How many PSS in PC actually hit their target bonus quaterly


How many PSS in Primary Care selling crestor/symbicort or Crestor/symbicort/pulmicort actually hit their quarterly bonuses consistently if their target is 16K-18Kfor the year.I am sure a lot of this depends on your territory and access etc, also does a large part of your personal bonus get affected by how your partners within your territory perform and how you perform as a team?

Since nobody I know works a full day, our bonus is just the luck of the draw, and when you add on fake sales data, well there you have it. Besides, the ability to work half-days is worth more than a bonus!

I understand that supposedly nobody works full days but as a new Hire I can guarentee you I will be working full days. I will be making way more money than I was and have great benefits and perks which I would not want to risk loosing anytime soon if possible. When you say "Luck if the draw" I understand what you mean but if you honestly put in 7-8 hours a day out in real calls when you have access and showed your face in the field would you often say that 9/10 times you will hit your target and recieve 100% of your bonus plan quarterly? Or you stating that the FSIP is so screwed up that regardless of what you actually do its still a crapshoot? How much influence does your team who overlays the same territory as you have on your bonus if your put on a team with 1-2 other "seasoned" reps with several years experience does that play to your advantage as a new hire when it comes to quarterly bonus payouts? Thanks for any serious answers, much appreciated!

I understand that supposedly nobody works full days but as a new Hire I can guarentee you I will be working full days. I will be making way more money than I was and have great benefits and perks which I would not want to risk loosing anytime soon if possible. When you say "Luck if the draw" I understand what you mean but if you honestly put in 7-8 hours a day out in real calls when you have access and showed your face in the field would you often say that 9/10 times you will hit your target and recieve 100% of your bonus plan quarterly? Or you stating that the FSIP is so screwed up that regardless of what you actually do its still a crapshoot? How much influence does your team who overlays the same territory as you have on your bonus if your put on a team with 1-2 other "seasoned" reps with several years experience does that play to your advantage as a new hire when it comes to quarterly bonus payouts? Thanks for any serious answers, much appreciated!

The best thing you can do as a new person is simply call on all of your sales targets with the designated frequency. Do not deviate from this, it is your bible. Explain to the gatekeeper that you are new and need to, and even demand to, see the prescriber. Be sure to hammer the close on each call; "Doctor, for patients sake, you need to use our product - wouldn't you agree?" "Can I count on you for 5 new patient starts and call on you in two weeks?" and you will soon see the results of your efforts.

They will appreciate your honesty and forth righteousness. Your teammates will be impressed, and you will be a superstar with your manager. In fact, be sure to do this when he or she is present on field rides.

Bonus is somewhere between luck and work.

You can work your ass off and get nothing, or you can coast and get 100%.

Good luck finding enough doctors to call on that you could actually work an 8 hour day if you wanted to. When you've got 2-3-4-5 other reps in the same territory it's often that you won't have enough.

Thanks for your guys help I am just trying to get a feel I am happy with my base but Hoping I can make 3/4 of my target in bonus throughout the coarse of the year. If I can do that I would be very happy especially considering all the perks. I don't know why so many people talk shit on this forum, I personally know a couple people who work as PSS for AZ and they love it and say the life/work balance plus pay, benefits are fantastic... I know its a dying breed but why not ride it out and enjoy it while gaining some experience, at least that's how I see it.

When I was there, Bonus was paid whether you hit your quota or not. As long as you didn't suck as bad as the next guy.

The top percentage maximize bonus, the lowest get zippo.

It allows them to have a fixed bonus pool and not end up over budget. There was also a clause that said if the company doesn't hit the numbers, it doesn't have to pay anything.

So its really not a forecast, more an allocation based on the mumbo jumbo the guys who know nothing about a true market apply to your territory.

When I was there, Bonus was paid whether you hit your quota or not. As long as you didn't suck as bad as the next guy.

The top percentage maximize bonus, the lowest get zippo.

It allows them to have a fixed bonus pool and not end up over budget. There was also a clause that said if the company doesn't hit the numbers, it doesn't have to pay anything.

So its really not a forecast, more an allocation based on the mumbo jumbo the guys who know nothing about a true market apply to your territory.

