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How Texas handles wonderful children who never should have been born

This is sickening. Those poor little children.............

Here's a situation that produces them. Of course Mr Bible Boy (aka Anonopussy) thinks it's better to allow these kids into a life of misery when they would have a free hall pass to heaven for eternity. When conception occurs, cells combine to form the structure that will support life at birth - if birth occurs. Interrupting that isn't murder, it is pregnancy termination. I don't think Mr Bible Boy really believes in heaven or his god that can get a teenager pregnant 'immaculately'. I think he likes it when they suffer. He thinks it's part of 'god's perfect plan'.


There is no such thing as god who has a kingdom and yes, people with scientific knowledge can delete the goo and save a lot of misery. Don't know who should be born? What kind of cult are you in Smoothie. God gets an 'F' for the job he's doing, screw him, we're taking over. If he wants to step up to the plate like a man, let him part the skies and kill some fucking ISIS people.

Vag! You genius you! What are you doing wasting your time on CP?

You must share your marvelous discovery with the larger world, for apparently you have found a way to do what nobody has before! You apparently have found a way to prove a negative! For you boldly assert that God does not exist! Please before you leave CP please enlighten us as to how you did this!

I can only state that the world we live in, our very existence could not have come about by random chance. That's a statistical fact. It's so close to absolute zero as to be indistinguishable from absolute zero. Oh, and then there's the little logical hurdle of information arising randomly, something that in the history of science has never been observed!

What does it all mean? It means that your post is a prime example of why educated, serious people on here know that you are a total joke.

Scientifically there is no difference between you and goo. Only time, only stage of development. Now that is SCIENTIFIC FACT!

And as for your not liking God's way of Doing things that's kinda like a slug giving you a grade of F, He doesn't care at all. Well not until time for you to get YOUR report card from HIM.

But as I've said before, be glad God leaves us free will in this life to use for Good or evil. Otherwise He would make it that your little pee pee would never get hard because all you want to do is misuse it.

If you're not smart enough to agree with me, at least don't make a joke of yourself with dime store theology. Good grief!!!!!

Vag! You genius you! What are you doing wasting your time on CP?

You must share your marvelous discovery with the larger world, for apparently you have found a way to do what nobody has before! You apparently have found a way to prove a negative! For you boldly assert that God does not exist! Please before you leave CP please enlighten us as to how you did this!

I can only state that the world we live in, our very existence could not have come about by random chance. That's a statistical fact. It's so close to absolute zero as to be indistinguishable from absolute zero. Oh, and then there's the little logical hurdle of information arising randomly, something that in the history of science has never been observed!

What does it all mean? It means that your post is a prime example of why educated, serious people on here know that you are a total joke.

Scientifically there is no difference between you and goo. Only time, only stage of development. Now that is SCIENTIFIC FACT!

And as for your not liking God's way of Doing things that's kinda like a slug giving you a grade of F, He doesn't care at all. Well not until time for you to get YOUR report card from HIM.

But as I've said before, be glad God leaves us free will in this life to use for Good or evil. Otherwise He would make it that your little pee pee would never get hard because all you want to do is misuse it.

If you're not smart enough to agree with me, at least don't make a joke of yourself with dime store theology. Good grief!!!!!

Read up on the BOSS galaxy. Your knowledge of odds would be a speck in a gnat's crack.
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You're the one that needs to educate yourself.

I'm correct. Period. There is no way that life could develop by chance given even the oldest estimates of the earth's age.

Learn some probability, slack jaw.

Dude, both ideas are mind boggling. 1) The fact the Universe contains so many elements and has physical laws - could these all combine and produce life? Hard to imagine but one of 2 possibilities. 2) The idea that life in the image of god could not occur without god creating it. Wow, that's hard to imagine as well but it also implies the need for a creator - so - the question you always shrivel from is this: Who created god? Was it a random occurrence? Or did someone have to create him just like someone had to create life on earth.

Until you can tell me that, we have a coin toss. Until then, eat well and make love often, life is short so make it sweet. :cool::cool::cool:
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Dude, both ideas are mind boggling. 1) The fact the Universe contains so many elements and has physical laws - could these all combine and produce life? Hard to imagine but one of 2 possibilities. 2) The idea that life in the image of god could not occur without god creating it. Wow, that's hard to imagine as well but it also implies the need for a creator - so - the question you always shrivel from is this: Who created god? Was it a random occurrence? Or did someone have to create him just like someone had to create life on earth.

Until you can tell me that, we have a coin toss. Until then, eat well and make love often, life is short so make it sweet. :cool::cool::cool:
Vag, I like the way you put it............

Dude, both ideas are mind boggling. 1) The fact the Universe contains so many elements and has physical laws - could these all combine and produce life? Hard to imagine but one of 2 possibilities. 2) The idea that life in the image of god could not occur without god creating it. Wow, that's hard to imagine as well but it also implies the need for a creator - so - the question you always shrivel from is this: Who created god? Was it a random occurrence? Or did someone have to create him just like someone had to create life on earth.

Until you can tell me that, we have a coin toss. Until then, eat well and make love often, life is short so make it sweet. :cool::cool::cool:

The answer to #1 is NO. That's the point. There is not enough time for life to have arisen out of random chance combinations of biochemicals. Calculations can be made and the probability is essentially absolute zero. Now how many other things would you believe in or bet on that had an absolute probability indistinguishable from zero?

