I would assume that poster was joking about it being Jonah. However, now we all know that you're the crazy 'positive poster'.
Keep up the good fight!
Keep up the good fight!
Yes, sellers sell. Duhhh McFly. BUT they can sell a helluva lot better in a supportive NON-asshole/egotistical type environment (and appreciate their company/mgmt alot more) than the environment that "leads by intimidation and fear"...and I can guarantee you that! Sure. Maybe a lot of people DO want the jobs at Medicis. But how long do they want them once they have them? Turnover there is pretty damn high to indicate any other point.
Ya know....many people want a lot of things that aren't necessarily "good" for their mental and physical well-being until they pay the consequences first-hand. There are ALWAYS trade offs, but some tradeoffs cost you a lot more than others. Many find out sooner than later that money is NOT everything in life, and I imagine the Medicis job puts that in the forefront for MANY. However, once the golden handcuffs start, many aren't strong enough or financially equipped enough to make the decision that is best for them. And those that think money is the end-all.....well, they usually learn way too late about those consequences and have regrets...and some don't open up their eyes to those paying the price around them. Then, some are so shallow that they go to their grave never learning what's really impt in life.
Plain and simple, most jobs that pay the high comp want a great deal out of you in return....and you DO trade off part of yourself for that gold under the rainbow. You gotta rank your priorities and if money and prestige is up there, I'm sure Jonah can find you a good place. And if you are tough as nails, then you won't be bothered by the way they mange their "valued employees."
Getting off my soapbox. Enjoy your high paying job. I know I have learned my lesson and will be making the choice to have more life fulfillment than Medicis will ever offer me. No money in the world is worth it to me. I can now say that first-hand.
yep, jonah has tons of time to hang out on cafe pharma. seems that for a single person you should be taking advantage of medicis univ and going to a few electives on analysis and targeting. Sorry to hear you are unhappy because that happens... it has certainly happened to me. Seems like the only choice you have is to leave or find some good support outside of your current circle of influence. If you leave, make sure you are really looking at the company culture and the culture of this industry as a whole. This industry is changing faster and faster and if you cannot "follow the cheese" then you will be left unhappy. Just my 2 cents
news flash- cheese stinks, people are rats and this place sucks!
I think the responses you received were from people that honestly have very little sales skills and appreciates the 10-2 work mentality. That is not the type of company this is, but they do pay for hard work. I do not kill myself and I do extremely well here. Don't listen to the stay at home moms
Thank you very much for this insight. I make a good deal of money (about the same as I am being quoted for this medicis job) in my current sales position.
I am currently in device sales, and cover a very large geography. Currently spending teo-three nughts on the road. Got a call from a recruiter regarding the new injectable you guys are launching early 2009 that will compete w/ Botox. The recruiter mentioned $140-$190,000. Is this accurate? Can anyone give some serious replys on "actual" annual earning potential? A lot of the posters seem pretty bitter. Why is it so bad @ Medicis?
What was the base they mentioned? Car? Bennies?
don't waste your time onthis crazy outfit. Docs say they can;t wait til competition to botox comes out just so they can switch. Just gives them something to bitch about and sound like big balls. Believe you me, most are just getting botox down to a science. they won;t risk patient base by changing to this new stuff overnight like all the overlyeager reps think . grow up. One screw up on the conversion and their ass is on the line. don't count on them moving too fast. Itll come down to intense traiing on botox and then reloxin. not a chance with medicis sorry excuse for a training department. And then, this sales force will actually have to aspeak clinically against a product like botox. Better redesign the crystal pins to have something in your bag you are trained to talk about - cause it ain't science. bone heads
I worked at Medicis not too long ago. They treat their sales reps horribly. I could go into long explanations about why this company stinks but I choose to block out the way in which I was treated. They manage by intimidation and fear. I knew it was time to leave when I had my year end review, I was given a raise, a promotion, company stock and additional vacation time and I was still made to feel like shit. I would stongly recommend passing on this company you will thank me later.
Would a completely anonymous hot line help to remove the fear from current employees wary of retribution?
Couldn't have been said better - the WORST and lowest group of people ever! I am ashamed to ever say I worked for this company - thank god I am out with a great company and work for people of integrity : )