How To Deal With A Boss Who Annoys You


A few of you have had a boss you cannot stand, everything they say and do totally annoys you. However, do not give your notice just yet. Gallup reports that 50% of employees have left a position because of a boss. This also means you have a 50% chance of having another boss with the same personality traits and leadership skills that turn you off. A better plan may be to come up with a strategy for dealing with an unfit boss. For example, you do not have to like all the clients you work with, but you typically come up with a plan to grow your business. Look at your boss the same way. It is important for your career growth to work well with your boss, so instead of quitting build a strategy for career growth by learning how to work with your boss.

A few of you have had a boss you cannot stand, everything they say and do totally annoys you. However, do not give your notice just yet. Gallup reports that 50% of employees have left a position because of a boss. This also means you have a 50% chance of having another boss with the same personality traits and leadership skills that turn you off. A better plan may be to come up with a strategy for dealing with an unfit boss. For example, you do not have to like all the clients you work with, but you typically come up with a plan to grow your business. Look at your boss the same way. It is important for your career growth to work well with your boss, so instead of quitting build a strategy for career growth by learning how to work with your boss.
Lilly managers require lots of buttkissing and bald head stroking.

A few of you have had a boss you cannot stand, everything they say and do totally annoys you. However, do not give your notice just yet. Gallup reports that 50% of employees have left a position because of a boss. This also means you have a 50% chance of having another boss with the same personality traits and leadership skills that turn you off. A better plan may be to come up with a strategy for dealing with an unfit boss. For example, you do not have to like all the clients you work with, but you typically come up with a plan to grow your business. Look at your boss the same way. It is important for your career growth to work well with your boss, so instead of quitting build a strategy for career growth by learning how to work with your boss.

Bullshit! Find a job that pays more and quit. No need to work with a fool. Idiot bosses don't deserve my time or effort.

Perhaps a more immediate suggestion might be to look at the outcome you desire from an interaction from your manager and reverse engineer the experience. What about the encounter triggers a fight or flight response? Anger? Feeling unappreciated and undervalued? What does this experience tell you about you? How might you change the outcome by experimenting with a different responsive behavior? What do you have to lose by experimenting with a change in perspective and a shift in the conversation before seeking new employment?

Perhaps a more immediate suggestion might be to look at the outcome you desire from an interaction from your manager and reverse engineer the experience. What about the encounter triggers a fight or flight response? Anger? Feeling unappreciated and undervalued? What does this experience tell you about you? How might you change the outcome by experimenting with a different responsive behavior? What do you have to lose by experimenting with a change in perspective and a shift in the conversation before seeking new employment?
It is a lot better to become self employed!! Create your own future!

Same question - coming from minority section and feeling bullied in the work space by manager. I called out their bullshit in front of another manager. Now I am getting reprimanded and some serious false allegations regarding discrimination. Obv I am assuming the manager wants to save their ass..has anybody had a way out in the past against such racial discrimination?