How many different teams does one district manager have?


I recently had a face to face interview with a district manager and regional manager. I wasn't informed of what drugs would be in the portfolio until the interview. I have significant experience with this particular disease state and documented top 10 sales rankings. The interview went well and both managers kept commenting about my qualifications and background. Needless to say, 3 days later I received a generated email stating I was not chosen to move forward. I have since found out that two other people who interviewed on the same day as me with the same managers were told the position was for two completely different drugs and they too had experience in the disease states of the drugs they were told. The different disease states were Cardiac, Respiratory, and Diabetes. Those two also received the same "not one of those chosen" email as me on the same day. Crazy thing is our emails were dated the day of our interviews. WTH??? Does one manager carry that many different portfolios? When comparing the job posting we all applied for, it was the same position and requisition number.


They figure if you're in the field already and can't make it, you probably just can't make it.

I mean if you're a Rhubarb salesman and want to switch to canned yams, that's one thing. But if you want to sell Uncle Ben's, then really, guy. Why are you wasting our time anyway?

I recently had a face to face interview with a district manager and regional manager. I wasn't informed of what drugs would be in the portfolio until the interview. I have significant experience with this particular disease state and documented top 10 sales rankings. The interview went well and both managers kept commenting about my qualifications and background. Needless to say, 3 days later I received a generated email stating I was not chosen to move forward. I have since found out that two other people who interviewed on the same day as me with the same managers were told the position was for two completely different drugs and they too had experience in the disease states of the drugs they were told. The different disease states were Cardiac, Respiratory, and Diabetes. Those two also received the same "not one of those chosen" email as me on the same day. Crazy thing is our emails were dated the day of our interviews. WTH??? Does one manager carry that many different portfolios? When comparing the job posting we all applied for, it was the same position and requisition number.

That does sound pretty crazy. Imagine that 365 days a year :)

Many times a position is already filled. The DM just goes through the motions of interviewing but already has picked a candidate. Sad but true. They just waste your time to fill an HR requirement.

Many times a position is already filled. The DM just goes through the motions of interviewing but already has picked a candidate. Sad but true. They just waste your time to fill an HR requirement.
It would be more of a surprise if the RSD had known the product they are responsible for. We are lucky if our DSM even knows how our drugs are dosed.

Many times a position is already filled. The DM just goes through the motions of interviewing but already has picked a candidate. Sad but true. They just waste your time to fill an HR requirement.

This happens all the time! Most positions are "filled" well in advance of actual interviews. Candidates go in with their little Brag Books, studying up on the STAR questions, and it's all for nothing! My guess is that 90% of AZ positions fit this situation.

They figure if you're in the field already and can't make it, you probably just can't make it.

I mean if you're a Rhubarb salesman and want to switch to canned yams, that's one thing. But if you want to sell Uncle Ben's, then really, guy. Why are you wasting our time anyway?

All the other posts gave me good honest answers and I appreciate that. But, I knew there would be at least one smart ass remark. I did make it in my specialty. I was laid off just like many other good reps out there due to downsizing territories. It's the good ones that are let go and idiots like you that are kept for some reason. Maybe because they don't need to pay you much to make you happy. Bet you think that 50,000 you make a year is some "purty good darn money" don't cha??? Nobody wasted your time except for you. I am sure it took you hours to come up with that stupid remark about rhubarb.

All the other posts gave me good honest answers and I appreciate that. But, I knew there would be at least one smart ass remark. I did make it in my specialty. I was laid off just like many other good reps out there due to downsizing territories. It's the good ones that are let go and idiots like you that are kept for some reason. Maybe because they don't need to pay you much to make you happy. Bet you think that 50,000 you make a year is some "purty good darn money" don't cha??? Nobody wasted your time except for you. I am sure it took you hours to come up with that stupid remark about rhubarb.

I have to agree with you; there are way too many assholes that still work at AZ, many of whom are managers! I know it sucks to not get the offer but trust me, there is no future at AZ (no pipeline at all). You would only be interviewing again in 2 yrs when the major downsizing occurs when Crestor and Nexium are officially gone! Stay positive.

All the other posts gave me good honest answers and I appreciate that. But, I knew there would be at least one smart ass remark. I did make it in my specialty. I was laid off just like many other good reps out there due to downsizing territories. It's the good ones that are let go and idiots like you that are kept for some reason. Maybe because they don't need to pay you much to make you happy. Bet you think that 50,000 you make a year is some "purty good darn money" don't cha??? Nobody wasted your time except for you. I am sure it took you hours to come up with that stupid remark about rhubarb.

Sorry you were downsized. A word to the wise though in general about applying and interviewing for a future position. I learned this the hard way but if you apply for PC positions regardless of what your base was only put in 60-65K as that is the going rate. Specialty jobs especially if you have worked in any specialty for 3 years or are applying for a specialty position you had formerly held- you can start at 75K-85K. That has been my experience and I am assuming it will be pretty universal regardless of where you live.

All the other posts gave me good honest answers and I appreciate that. But, I knew there would be at least one smart ass remark. I did make it in my specialty. I was laid off just like many other good reps out there due to downsizing territories. It's the good ones that are let go and idiots like you that are kept for some reason. Maybe because they don't need to pay you much to make you happy. Bet you think that 50,000 you make a year is some "purty good darn money" don't cha??? Nobody wasted your time except for you. I am sure it took you hours to come up with that stupid remark about rhubarb.

Really? The other posts gave "good honest answers?" How do you know that?

What the other posts gave you was what you wanted to read, because you're a sniveling loser. The fact is you didn't get the job. What are you going to do when the doctor just won't prescribe? (No need to answer, we know -- you'll make an excuse and deny responsibility.)

The reason you didn't get the job is that the people deciding whether you should get it or not decided that they would be better off not hiring you. That is the undeniable truth.