How to convert an endo Gia user to echelOn

That's right! Echelon is a workhorse and will motor thru anything thin or thick. It's a robust device built for a man's man. You see, most men like tools and can appreciate "over engineering"
Save the endo Gia for the women surgeons or the men light on their feet if you know what I mean.

That's right! Echelon is a workhorse and will motor thru anything thin or thick. It's a robust device built for a man's man. You see, most men like tools and can appreciate "over engineering"
Save the endo Gia for the women surgeons or the men light on their feet if you know what I mean.

Yes, it is robust...and then you fire it and it jams. How robust.

I'm amazed at how reps make such a big deal about products that no one really gives a flying - F about. Honestly, it's like you are trying to be the biggest ass kisser to your respective companies. You sell staplers! Wake up! It is not that serious.

Didn't one of the ethicon companies just screw have it's sales force and fired them? Didn't EES just buy a reprocessing company after spending years and possibly millions in law suits saying that it infrienged on patents, is unsafe and unhealthy?

My point is that you should wake up and realize that this shit is all about makin money and you should be asking yourself, am I makin money or just being sold a bag of magic beans? ( not does my stapler make better B's)

What do you sell dipshit - let me guess plates and screws. Now thats some real technically differentiated shit. Next time you have your bowel lopped off and put back together, you better hope there are some Bs there.

What do you sell dipshit - let me guess plates and screws. Now thats some real technically differentiated shit. Next time you have your bowel lopped off and put back together, you better hope there are some Bs there.

Yup...teling the surgeon to put the gun on his desired part of the bowel and squeezing the trigger is so challenging.......

Yup...teling the surgeon to put the gun on his desired part of the bowel and squeezing the trigger is so challenging.......

How about instructing a surgeon to utilize a triple stapling technique to avoid purse string failure in a LAR? Better than saying this screw is made of Ti and will countersink? I think you have a future at Lowes

How about instructing a surgeon to utilize a triple stapling technique to avoid purse string failure in a LAR? Better than saying this screw is made of Ti and will countersink? I think you have a future at Lowes

ahahahahahhaha. i literally just shit myself laughing at your post! good post doc! tell me how many surgeons close anymore? they dont need a lesson in closing. most of them let the PA or the tech do it.

the only thing funnier is when i saw an ethicon rep stand there during the entire case just to show the tech how to shoot some hemostat into the incision. the doc looked at him and said "you waited all this time to watch me do that, dont you have better things to do"?

ahahahahahhaha. i literally just shit myself laughing at your post! good post doc! tell me how many surgeons close anymore? they dont need a lesson in closing. most of them let the PA or the tech do it.

the only thing funnier is when i saw an ethicon rep stand there during the entire case just to show the tech how to shoot some hemostat into the incision. the doc looked at him and said "you waited all this time to watch me do that, dont you have better things to do"?

wasnt referring to closing dumb ass, you just stand in the back and point out screws. better yet lug that shit all around town and blow kisses to your suck buddy at fedex