How many...

You are clueless. This company has significant problems that have existed for over a decade now. Your life is most likely over leveraged and you need money coming in so employment with a company like this has become necessary. Moreover, you probably lack the talent and ability that is required to work for a leader. To say that you have lost all dignity is probably an understatement. You keep on keeping on!
...said the ex-Bausch employee who got shit-canned.

You are clueless. This company has significant problems that have existed for over a decade now. Your life is most likely over leveraged and you need money coming in so employment with a company like this has become necessary. Moreover, you probably lack the talent and ability that is required to work for a leader. To say that you have lost all dignity is probably an understatement. You keep on keeping on!

All of this coming from someone who watched a Netflix doc and decided to come in the board talking trash without actually knowing anything.