How many getting the axe today?

Last time they did a primary care lay-off they said it would be 6 percent reduction and it seems more like 20 percent

Since this is prior to the Abbvie acquisition I assume none of these folks are getting the one year severance package?

All that were displaced got at least a year severance, even those hired 3 months ago.

I’m an Abbie rep as well and we haven’t been told any info in regards to the Allergan reps.

Would someone enlighten me on bitt GI and your primary care divisions relative to layoffs?

AbbVie here. We have received minimal information about whats going on. Im sorry to hear there were layoffs. Which division and how many,? Are all the GI reps coming over? That was our impression

Allergan was bought by Abbott, not Abbvie. That's probably why you have received minimal information. I'm surprised management has even shared minimal information.