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How Pfizer Saved Millions By Dumping Its Retirees On Medicare

OK-one more time for the slow people. Your company does NOT owe you life time health care. Your government does NOT owe you life time health care. You make a VERY good living. How about SAVING a little something for that rainy day? Take some of that 401k money you've been putting away for the past 20 years, and some of the BIG lump sum payment you'll get if you stick with the company until you retire and you'll be able to pay for your healthcare.

First of all, we don't need you to lecture the retirees on what we should and should not do. We're all adults and we aren't slow. I dedicated my life to this company going out everyday representing Pfizer in the most professional way I could. I helped to launch Lipitor and worked by butt off making millions in profits for the corporation. Getting up at 5:00 in the morning for a hospital display and then having a dinner program that evening staying out till 10:00 PM. I never complained, because I took pride in doing what I did. Does this company owe me anything, Yes they do. There was a sacred bond that if you went out and did your job, you would be taken care of with health benefits when you retired. Don't try to tell me that these benefits are being elimnated by other companies. I know too many friends who pay less that what I do each month for their medical benefits after they retire.
I'm not looking for a handout, but I am looking for Pfizer, which touts their values so proudly, to examine itself. This company has been so mismanaged over past years that it is sickening. How many of us have lost options that were given to us that are now underwater. This was part of our incentive compensation package for doing a good job. Because of management doing their jobs poorly, they get off without paying out anything.

Like I said, I'm not looking for any free handouts. I'm just expecting that this corporation to show some support for the years given by the retirees out there today. Will I receive some smartass replies, you betcha. Just don't lecture us who put the time in and paved the way for the representatives today.

First of all, we don't need you to lecture the retirees on what we should and should not do. We're all adults and we aren't slow. I dedicated my life to this company going out everyday representing Pfizer in the most professional way I could. I helped to launch Lipitor and worked by butt off making millions in profits for the corporation. Getting up at 5:00 in the morning for a hospital display and then having a dinner program that evening staying out till 10:00 PM. I never complained, because I took pride in doing what I did. Does this company owe me anything, Yes they do. There was a sacred bond that if you went out and did your job, you would be taken care of with health benefits when you retired. Don't try to tell me that these benefits are being elimnated by other companies. I know too many friends who pay less that what I do each month for their medical benefits after they retire.
I'm not looking for a handout, but I am looking for Pfizer, which touts their values so proudly, to examine itself. This company has been so mismanaged over past years that it is sickening. How many of us have lost options that were given to us that are now underwater. This was part of our incentive compensation package for doing a good job. Because of management doing their jobs poorly, they get off without paying out anything.

Like I said, I'm not looking for any free handouts. I'm just expecting that this corporation to show some support for the years given by the retirees out there today. Will I receive some smartass replies, you betcha. Just don't lecture us who put the time in and paved the way for the representatives today.

Well said, thank you for what you did! I fear for the future of this country after reading some posts on this site.

To the poster who said some of us were slow. Look A**HOLE, FYI, not everyone gets to stay til they reach retirement age...And, then when you're laid off you DO NOT get your pension in a lump sum if you're WL. Ok, now who's slow...Your 401 is taxed A**HOLE>..I think you're the Dumb A** not getting IT.

First of all, we don't need you to lecture the retirees on what we should and should not do. We're all adults and we aren't slow. I dedicated my life to this company going out everyday representing Pfizer in the most professional way I could. I helped to launch Lipitor and worked by butt off making millions in profits for the corporation. Getting up at 5:00 in the morning for a hospital display and then having a dinner program that evening staying out till 10:00 PM. I never complained, because I took pride in doing what I did. Does this company owe me anything, Yes they do. There was a sacred bond that if you went out and did your job, you would be taken care of with health benefits when you retired. Don't try to tell me that these benefits are being elimnated by other companies. I know too many friends who pay less that what I do each month for their medical benefits after they retire.
I'm not looking for a handout, but I am looking for Pfizer, which touts their values so proudly, to examine itself. This company has been so mismanaged over past years that it is sickening. How many of us have lost options that were given to us that are now underwater. This was part of our incentive compensation package for doing a good job. Because of management doing their jobs poorly, they get off without paying out anything.

Like I said, I'm not looking for any free handouts. I'm just expecting that this corporation to show some support for the years given by the retirees out there today. Will I receive some smartass replies, you betcha. Just don't lecture us who put the time in and paved the way for the representatives today.

You made MILLIONS of dollars in profit? You're kidding, right? There was NO "sacred" bond. You get paid every two weeks and you work for two weeks. When you get your pay check, you and the company are EVEN. You DO want a handout and now you're not getting one and you are mad. And by the way, I put in my 36 years and "paved the way" (LOL). Try taking yourself just a LITTLE less seriously!

That's kind of like saying social security is an entitlement. That wasn't the deal when I started 30 years ago. HR kept saying, "Oh, your retirement benefits are protected". Blah, blah, blah. Bullshit. They ripped us all off. No way around it. Plain and simple, Kindler made the decision, took his bag of gold and split. Typical, huh? Consider the source. I hope his big blob has many of a sleepless night.

It's the new age of personal responsibility.

The promises of lifetime benefits were always all lies. They just happen to be catching up to everyone now.

People profited big from investing with Bernie Madoff. The first in and first out were set. Last in got wiped out.

You the next victims of the 2nd biggest ponzi scheme in the world. The 1st being social security/Medicare.

