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How many calls a day are actually real?

My guess is that 10% of calls would actually meet the definition of what a call should be. I know mine would fall into that percentage. We all lie, daily, about our work. It's ok though because that's the nature of this beast!

Calls, shmalls. Look at the big picture folks. If the Shire deal falls, we are really screwed. At least before they had Shire reps to tap for layoffs and share the pain, now its only us.

$1.6B is a hefty penalty fee and will come out of our hides. The cuts are going to be deep in sales and marketing on anything that is either a lame duck product, ie Androgel or proves to be a big disappointment,ie HCV. And those of us in cake areas that are grossly overstaffed with an ancient product (don't want to shoot myself in the balls by being too obvious) are surely to get the big stick up the ass too.

I don't think you have to worry. The talk is now that instead of paying cash, we are looking into giving them a product, or, better yet, a product and the reps that go with it. Shire gets what they need, we get to reduce headcount, but everybody keeps their job. Decision/negotiations expected by mid November.

I don't think you have to worry. The talk is now that instead of paying cash, we are looking into giving them a product, or, better yet, a product and the reps that go with it. Shire gets what they need, we get to reduce headcount, but everybody keeps their job. Decision/negotiations expected by mid November.

Oh yeah we have sooo many products that Shire would want lol. How bout Androgel, whoops nevermind. Ah, how bout our new far inferior HCV drug? Nope. How bout humira nah going off patent too soon.
Well we do have some amazing sales reps with very unique skills and talents. No?
Well nevermind then.

Oh yeah we have sooo many products that Shire would want lol. How bout Androgel, whoops nevermind. Ah, how bout our new far inferior HCV drug? Nope. How bout humira nah going off patent too soon.
Well we do have some amazing sales reps with very unique skills and talents. No?
Well nevermind then.

How about we sell them our trade secret management style? It's special.

pharma is the reason for the healthcare crisis now

OK, please define "health care crisis".

By health care crisis are you referring to the fact that we have the best health care in the world? Are you referencing the fact that world leaders of other nations come to the US when they get sick?

There are many things that could be tweaked to make it better, no doubt. But when you say "crisis' you imply that people are dying in dirty hospital beds covered in flies. That is a CRISIS.

Other examples are when people have to wait for 6 months to have an emergency bypass operation and die at month 4 (happened to my uncle in Europe.) Or when women are having babies in hospital hallways because there aren't enough beds (happens 2000 times per year in England.) Or when people choose to go to a veterinarian for a CT scan as a last resort because the wait is a year + (my neighbor who is from Canada will tell you about that.) That is what socialized medicine (known as Obamacare in the US) is like. Then you can talk about a crisis.

That is not what happens here - yet. Everyone gets care whether they can pay for it or not. Whether they are legal citizens or not.

If you want the best system in the world to be even better, then:

!) restrict med malpractice law suits (shut down the ambulance chasers and make it a loser pays system)
2)let people shop for insurance nationally (like they do for their auto and homeowners policies, this will increase competition which will drive up quality and drive down price)
3) let people buy the insurance they need, ala carte (current Obamacare rules dictate that a single guy take out the same policy as a family of 4, with things like new mommy wellness, childhood vaccinations and in CA, postpartum tummy tucks!)
4) create a system of health savings accounts that employers contribute to and employees use to purchase the plans of their choice. Stay healthy and have a nice bank account. If not, you have $$ to use for health care costs. And this way, you take the account with you so if you lose or change jobs, you don't lose your health care resources.

The government has zero business or authority getting involved in a citizen's health care choices. Look at how the government runs anything else, it is bankrupt. Social Security, the post office, you name it. They couldn't get the website right but, don't worry, they'll take good care of everybody when the time comes? Yeah, right!

The only crisis so far is Obamacare, not pharma. You are ridiculous for even suggesting it.

OK, please define "health care crisis".

By health care crisis are you referring to the fact that we have the best health care in the world? Are you referencing the fact that world leaders of other nations come to the US when they get sick?

There are many things that could be tweaked to make it better, no doubt. But when you say "crisis' you imply that people are dying in dirty hospital beds covered in flies. That is a CRISIS.

Other examples are when people have to wait for 6 months to have an emergency bypass operation and die at month 4 (happened to my uncle in Europe.) Or when women are having babies in hospital hallways because there aren't enough beds (happens 2000 times per year in England.) Or when people choose to go to a veterinarian for a CT scan as a last resort because the wait is a year + (my neighbor who is from Canada will tell you about that.) That is what socialized medicine (known as Obamacare in the US) is like. Then you can talk about a crisis.

That is not what happens here - yet. Everyone gets care whether they can pay for it or not. Whether they are legal citizens or not.

If you want the best system in the world to be even better, then:

!) restrict med malpractice law suits (shut down the ambulance chasers and make it a loser pays system)
2)let people shop for insurance nationally (like they do for their auto and homeowners policies, this will increase competition which will drive up quality and drive down price)
3) let people buy the insurance they need, ala carte (current Obamacare rules dictate that a single guy take out the same policy as a family of 4, with things like new mommy wellness, childhood vaccinations and in CA, postpartum tummy tucks!)
4) create a system of health savings accounts that employers contribute to and employees use to purchase the plans of their choice. Stay healthy and have a nice bank account. If not, you have $$ to use for health care costs. And this way, you take the account with you so if you lose or change jobs, you don't lose your health care resources.

The government has zero business or authority getting involved in a citizen's health care choices. Look at how the government runs anything else, it is bankrupt. Social Security, the post office, you name it. They couldn't get the website right but, don't worry, they'll take good care of everybody when the time comes? Yeah, right!

The only crisis so far is Obamacare, not pharma. You are ridiculous for even suggesting it.

Sounds like you might need to seek some professional help! LOL