How many years have I heard layoffs

BTW - you don't hire 400+ new people only to turn around and lay people off months later. The company had a legitimate reason to shift a PCP sales for to OBSR, and weed out all the dead wood in the process. Instead, they selected to expand. So all the people yelling "layoffs coming in the next couple of months" are just flat out wrong. Why wouldn't people be glad about that?

Actually you do hire 400+ reps and turn around and do layoffs. True it will not happen months later. But look for it in about 1.5 years. Think about it. You have two launches of drugs that you have high expectations for and 2 drugs that have been launched in the last 3 years. You have $2.5 Billion a year income in Lexapro for probably the next year and a half (because once Lexapro goes generic there will still be some sales). So what you do it front load things when you have the income to do it. You try to get out to the fastest launch trajectory as you can because you know that you need to do so with anticipated layoffs in no longer than 2 years. So upper management says to each that they know how important it is to come out fast with a launch because a gain of market share in the beginning allows you to maintain a growth trajectory even if you cut. If you don't have all of these reps you will not maximize the number of detail for each product. Once you are able to do this for the first year or two and have gained that market share you now can cut the force. They will say thanks a lot for doing your part but we have to part ways...sorry! Here is a shitty severance that we will pay you and won't have to pay a lot because we have gotten rid of all the high tenured reps. That is why there is such a focus on pushing out the high tenure reps. they don't want to have to give a severance to a rep that has been at the company for 10 - 12 years or more.

It makes total sense that they are adding so many reps now. And it would make total sense if they laid off reps down the road. There is definitely not going to be layoffs this year. But 2012 or 2013 is the year that you have to be aware of. If Forest is smart they will get rid of the excess reps and will potentially keep the extra specialty reps or even cut them too and split the 4 reps they have now into totally separate divisions with totally different products. 2 reps will have Savella, New Antidepressant, and a slot open for a third drug and the other 2 reps will have Daxis, Bystolic, and Namenda.

This summer. A recruiter friend, his dads brother works in pharma. He said that his DM told him that his wife was interviewing with a non pharma company and they said that you are still reading this shit like an idiot. Your parents must be so proud.

I predict we will all die one day.
If you are going to paralyze yourself with all the bad things that could happen you are sucking the life right out of people who are determined to make all the money they can until the day we are not with Forest any longer. Go back to griping about your manager already, this discussion is getting boring chicken little.