See here's your problem. As unlikely as stuff like Noah's Ark and Jesus rising from the dead and flying around may be to you, you can't do a probability analysis of it. It either happened In history or it didn't. But I'll take my chances with Bible stories over things that based upon statistics and science I KNOW HAVE ZERO CHANCE OF HAVING HAPPENED.

Hear me very clearly here, I may be wrong about what I believe. Granted it is fantastical. But at least it does have the advantages of being the best answer to the questions that our lives present us with and it doesn't have a probability of absolute zero.

#2 I have never shriveled from any question you posed. You're just incredibly hard headed. Something has to be ultimate reality. Something has to be the prime mover, the uncaused, the uncreated.

It makes more logical sense to believe that that is an intelligent supernatural being we refer to as God than to believe that it is a merely material universe which has always existed and which through random chance created us. Again based upon hard science and mathematics we know it couldn't have happened that way.

I assume you know at least a little biology. Is abiogenesis allowed? Has it ever been observed? Has life ever arisen from nonlife?

Have we ever seen intelligence arise from no intelligence? Order from chaos? Have we ever seen information arise randomly?

The existence of complex systems presupposes a creator. If you discover a watch, you figure somebody made it. You don't assume that it just sprang into existence. You don't find a computer and just assume that it sprang into existence without an intelligence behind it and you certainly don't think that information rich code without which the computer needs in order to be useful just spontaneously assembled itself. No you realize that an intelligent being had to write that information rich code.

Dude, you don't believe in God because you don't want him to exist. You want to be God. You dont want to have to answer to anyone. You want to be able to pursue your hedonistic lifestyle u encumbered by thinking that one day you may have to answer to God for your behavior. And it goes far beyond sex, but you seem very fixated on sex so that's just an obvious example.

The answer to #1 is NO. That's the point. There is not enough time for life to have arisen out of random chance combinations of biochemicals. Calculations can be made and the probability is essentially absolute zero. Now how many other things would you believe in or bet on that had an absolute probability indistinguishable from zero?

See here's your problem. As unlikely as stuff like Noah's Ark and Jesus rising from the dead and flying around may be to you, you can't do a probability analysis of it. It either happened In history or it didn't. But I'll take my chances with Bible stories over things that based upon statistics and science I KNOW HAVE ZERO CHANCE OF HAVING HAPPENED.

Hear me very clearly here, I may be wrong about what I believe. Granted it is fantastical. But at least it does have the advantages of being the best answer to the questions that our lives present us with and it doesn't have a probability of absolute zero.

#2 I have never shriveled from any question you posed. You're just incredibly hard headed. Something has to be ultimate reality. Something has to be the prime mover, the uncaused, the uncreated.

It makes more logical sense to believe that that is an intelligent supernatural being we refer to as God than to believe that it is a merely material universe which has always existed and which through random chance created us. Again based upon hard science and mathematics we know it couldn't have happened that way.

I assume you know at least a little biology. Is abiogenesis allowed? Has it ever been observed? Has life ever arisen from nonlife?

Have we ever seen intelligence arise from no intelligence? Order from chaos? Have we ever seen information arise randomly?
Again, if god is intelligence and intelligence must arrive from creation or other intelligence, who created your god? Can't answer can you?

I've already successfully answered. You are just too dense to understand it. It's like I'm trying to teach calculus to a monkey. A slow-witted monkey.

What or who created god.... Got an answer? Didn't think so.

People believe what their parents taught them. That's why you're a Christian and that's why Muslims are Muslims. It has nothing to do with reality.

What or who created god.... Got an answer? Didn't think so.

People believe what their parents taught them. That's why you're a Christian and that's why Muslims are Muslims. It has nothing to do with reality.

What or who created the universe? Got an answer? I didn't think so.

I've got an answer. One that is in line with logic and with the fact that the universe could not have created us through blind, random chance. That answer is God. Asking who created God is really stupid because we already know that SOMETHING has to be foundational reality. Whatever you are tempted to answer, you can poke at it and ask well where did that come from? Foundational reality is foundational. It has no antecedent!

Again, SOMETHING has to be foundational reality. You just don't want it to be God because of the cramp it would put in your chosen lifestyle. You are laughably transparent.

You are proof that your family theory doesn't hold up. Or were you just the slow-witted monkey that the teaching didn't take on? :D

What or who created the universe? Got an answer? I didn't think so.

I've got an answer. One that is in line with logic and with the fact that the universe could not have created us through blind, random chance. That answer is God. Asking who created God is really stupid because we already know that SOMETHING has to be foundational reality. Whatever you are tempted to answer, you can poke at it and ask well where did that come from? Foundational reality is foundational. It has no antecedent!

Again, SOMETHING has to be foundational reality. You just don't want it to be God because of the cramp it would put in your chosen lifestyle. You are laughably transparent.

You are proof that your family theory doesn't hold up. Or were you just the slow-witted monkey that the teaching didn't take on? :D

Nice dodge, you proffer a theory based on 'everything must be created' then go on another tangent. Once again, say hello to President Trump. He doesn't bother god too much (because he knows it's BS) but he does eat the crackers and drink the wine. I did that, wine is good, pussy is better. Together - what more could you want?