Sounds good thanks for an honest answer. I look forward to being in the field and working as hard as I possibly can to achieve the highest potential bonus I can make. To me it's worth busting my but to make an extra 3-5k a quater before taxes of coarse.

The best thing you can do as a new person is simply call on all of your sales targets with the designated frequency. Do not deviate from this, it is your bible. Explain to the gatekeeper that you are new and need to, and even demand to, see the prescriber. Be sure to hammer the close on each call; "Doctor, for patients sake, you need to use our product - wouldn't you agree?" "Can I count on you for 5 new patient starts and call on you in two weeks?" and you will soon see the results of your efforts.

They will appreciate your honesty and forth righteousness. Your teammates will be impressed, and you will be a superstar with your manager. In fact, be sure to do this when he or she is present on field rides.

Excellent advice! If you demand that the docs NEED your products, and it is almost malpractice if they don't, they will respect you. Demand they use it on the next 5 patients they see! They love that! I can tell now, you will go far with AZ! Go get em' boy/girl!

Thanks for your guys help I am just trying to get a feel I am happy with my base but Hoping I can make 3/4 of my target in bonus throughout the coarse of the year. If I can do that I would be very happy especially considering all the perks. I don't know why so many people talk shit on this forum, I personally know a couple people who work as PSS for AZ and they love it and say the life/work balance plus pay, benefits are fantastic... I know its a dying breed but why not ride it out and enjoy it while gaining some experience, at least that's how I see it.

Interesting. So you know a couple people who work here and love it, but instead of just asking them these simple questions you come on here and ask strangers?


I understand that supposedly nobody works full days but as a new Hire I can guarentee you I will be working full days. I will be making way more money than I was and have great benefits and perks which I would not want to risk loosing anytime soon if possible. When you say "Luck if the draw" I understand what you mean but if you honestly put in 7-8 hours a day out in real calls when you have access and showed your face in the field would you often say that 9/10 times you will hit your target and recieve 100% of your bonus plan quarterly? Or you stating that the FSIP is so screwed up that regardless of what you actually do its still a crapshoot? How much influence does your team who overlays the same territory as you have on your bonus if your put on a team with 1-2 other "seasoned" reps with several years experience does that play to your advantage as a new hire when it comes to quarterly bonus payouts? Thanks for any serious answers, much appreciated!

oh good lord, this poster is serious. LOLOLOLOL. I too remember day 1 out of training. Hey kid..welcome to the real world. Smack. Enjoy! LOLOL

Excellent advice! If you demand that the docs NEED your products, and it is almost malpractice if they don't, they will respect you. Demand they use it on the next 5 patients they see! They love that! I can tell now, you will go far with AZ! Go get em' boy/girl!
Tell your DSM and RD that you are new and would really appreciate it if they would demonstrate a few sales calls for you with some of your most difficult customers. They are excellent coaches and love to have their ego stroked by giving them an opportunity to show you how it should be done. Do this whenever someone from management or the home office works with you and you will go far at AZ.

Excellent advice! If you demand that the docs NEED your products, and it is almost malpractice if they don't, they will respect you. Demand they use it on the next 5 patients they see! They love that! I can tell now, you will go far with AZ! Go get em' boy/girl!

Great suggestion, but you might also want to note the 'quality' of our products as you perform the test close. For example, "Doctor, would this be the kind of quality in efficacy you would look for in your patients?" Then, be sure to ask for the business! And definitely ask to see the Doctor again in two weeks.

Your DSM will love you for it!

Great suggestion, but you might also want to note the 'quality' of our products as you perform the test close. For example, "Doctor, would this be the kind of quality in efficacy you would look for in your patients?" Then, be sure to ask for the business! And definitely ask to see the Doctor again in two weeks.

Your DSM will love you for it!

You are such a pussy

LOL. Nearly peed my pants laughing. Clearly these are attempts at sarcasm, but the sad fact is this kind of lingo is exactly what you hear during role play at regional meetings.

Tell your DSM and RD that you are new and would really appreciate it if they would demonstrate a few sales calls for you with some of your most difficult customers. They are excellent coaches and love to have their ego stroked by giving them an opportunity to show you how it should be done. Do this whenever someone from management or the home office works with you and you will go far at AZ.
Better yet, just set it up in advance with one of your favorite physicians to invite your DSM to take the call in your place. They love the challenge and you will see what a real pro can do when put on the spot by a doctor.

