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How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dallas?


Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Meetings like Dallas definitely drive up the cost of medication. Poor seniors.....

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Zero. Most likely, the government provides tax incentives for companies to conduct training/provide counseling and outplacement services. Our trips keep airline employees, trip coordinators, bus and limo drivers, hotel staff, etc, etc, employed.
Pharma companies also provide millions upon millions of dollars of assistance through samples and indigent patient programs.
When the majority of pharma reps are gone, drug prices will not have been affected one iota.

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Idiot. IF all drug reps were let go, prices would not go down 1%. Even if the Pharma companies cut the prices relative to the actual 1-3% cost, the Wholesalers wouldnt adjust their prices. Even if the Wholesalers adjusted their prices a couple % points, the Pharmacies wouldnt adjust their prices, Even if the Pharmacies did cut their prices, the insurance companies wouldn't reduce copays...

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Meetings like Dallas definitely drive up the cost of medication. Poor seniors.....

Nonsense. Meetings are an educational and promotional opportunity. What... you want to never see another rep dealing with the same issues as you? It is an opportunity to connect with others and hear what they are thinking, as well as hear and see and meet with upper management. If you don't take advantage of these opportunities, you are an idiot. Sure, there is a ton of crap involved, and your butt gets sore sitting in meetings for days on end, but you need to take it all in and get involved. You are probably not the smartest in the room, so find them, and learn from them.... it will be eye-opening, if you approach it as an opportunity, not a requirement.
Signed, a laid off employee (of many years) that still loves this company!

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Nonsense. Meetings are an educational and promotional opportunity. What... you want to never see another rep dealing with the same issues as you? It is an opportunity to connect with others and hear what they are thinking, as well as hear and see and meet with upper management. If you don't take advantage of these opportunities, you are an idiot. Sure, there is a ton of crap involved, and your butt gets sore sitting in meetings for days on end, but you need to take it all in and get involved. You are probably not the smartest in the room, so find them, and learn from them.... it will be eye-opening, if you approach it as an opportunity, not a requirement.
Signed, a laid off employee (of many years) that still loves this company!

Are you the exalted ASS-Kissing-Grand Pooba?
Man, I am hopeful that you are being satirical in this post.
This meeting is merely another PR ploy that they use to show what a great company this is.
It is addressed both to current onboard needed
scientists and Wall St. mavens.
Crocodile tears coming at ya in Dallas.
The ass kissers will be at this meeting in full force. They are walking zombies who are in disbelief that the effort they put into their art and the level of self respect and dignity that they have sacrificed, has proven to fail them. They will be holding on to that 1 in 1 million long shot that they can get rehired back if they can only maintain that same level of ass suction for just a few more months. So sad. But funny as hell!

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Are you the exalted ASS-Kissing-Grand Pooba?
Man, I am hopeful that you are being satirical in this post.
This meeting is merely another PR ploy that they use to show what a great company this is.
It is addressed both to current onboard needed
scientists and Wall St. mavens.
Crocodile tears coming at ya in Dallas.
The ass kissers will be at this meeting in full force. They are walking zombies who are in disbelief that the effort they put into their art and the level of self respect and dignity that they have sacrificed, has proven to fail them. They will be holding on to that 1 in 1 million long shot that they can get rehired back if they can only maintain that same level of ass suction for just a few more months. So sad. But funny as hell!

Yes upper management wants your brownie ass there one last time so they can take pictures and document your debasement. It will give them some good drinking stories for their pals at the golf course, plus they get to have another party; might be the last one for awhile.

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Idiot. IF all drug reps were let go, prices would not go down 1%. Even if the Pharma companies cut the prices relative to the actual 1-3% cost, the Wholesalers wouldnt adjust their prices. Even if the Wholesalers adjusted their prices a couple % points, the Pharmacies wouldnt adjust their prices, Even if the Pharmacies did cut their prices, the insurance companies wouldn't reduce copays...

son, you just dont understand simple economics

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Are you the exalted ASS-Kissing-Grand Pooba?
Man, I am hopeful that you are being satirical in this post.
This meeting is merely another PR ploy that they use to show what a great company this is.
It is addressed both to current onboard needed
scientists and Wall St. mavens.
Crocodile tears coming at ya in Dallas.
The ass kissers will be at this meeting in full force. They are walking zombies who are in disbelief that the effort they put into their art and the level of self respect and dignity that they have sacrificed, has proven to fail them. They will be holding on to that 1 in 1 million long shot that they can get rehired back if they can only maintain that same level of ass suction for just a few more months. So sad. But funny as hell!

How does one ass-kiss anonymously? And how does one assess the motives of all individuals in CC on the basis of a few anonymous posts? The CC meeting in Dallas may well be a dog-and-pony show, but so what? It's one night and a few seminars the next day, so either take away what might be helpful from the sessions, or sleep in. If nothing else, it's a send off for a sales team that had to deal with disappointing clinical trial results, managed care restrictions, and loss of patent on three of four lipid meds, yet still brought home the bacon. With less than a month of work left, what's to be gained by attacking each other? Your fellow reps contributed to your IC payouts and profit sharing, and shared the same obstacles, at least since the publication of FIELD. Come June 26, it's all water under the bridge. Best wishes to all of us in Cardio Care, and good luck in all our future endeavors.

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

son, you just dont understand simple economics

I think that poster nailed it, son. Besides, its more of an accounting issue as opposed to Econ. Demand for drugs is relatively inelastic, son. Knock a small % off the cost of an inelastic good that has a complicated buying structure and the end purchaser will not see the difference.

Re: How many elderly people cannot afford their medicines because we sent reps to Dal

Way too much bitching going on about this Dallas trip. "Elderly people and there meds...". Really?? That's how deep we're digging to vent frustration?

EVERY PERSON getting the ax has known it was coming for well over a year now! If you haven't planned, that's your problem. Most of us (regular Abbvie employees) have been with the company a mininum of 6-8 years, as very few regular employees were hired after 2007. With 8 years, you'll be paid until December. In these days, that's a pretty damn good layoff severance...and plenty of time for a job search.

I think most of you who are complaining are the people who have never worked in anything other than pharma, and it's finally sinking in that you're going to have to find a job that will require real work, have more hours and will probably pay less.