How much will plus sell for?

I do not believe Plus will sell at all until they dump their CEO. DP is one of the most unethical people in the lab business today, I am sure there are many people on this site that can comment on his nasty and illegal business practices going back years. What experience have others had dealing with Dave P, the current Plus CEO?

Oh yeah, the previous positive Plus posts are probably his, he often posts on places like this anonymously.

PLUS is worth a lot less with the TC labs we help build and soon to close. MC cuts will lower the profit line by 30% combined with a low multiple of 5x we're looking at a train wreak.

Jump off before the full impact.

Any word on the Acupath Labs Psychiatric Facility???

I heard that BJ the CEO has totally lost it and the whole place is going down the tubes!

Any new scams with the docs/other labs?

In this transaction, MLS has acquired PLUS for a
total purchase price of $83.1 million, including the
repayment of debt. The reported revenues of PL
US are $75.4 million for 2012 and $34.2 million for
the first six months of 2013.