How much will it take to retire?


I’m 50. No debt. No kids. Wife passed away 3 years ago. I rent, so don’t have any equity in a home.

How much would it take in savings to retire now?

How much would it take to retire in a foreign country like Costa Rica or Thailand.

Just got downsized so I hope to be able to retire.

I have about 950k in total savings.

Thank you

For Thailand, you can live like an absolute King on what you have...Do keep in mind though, that you will always be in considered a foreigner there, and jump through periodic bureaucratic hoops to maintain your status as a foreign resident there. You will also need to be smart and not blow all your money on all the hedonistic temptations, T-land has to offer.

Costa Rica, will also present an attractive retirement environment for the America Expat. It won't be as cheap as Thailand, but certainly cheaper than trying to make a go of it here in the sad (and unraveling) USA. It is a friendly place by in large, and pretty safe as well. Perhaps you'll even find yourself a nice Tica to settle down with. With its beaches, rain forests, mountains, etc., it will provide plenty of leisure opportunities. Your money may not go as far there though...

I don't think I need to spend much time talking about retiring here in the States...Obviously, the country is in steep decline in every possible way, although there are still retirement towns that offer nice opportunities to watch the Apocalypse unfold around you. Arizona, Nevada, Florida are some possible choices, but your savings will either be stolen by the government, or used up to try and buy yourself health insurance to stay alive.

Good luck with you decision...

For Thailand, you can live like an absolute King on what you have...Do keep in mind though, that you will always be in considered a foreigner there, and jump through periodic bureaucratic hoops to maintain your status as a foreign resident there. You will also need to be smart and not blow all your money on all the hedonistic temptations, T-land has to offer.

Costa Rica, will also present an attractive retirement environment for the America Expat. It won't be as cheap as Thailand, but certainly cheaper than trying to make a go of it here in the sad (and unraveling) USA. It is a friendly place by in large, and pretty safe as well. Perhaps you'll even find yourself a nice Tica to settle down with. With its beaches, rain forests, mountains, etc., it will provide plenty of leisure opportunities. Your money may not go as far there though...

I don't think I need to spend much time talking about retiring here in the States...Obviously, the country is in steep decline in every possible way, although there are still retirement towns that offer nice opportunities to watch the Apocalypse unfold around you. Arizona, Nevada, Florida are some possible choices, but your savings will either be stolen by the government, or used up to try and buy yourself health insurance to stay alive.

Good luck with you decision...

I find myself thinking about this all the time. Especially since this pandemic hit. “Culcha” and “Democrats” look like they are taking over. Time to move.

For Thailand, you can live like an absolute King on what you have...Do keep in mind though, that you will always be in considered a foreigner there, and jump through periodic bureaucratic hoops to maintain your status as a foreign resident there. You will also need to be smart and not blow all your money on all the hedonistic temptations, T-land has to offer.

Costa Rica, will also present an attractive retirement environment for the America Expat. It won't be as cheap as Thailand, but certainly cheaper than trying to make a go of it here in the sad (and unraveling) USA. It is a friendly place by in large, and pretty safe as well. Perhaps you'll even find yourself a nice Tica to settle down with. With its beaches, rain forests, mountains, etc., it will provide plenty of leisure opportunities. Your money may not go as far there though...

I don't think I need to spend much time talking about retiring here in the States...Obviously, the country is in steep decline in every possible way, although there are still retirement towns that offer nice opportunities to watch the Apocalypse unfold around you. Arizona, Nevada, Florida are some possible choices, but your savings will either be stolen by the government, or used up to try and buy yourself health insurance to stay alive.

Good luck with you decision...

Great post. I want to get out of this cesspool too. The country is going bankrupt and you know the first thing they are gonna come after is my 401K. They will tax it at 80%. Scary stuff.

Great post. I want to get out of this cesspool too. The country is going bankrupt and you know the first thing they are gonna come after is my 401K. They will tax it at 80%. Scary stuff.

Yeah, I am surprised that so few Americans (A very trusting and extremely naive people) don't see that this whole virus thing isn't about a few folks dying from respiratory disease. It is a Socialist Revolution, and people are just accepting it without any argument or questioning.

Our transition over to Socialism (which is happening right now) will be slow, uncivilized and painful.
Definitely make your plan B people and look for your escape route if there is one even left anymore?

America has fallen to the Left...They finally broke through...Under the guise of a False Flag Virus scare.

Yeah, I am surprised that so few Americans (A very trusting and extremely naive people) don't see that this whole virus thing isn't about a few folks dying from respiratory disease. It is a Socialist Revolution, and people are just accepting it without any argument or questioning.

Our transition over to Socialism (which is happening right now) will be slow, uncivilized and painful.
Definitely make your plan B people and look for your escape route if there is one even left anymore?

America has fallen to the Left...They finally broke through...Under the guise of a False Flag Virus scare.

Agreed. Led by Dr. Fauci and his radical task force and guidelines. It’s a hoax.

Yeah, I am surprised that so few Americans (A very trusting and extremely naive people) don't see that this whole virus thing isn't about a few folks dying from respiratory disease. It is a Socialist Revolution, and people are just accepting it without any argument or questioning.

Our transition over to Socialism (which is happening right now) will be slow, uncivilized and painful.
Definitely make your plan B people and look for your escape route if there is one even left anymore?

America has fallen to the Left...They finally broke through...Under the guise of a False Flag Virus scare.

If sleepy creepy Joe wins it’s the final nail in the coffin

If sleepy creepy Joe wins it’s the final nail in the coffin

Absolutely true...We are sunk when Joe is inaugurated...

And make no mistake about it...that is what is being set up now...

The Trump economy will be in complete shambles by November...
So he won't have anything else to run on really...

You won't hear another word about Corona Virus after election day...
Trust me on that one...

Bernie isn’t radical enough for the type of bailout and stimulus that’s going to be needed for middle and lower class people after this colossal failure of MAGA. 50% unemployment including thousands and thousands of reps.

50% is a ridiculous number cochise...You will see, however, a 20% rate which will indeed be the highest unemployment rate since the great depression which was roughly 25%.

I will be voting for President Trump again in 2020.

They will need to add him to Mount Rushmore after his Presidency ends in 2024. I love the man, and he’s done 100 times more for this country in 3 years than Obama did in 8. Sad!