How many calls do you FAKE EACH DAY?

The reps that come to my office are now required to sign in and then leave a copy of your sample ticket, as the law requires. When your company calls, we fax your documents immediately. Been seeing fewer reps since we implemented this policy. The sunshine law should help stop my associates from being bought off and help you reps to actually show up or find a new trade, either way, it's nice to see fakes disappear!

You're such a funny DM -did you think we fell for this stupid scare tactic. I fake about 40% of my calls but my handicap is down to a 9.

You're such a funny DM -did you think we fell for this stupid scare tactic. I fake about 40% of my calls but my handicap is down to a 9.

Your handicap is that you responded, admitting to falsifying calls is grounds for termination! Maybe Tiger is looking for a new caddie, oh that's right , he's not working either! Pharma Karma coming to a home near you!

tiny man did you take down my reply? jomo you worried the other reps will find out that I am ranked at the top? News flash tiny hitler there are ways to beat every system- I suggest you revisit your resume- I have an hr file on you a mile wide. You really should watch what you say at meeting after you have been drinking. can you say video recorder?

News flash to you dopey rep, you don't even know who you are responding to. I'm not your dipshit manager, so take your lame HR threat and stick it up your ass. I.T. and sales ops are aware of your silly games and is building an airtight system that will expose losers like you. Stay tuned and take your best shot. And please refer to me as Mussolini, he is my favorite fascist, much more style than the little Bavarian.

News flash to you dopey rep, you don't even know who you are responding to. I'm not your dipshit manager, so take your lame HR threat and stick it up your ass. I.T. and sales ops are aware of your silly games and is building an airtight system that will expose losers like you. Stay tuned and take your best shot. And please refer to me as Mussolini, he is my favorite fascist, much more style than the little Bavarian.

BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA I.T. sales ops whatever- who cares- wasn't talking about you was talking about the great JM in the Midwest. Sorry to offend.

I love PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!! bla bla hahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!!!!!!

Better to love paper now, because when its gone, the iPad reps will take signatures for $30K a year plus car allowance. Doc, sign here after 20 second commercial on my iPad, thanks. No knowledge required, but college this required to carry an iPad, get used to it!