How many former FD are at CEVA?

Too many and they are all in management positions. Run. There is a reason they didn't make the cut and were let go when FD was taken over. They are VERY inexperienced and have all but destroyed a good product. Management has no business acumen. They are very lost right now.

Run as fast as you can away from any manager that used to work for Fort Dodge Animal Health. They are all sadistic and narcassisstic bastards. That company taught their managers to play every imaginable head game they could think of on their sales reps. STAY AWAY!

Too many and they are all in management positions. Run. There is a reason they didn't make the cut and were let go when FD was taken over. They are VERY inexperienced and have all but destroyed a good product. Management has no business acumen. They are very lost right now.

Is this your opinion your opinion from the outside looking in or through your experience? Thanks.