GLP1, and then give the pancreas less “glucose dependent” release of stored insulin? Less opportunities to release stored insulin because people are eating less and loosing weight. This is truly Frankenstein science at its best. I hope Robert Kennedy learns of this situation and puts an end to it.
Free GLP Europe PMC through exercise ;-)

Does it make sense to artificially force the healthy pancreas to produce and store insulin with mega doses of long acting laboratory GLP1, and then give the pancreas less “glucose dependent” release of stored insulin? Less opportunities to release stored insulin because people are eating less and loosing weight. This is truly Frankenstein science at its best. I hope Robert Kennedy learns of this situation and puts an end to it.
glp-1 gets secreted during exercise. It's freeeeeee

How did your weight loss product get through pre clinical testing? Usually when significant cancer formation occurs is rats, research in humans is not authorized. Please see cancer section in your package insert.

Shock the pancreas!
all those weight loss peptides (I had 600-2000 at last count) are indeed free with regular exercise, including GLP-1 like peptides. Imagine what the whole suite of them would cost as a combined injectable. You'd have to take out a second mortgage on the marbled halls of LCC to buy a vial.

all those weight loss peptides (I had 600-2000 at last count) are indeed free with regular exercise, including GLP-1 like peptides. Imagine what the whole suite of them would cost as a combined injectable. You'd have to take out a second mortgage on the marbled halls of LCC to buy a vial.
hmmm! So what you are saying is.... get the blood plasma of long distance runners, serious weightlifters, etc - then use lcmsms to sift and winnow through it all? Or like the billionaire in Being There (or the English royalty, some say) just get a pint of fresh blood when you are down.

Why would I accept an argument without any evidence? This kind of hyperbole may be better suited to Facebook or Linkedin. It would fit in well with the petabytes of nonsense stored on server farms and firehosed to billions of people daily.

The anti-obesity peptides are fine when used under medical supervision. Hey, once the patient gets into a zone where they are aerobically fit, with great glucose control, optimized waistline, and daily morning wood, hey it's all good. Any man without morning wood is like a day without sunshine.
do i expect to come here and find facts...lmao