Off to Martha's Vineyard for some R&R. See you in September. Vote O in 2012.

It's the new age of personal responsibility.

The promises of lifetime benefits were always all lies. They just happen to be catching up to everyone now.

People profited big from investing with Bernie Madoff. The first in and first out were set. Last in got wiped out.

You the next victims of the 2nd biggest ponzi scheme in the world. The 1st being social security/Medicare.

Off to Martha's Vineyard for some R&R. See you in September. Vote O in 2012.

Dude, you suffer from SEVERE envy! You've gone on to every thread and posted something about Martha's Vineyard. Get over it! Why aren't you posting about Boehner, Cantor, Ryan or any of the Rep's on vacation for the whole month of August. There are 435 leaders on vacation/fundraising right now. You focus on one person. The President takes 10 days and you act like the world is ending.

Complain about the administration, there are many reasons to do so, but don't be so damn unoriginal about it.

You made MILLIONS of dollars in profit? You're kidding, right? There was NO "sacred" bond. You get paid every two weeks and you work for two weeks. When you get your pay check, you and the company are EVEN. You DO want a handout and now you're not getting one and you are mad. And by the way, I put in my 36 years and "paved the way" (LOL). Try taking yourself just a LITTLE less seriously!

F-U, try putting in more than 38 years jackass. You're the one that needs to take themselves a little less seriously. I was expecting a smartass reply, but not from someone who put time in like you and I did. You know exactly what that "secret bond" was. You don't stay with one company for this long and expect something in return. And please, don't tell me that I got paid every two weeks and I was "even" with the company. Did I say I was mad, No I didn't. Now, go lecture someone else who has more years in that you.

Is anyone on Long term Disability? I lost my vision for a few weeks from MS ( It's back now) and I was told to apply for LTD and I did and was approved. My approval letter told me that I must apply for SSI and used Cigna agency to do this for me. I got it on the first attempt. Cigna deducted my payments by the amount paid by SSI and six months later Cigna said that I am not too sick to work and canceled my payments.
Medicare kicked in after two years on SSI and then pfe medical cut me off. After 18 years with Pfizer and paying for the extra insurance, I am now totally being supported by the US govt. I feel like an immigrant. Why did I bother paying for all of this.
I should have started my own post. My lawyer asked if this is wide spread, does anyone have same situation?

My point exactly! Did get the full package and am forever thankful.

No, I didnt get the package. I suppose I was too expensive for them. I retired when it came time. Congrats if you did. Like I said, devote your whole life to this company out of loyalty and look what it gets you. No way am i looking for a handout, but no one will have these years in. Congrats on your 36 years. Pfizer doesnt care about relationships anymore, nor does it care about loyalty. Please, no smart ass replies. I don't need it.

No, I didnt get the package. I suppose I was too expensive for them. I retired when it came time. Congrats if you did. Like I said, devote your whole life to this company out of loyalty and look what it gets you. No way am i looking for a handout, but no one will have these years in. Congrats on your 36 years. Pfizer doesnt care about relationships anymore, nor does it care about loyalty. Please, no smart ass replies. I don't need it.

I retired (from Wyeth) at 56. Took my (barely) 7 figure lump sum, the 401k I had contributed to the max for as long as it was available and was a healthy 6 figure sum, have had medical and drug coverage for the past 7 years and understand that Medicare will become my primary carrier when I turn 65. I must respectfully say that I did not stay with the company out of loyalty. I stayed because I made a terrific salary, drove a free car, and knew that I would have a wonderful retirement if I stuck it out. I think the company and I both held up our end of the deal. Maybe Pfizer is different.

OK-I like to think I am a fairly bright person but I am missing something in this whole thread! Just enrolled for the 2012 health plan. A Wyeth legacy under 65-my premium will go from $80.50/month to $111/per month. Big deal. Husband is an over 65 retiree-his goes from $33.08/month to $40/month. Benefits have been expanded. I think this is wonderful!! Why would anyone complain?

corp greed? Consider this simple little example: If yuo took out the tax looopholes that allowd GE to pay no fed taxes, how much would their tax bill increase? now, divide that by the employee salaries. On a net basis, all those tax loopholes allow for the companies to invest in areas that, if they invest correctly, that will result in new markets or larger exisitign markets...which need EMPLOYEES to d othe work. Those empllyees will pay income taxes. Sure, go ahead, tax the sh*t out of what you allege is greedy corp america..but the last i looked, it was PEOPLE (employees) that were drawing paychecks from those companies. You increase the tax bite, guess what?...the company STILL is answerable to shareholders...So,,the taxes will be paid..but the employees will be let go because the copany can no longer invest in new markets or new technologies.

Imag8ne this: If GE was taxed 100% on earnings, how would that benefit you or your neighbor or the trashy neighborhoods near your house? If GE was taxed 100%...or even 50%..or whatever, they would simply decide why bother...and fold up shop.

Your an idiot! Drinking the corporate Greed KoolAid.

This generation will not be employed with Pfizer over the age of 60, especially female sales reps. You will be laid off, deployed or Phired before you turn 58. Especially if you are a woman in sales.

Their excuse for Phiring people is nothing compared to what Kindler and cronies did.

#57, that is a crock! You are making false statements, and you know it! I have no idea why you are inventing these prices. I have the prices in front of me. For 2 people, legacy Wyeth, the cost just jumped 45%. It could have been worse.

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