How many former Purdue employees work for Insys now?

LOL!!!!! So true. EVERY pain company is screwed but Insys is is in the worst position of all. If you were one of the imbeciles that made the decision to come here, especially after Purdue.... you are a f'n moron.

stupid career decision but great financial one! My PP severance plus Insys income is awesome. outta here when severance is over. these people are completely stooopid

stupid career decision but great financial one! My PP severance plus Insys income is awesome. outta here when severance is over. these people are completely stooopid

This epitomizes your character. All about the money. You may not think you are stoooopid, but you are worse than stooopid. However, you are right, the others are stooopid AND sleeezy.

There is no difference between us and the PP people that came over. They need checks...they have bills like we do...unfortunately we all ended up in a specialty that went haywire....Sometimes you just need to bite the bullet and get out while the getting is good and start over.