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how to relocate to another state


Currently living in chicago and want to relocate to warmer state. Florida or southern california, from those who have successfully made a state move what is my best way to go about this? I hate working for my current company so transferring with them would be a last option. Is it possible to apply to jobs in another state?


I'm trying to get rid of a mediocre rep that will always be a low to middle performer. They want to transfer to another city with another company and I'd like to help them move on. How can I help them get another job in another state?

You must be my fat balding manager who is in a loveless marriage with 2 loser children. The additional hatred for your life is fueld by you realizing you will never go any further than the lowest level of management position you are in. Stop blaming your failures and looking for excuses through other people. Do everyone a favor that you work with and go drink some bleach and sit in your running car with your garage closed.

I'm trying to get rid of a mediocre rep that will always be a low to middle performer. They want to transfer to another city with another company and I'd like to help them move on. How can I help them get another job in another state?

Why can't people help oe another around here? To the poster above, you sound like a complete dick. I guess you enjoy having a laugh at someone else's expense.

I have relocated several times. The best way is to relocate than apply for a new job. Companies don't want to pay relocation costs if they can avoid it. And frankly with so many people looking for jobs, they can avoid it. The other option is through your current company. However, most companies will ask that you stay a minimum 12 months after a relo or pay them back.

A recruiter told me add new address (Florida address) to resume and find manager thats open to adding rep to his or her team that doesn't require "relationships" as key factor getting job. Relationships = ridiculous request these days when so many reps may have terrible relationships with current target lists. Wishing recruiters and managers would wake up and realize. Relationships do not sell. The product, company, and representation of both sells quite frankly.

A recruiter told me add new address (Florida address) to resume and find manager thats open to adding rep to his or her team that doesn't require "relationships" as key factor getting job. Relationships = ridiculous request these days when so many reps may have terrible relationships with current target lists. Wishing recruiters and managers would wake up and realize. Relationships do not sell. The product, company, and representation of both sells quite frankly.

In todays current environment, any DM/RD who hires a sales rep without the needed relationships, specifically in the specialty sales arena, is not very bright. You're correct, relationships don't sell, however they do buy access to offices and physicians to give the opportunity to sell. I wouldn't hire anybody without current relationships in the geography.

In todays current environment, any DM/RD who hires a sales rep without the needed relationships, specifically in the specialty sales arena, is not very bright. You're correct, relationships don't sell, however they do buy access to offices and physicians to give the opportunity to sell. I wouldn't hire anybody without current relationships in the geography.

Although your points are well taken in some respects, it is certainly nearsited as well. A great rep with a great track record (multiple president club wins etc.) shouldnt be overlooked just because they were from a different city. A hard working top performer can quickly get up to speed and usually have the personality to make fast relationships. I would hire someone with a great track record over someone that has existing relationships.

a president club win from any big pharma company is a total crock. That win is all based on formally wins plus most pharma and all big pharma companies run pods therefore 1 person claiming they won presidents club due to sales talent is also a total crock because not only is it due to formulary win but also the fact that there is a team of 6+ people for that territory. Plus goaling is also a huge factor combined with formulary wins and multiple reps in that territory. Presidents club is a total lottery.

For example, I work for big pharma the person who is #1 in the whole company was just transferred into that territory 6 months ago with no prior relationship. Their weightings percentages are majority on a product that just had a HUGE win on formulary. That territory has 4 reps in it and 3 of them are weighted less on the product that had a huge formulary win. those 3 reps have been in the territory for 4 years. Those 3 individuals are in the middle of the pack when the person who just got moved into the territory and ended up with majority of their product weightings on the product that had a HUGE formulary win is now number 1 in the nation. This is why presidents club and rankings in pharma is total BS.

If you don't believe in what I am saying then you are either a manager that to stupid to realize what is going on or you are a recruiter who has no idea how pharma works.

because of this PC wins are irrelevant.

a president club win from any big pharma company is a total crock. That win is all based on formally wins plus most pharma and all big pharma companies run pods therefore 1 person claiming they won presidents club due to sales talent is also a total crock because not only is it due to formulary win but also the fact that there is a team of 6+ people for that territory. Plus goaling is also a huge factor combined with formulary wins and multiple reps in that territory. Presidents club is a total lottery.

For example, I work for big pharma the person who is #1 in the whole company was just transferred into that territory 6 months ago with no prior relationship. Their weightings percentages are majority on a product that just had a HUGE win on formulary. That territory has 4 reps in it and 3 of them are weighted less on the product that had a huge formulary win. those 3 reps have been in the territory for 4 years. Those 3 individuals are in the middle of the pack when the person who just got moved into the territory and ended up with majority of their product weightings on the product that had a HUGE formulary win is now number 1 in the nation. This is why presidents club and rankings in pharma is total BS.

