How many total?


So very sorry for all of Team 1. It has been a bit of time coming, I hope you have made contingency plans. There cannot be any degree of loyalty or trust left within the remaining sales teams, best of luck with your future. Just stay away from the Kool Aid.

It’s true. I retired a couple of years ago, and several of my old Team 1 colleagues reached out to me today with the bad news. It sucks, but I think everybody knew some heads would be rolling this year or next. I hope my friends all had irons in the fire while they were home doing their Zoom calls. There are jobs out there, and they’ll get a severance. It’s the folks close to retirement (but not close enough) I really feel for Hopefully some of them can find something within Pfizer to get them over the hump.

So so sad. Right now ole Al is rubbing out to his profit numbers. He even whacked it to Carl Ws wooden U. His spooge is like Greek yogurt . He pits it on his souvlaki while his partner works his gyro.

After 24 years very sorry I didn’t make it to the finish line!
That said, working for PFE was amazing, world class organization that In my experience has done the right thing by employees every step of the way. I know this cite attracts all the haters , but the reality is , you would complain about any company. Pfizer has been , and probably will be , a great company to work for.

thanks for the memories and development you gave me along the way.

After 24 years very sorry I didn’t make it to the finish line!
That said, working for PFE was amazing, world class organization that In my experience has done the right thing by employees every step of the way. I know this cite attracts all the haters , but the reality is , you would complain about any company. Pfizer has been , and probably will be , a great company to work for.

thanks for the memories and development you gave me along the way.

agree. What your not hearing is that Exact Sciences is hiring any team 1 rep that wants a job. Total head count of team1 was around 580 or so.

Everyone that displaced with pfizer.They will be getting a severance plus a job with exact Sciences, if they want.So all the haters who only reach out to people when they see it’s been a lay off or go on this forum to get pfizer info F off!!

12 weeks plus 3 weeks severance for each year of service, and the 60 day warn period (if you don't start a new job in that 60 days).

I’d say that’s a very generous package, especially with a guaranteed job to go to.
If you’re truly as good as you think you are, you’ll easily find a job if ES isn’t good enough for you…..after all, you are one of the “best of the best” if you worked for Pfizer. Hahahahahaha!

This couldn’t have been a big surprise. Team 1 hadn’t had much to sell since lyrica went off.

Correct. We’ve been lucky to have our jobs as long as we have. Most of us with half a brain knew this was coming. I have 22 yrs with Pfizer…..66 weeks of severance, and a position to go to for hopefully 3 more years when I plan to retire.
If the fools with less than10 years stuck around without looking for another/ better job want sympathy, they won’t get it from me.

Plus if you don't find a job within 12 weeks, file for unemployment and that's more money on top of the generous severance. I'm sure pfe will be taking care of your health insurance for a while too