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How was your raise this year?

It’s not a “merit” increase. It’s an equity adjustment. The best way to make more $$ is to be above goal/nation performance. We’re in sales. Own your destiny by growing share.

The worst thing is knowing the MRP for your position/level and not even being paid close to that. What a circus show. If they are going to pay average then they will get average. Stay home and just send emails!

It’s not a “merit” increase. It’s an equity adjustment. The best way to make more $$ is to be above goal/nation performance. We’re in sales. Own your destiny by growing share.
It doesn’t work that way at AZ. There is a set percentage and money is taken away from one to give more to another. Even if you win Circle you would be lucky to get one or two percent more than the guy sitting next to you. AZ doesn’t hand out big money for sales and its always at the expense of someone else for what little you get. AZ is not a real sales organization and most of AZ people could never make it in real sales. AZ is a place to make more than an average person but never a place to get rich.

MRP's increased two years in a row. That is rare. This has caused many to fall below the 90% of MRP threshold. Big directive to get people to at least 90%. So, if you are already at or above 100% and your performance and/or behaviors are so-so, expect a lower than average adjustment.

Just the way it is now.

MRP's increased two years in a row. That is rare. This has caused many to fall below the 90% of MRP threshold. Big directive to get people to at least 90%. So, if you are already at or above 100% and your performance and/or behaviors are so-so, expect a lower than average adjustment.

Just the way it is now.

what if I’m at 120% mrp and I was #1 in the country? Oh no raise at all? Fantastic!

It’s always been that way. They call it an “equity” increase and not “merit”. But then they turn around and tell the managers to give a higher percentage to those who had better sales goal attainment. All a charade.

What’s the MRP range for a PCX rep with 20 years experience?

Has to do with career ladder. That's it. You a 20 year vet at a CL 2 or 3, sorry. Be thankful they increased the MRP these last two years so it affords you some room. If your behaviors are so-so and you have two PSS's with similar CL and tenure, the one with better behaviors will get a little more.

What’s the MRP range for a PCX rep with 20 years experience?
Doesn’t matter about experience, mrp’s are tied to career ladder banding in sales. When your hired based on your experience your put in a career ladder band, then if you perform you can move up. MRP”s reflect an average based on other big pharma salaries. AZ pay is fair but by no means at the top of scale you can get elsewhere.

The salary adjustment is no longer a Merit increase. It’s now called Peer Equity according to my DSM and really is about getting reps to a percentile within their Career Ladder rank/range than rewarding performance. If you got a large increase, your manager was trying to get you to the range HR expects, if you got a low increase, you are likely highly compensated for your level. Like it or not, your bonus is the best way to increase your take home pay.

Why do you work for this company? Are you reading the crap you're all writing? It's the shit from Christmas vacation personified. You'd be just as well off with the jelly of the month club. This is insanity

Why do you work for this company? Are you reading the crap you're all writing? It's the shit from Christmas vacation personified. You'd be just as well off with the jelly of the month club. This is insanity

big base salary, 8-10k raises every year, 15k in stock every year… and absolutely no expectation of being good at your job. They’re ok with mediocrity, so am I. It’s a good living for a couple hours a week of work