If you don't believe in what I am saying then you are either a manager that to stupid to realize what is going on or you are a recruiter who has no idea how pharma works.

because of this PC wins are irrelevant.

Wow, you sound like a complete idiot. I don't know where you work, but Presidents Club where I have always worked is based on single person territories and based on growth. These awards are extremely difficult to win. You sound very jaded and you are uneducated.

Man, I agree with the other poster. You are an idiot. To win President's Club, you have to usually be top 10 to 15 in the whole company for GROWTH. I don't believe your story that they put someone in a high sales territory for 6 months and awarded them President's club for that year as they simply wouldn't qualify and obviously unfair as they haven't even completed a full year. In addition, if someone acquired a very strong territory in sales, it is actually even more difficult as you are fighting against the existing great numbers. You would have to have amazing sales and growth over the existing high numbers as that is what it takes to win President's Club. This is the norm and have never heard anyone bring up such stories as you did.

a president club win from any big pharma company is a total crock. That win is all based on formally wins plus most pharma and all big pharma companies run pods therefore 1 person claiming they won presidents club due to sales talent is also a total crock because not only is it due to formulary win but also the fact that there is a team of 6+ people for that territory. Plus goaling is also a huge factor combined with formulary wins and multiple reps in that territory. Presidents club is a total lottery.

For example, I work for big pharma the person who is #1 in the whole company was just transferred into that territory 6 months ago with no prior relationship. Their weightings percentages are majority on a product that just had a HUGE win on formulary. That territory has 4 reps in it and 3 of them are weighted less on the product that had a huge formulary win. those 3 reps have been in the territory for 4 years. Those 3 individuals are in the middle of the pack when the person who just got moved into the territory and ended up with majority of their product weightings on the product that had a HUGE formulary win is now number 1 in the nation. This is why presidents club and rankings in pharma is total BS.

If you don't believe in what I am saying then you are either a manager that to stupid to realize what is going on or you are a recruiter who has no idea how pharma works.

because of this PC wins are irrelevant.

Being in this industry for nearly 20 years, I can tell you it is not easy winning a Presidents Coub award. Generally everyone knows the winners very well both from their peers and the various divisions inside the company as they are hard workers and incredibly consistent. Special recognition especially to those that have back to back wins which is nearly impossible as Presidents club is based on growing the business. If a Presidents Coub winner wins one year, then the following year their biggest competition is their great numbers the year prior and they somehow have to increase it again. My hats to anyone that has had a back to back Presidents Club award and they have my total respect!

well thank you very much!!
I have 4 Pres Clubs within 5 years under my belt - both back to back, switched products and territory in between. I always felt that the momentum from the first Pres Club win carried me ( so to speak) into the next win.

Parlayed the 2nd back to back into a position at another company with a much higher base.

That was many years ago -
Came close, but never won again......as those previous to me stated, Managed Care, Formulary wins and losses, now drive the "winners", not hard work, preparation, good relationships etc.


Here is what you do:

1. Apply for the jobs, and secure the interviews.

2. Take an unpaid leave of absence (stress related, family issues, personal issues, etc).

3. Go on your interviews and nail them.

Stay on leave until you get the job. I would recommend doing this in March, as the job market is best around March-April.

Good luck. Let us know how you made out.

well thank you very much!!
I have 4 Pres Clubs within 5 years under my belt - both back to back, switched products and territory in between. I always felt that the momentum from the first Pres Club win carried me ( so to speak) into the next win.

Parlayed the 2nd back to back into a position at another company with a much higher base.

That was many years ago -
Came close, but never won again......as those previous to me stated, Managed Care, Formulary wins and losses, now drive the "winners", not hard work, preparation, good relationships etc.

That's such bullshit and I can tell you are a dishonest person filled with excuses. Mining a back to back presidents club is extremely difficult since it is based on growth and you are competiting against your own numbers. If anything, you will see a high year then the next year a low year and then the 3rd year a high year when they have adjusted your numbers from a poor performing 2nd year. Your last sentences are pathetic because in the end if you aren't a hard worker, you won't get anywhere. You are nothing but bullshit.

well thank you very much!!
I have 4 Pres Clubs within 5 years under my belt - both back to back, switched products and territory in between. I always felt that the momentum from the first Pres Club win carried me ( so to speak) into the next win.

Parlayed the 2nd back to back into a position at another company with a much higher base.

That was many years ago -
Came close, but never won again......as those previous to me stated, Managed Care, Formulary wins and losses, now drive the "winners", not hard work, preparation, good relationships etc.

What a stupid post. I can say a lot of garbage about this industry, but I will say to get a Presidents club away back to back is a very difficult achievement and shouldn't be stated it wa due to momentum or luck. You may be able to say that with one year but if they are basing it on increasing market share than that Presidents club award winner is going to have to climb a mountain to win it.