And remember to ABC. Always Be Closing! If you remember the basics you WILL be a success.

Precall and role play in the car with your manager before every interaction. And as noted, don't forget to ask your manager to show you what good looks like by taking a few calls. Ask them to take a challenging doctor so they can really shine!

we do nt sell at az. we educate the appropriateness of our drug with in te disease state tat we are covering. if you do that , follow the clls per day and sampling straetgy you will reach exactly 100 percent of fsip. right after that you will be fired for following the stratgey too closley. now stop asking questions and tell those drs to write the product. talking to a closed dr counts as 7/8 of a call

Here's my advice to you: Work your territory for a while (say 2-3 months) and gain a sense of your customer base and accessibility. At that point, you should be able to group into buckets the different clinician targets. It will look something like this:

1st bucket - low decile docs who are accessible. Good for field rides

2nd bucket - high decile docs that are important for the business who are increasingly accessible the more you provide to them (ie. lunch)

3rd bucket - No see doctors

4th bucket - Docs that hate your guts, your companies guts, or your products guts.

5th bucket - PA's and NP's who work in one of the afformentioned practices who actually SEE YOU. Valuable because the Doc may not.

Be realistic about it. Banging your head against the whole repeatedly to try and change the prescribing habits of someone in the 3rd of 4th bucket will just leave you going absolutely insane. Better off focusing your efforts on the first two.

Also, there are some "macro" things you can do that sometimes can shift market share in a positive way in your territory. When I was a rep, a big focus of mine was to make sure pharmacists had demo inhalers to show their patients how to deliver the pressurized metered dose inhalation therapy. Symbicort is a friendly delivery for asthmatics because it is the same as a rescue medicine, and the pharmacist is there to illustrate that. Focus on mom and pop pharmacies with scarce resources like demo inhalers, because they are the ones more likely to actually give a sh*t.

Max out all of your AZ promo stuff -- order all of it. It makes you look good. Then, go to every pharmacy you see and just dump the stuff with the pharmacist. Make sure every pharmacy in your territory has savings cards for your product, free vouchers, patient lit, etc. This is really important in my view, for 2 reasons:
1) It breaks up the monotony of your routing, by sending you off the beaten path into the pharmacy
2) It helps track all of your precious scripts, helps to prevent the pharmacist from generic switching (not always, but sometimes) and also gives you firepower when a Doc says, "patient went to the pharmacy and it was too expensive". You can then ask, "what pharmacy?" and then you've either been there or you haven't. Either way, you have a response and that not longer becomes a smoke screen or a common objection by the doctor.

Best case scenario, a patient goes into the pharmacy, pharmacist hands the patient some lit, demonstrates via some resource you provided them,a nd then helps them with the copay with a card. Then, patient goes back to the doc and tells them about that great experience. Thats the "holy grail". Does it happen frequently? Hell no. But if you plaster your territory with this stuff, you improve your changes exponentially.

Finally, with large decile docs, establish a ritual with something. Go every week at 9 am on a tuesday or thursday or whenever. Meet the doc when he opens the door for business with coffee or fruit. Especially if its multi-doctor office, rotate the docs your putting on your sheet. If you show up every week, that Doc will eventually notice you at the very least.

I consider myself to be an extremely talented sales person, and despite that, in my couple of years at AZ I never came close to circle of excellence or presidents award. I've moved on to a new career now, but I do acknowledge that I was selling a statin in a highly genericized market where our MS was close to 20% baseline, and despite that my partner and I moved share for the company (in absolute terms by a truckload, in marketshare terms, marginally). But, the above things did have at least a marginal impact on my business, and I think they could be helpful to you too. Remember, half of pharma is just SHOWING UP, another 25% is smiling and NOT talking product, and then the last 25% is thinking of ways to present your product information with credibility, in haste, making in relevant to their practice and in a way that doesn't bore your customer to tears. Make sure you keep up on the sociology of medicine in your community too, as customers want to know latest happenings in ACO's and PCMH's. The economics of medicine is interesting for everyone, including your customers.