What an idiotic analogy to make a point. You're the stupid one.
Yes, I know, that is why I found a great job out of the industry, pays to be this stupid! You are the dumb one still here.
What an idiotic analogy to make a point. You're the stupid one.
Poster#20- why is it the only way to make money by going to work for "someone". This kind of thinking is exactly what is wrong with not only this industry and why you are still in it. Use some "creativity" and find your way out, no one is going to find it for you. You have to get rid of the "working for the man" mentality.
That would be great, but there is at least as much likelihood that you will be fired first!
This is correct, everyone needs to stop thinking about the next pharma job - there are none/ the industry continues to decline. get out!
That would be great, but there is at least as much likelihood that you will be fired first!
That would be great, but there is at least as much likelihood that you will be fired first!
This statement is truer than you think! The goal at Eisai is to put so much pressure on you that you will quit (no severance & no un-employment) before they are forced (business reasons the reduce cost of labor) to layoff people and pay severance plus un-employment.
I am an "older" oncology employee who made a lot of money off of the MGI buyout. I work because I need health insurance before Obama care kicks in at the beginning of 2014. Would I leave if a good severance package was offered? Absolutely. This is just a job for me, not a career. And most of the 55 & older crowd would leave too freeing up oncology jobs for the younger PC folks who need a job because of their current lifestyle and families to raise. Most of us are past that phase in our lives. I do not resent the younger PC folks. I feel sorry for them as this industry is going the way of "buggy whip" salesmen. I sat thru my RSD meeting Wedneday and saw that at least 7 PC folks have moved into Oncology. This will continue as the older folks leave or find new jobs. And I might add these new PC folks are probablty making $40K less than the person they replaced! I counsel the younger folks in the 30-45 age bracket to get out of this industry because these jobs are not going to be here so get on with your life and preserve your sanity! Eisai and my new boss are forcing some of us to be on anti-depressant and sleep medication to keep our sanity! And I imagine some of the younger crowd is doing the same.
We know that due to Eritoran data and very low Aricept 23 sales plus the inevitable generic low pricing of enoxaparin that jobs are gonna be lost! Look at the Critical Care folks who lost their jobs after LC spoke on Tuesday. And the lymphoma group is not much better off covering 4-5 states trying to maintain Ontac and Targretin! And we know that 200+ people are not needed to sell Oncology products!
What should Eisai do? Well here is a start:
1. Offer Voluntary Exist Packages (VEP) and see who will take them before the inevitable layoffs take place. I bet at least 25 of the current Oncology folks would take them to get out of this micromanaged nightmare! If they did this and asked the ones that were leaving to help train and introduce the new PC folks to the accounts and help out with the "relationship" building then it would be a win-win for all parties. However, if Eisai continues to "mess" with these older folks with the pressure of micromanaging and force outs, Eisai will not get the "goodwill" they need to increase the business in oncology. Think about it: no lunches and appointments will go to the new folks (most appts are set a year in advance), loss of Aloxi business at major accounts and same with Dacogen and Halaven!
Oh and lets not forget the sale of Aloxi "overfill" syringes that was outright medicare fraud that would be exposed (we do keep records for "safekeeping", so don't mess with us!).
2. If VEP's are offered and folks took them, Eisai could retain the best PC folks and promote them and not lose them to layoffs. And save a lot of money with lower salaries and "beneies". Make sure you extend health care to the beginning of 2014 and have a "supplement" plan available after that to protect the older folks.
3. Combine lymphoma with current Oncology. Targretin and Ontak could be worked as a fourth line presentation to those that use these drugs plus possibly increase new usage to those docs who are not currently using them. And this would produce smaller territories and lower expenses for travel. This could mean that DM's would have smaller areas to drive to and expand their role to at least 10 people. This would cut expenses for them as well. I know of one DM who flies (FF miles) down the night before a work-with, stays at Marriotts (for the points) rents a car (FF miles) for four days (why do this when the reps pick you up everyday, are you going to a "jiggle" joint at night?)! OB and RSD's are you listening and checking their expense reports? This would eliminate this type of BS since the DM would drive to workwith their reps.
4. Morale would increase as Eisai would be doing the right thing for their employees by taking care of the older folks and providing stable employment and promotion opps for the younger ones.
And if you don't do this, then morale will continue to tumble, folks will only give you 50% effort, folks won't trust the leadership and "mental" health days (for your sanity) will continue! And management is really going to be surprised with the results of our "recent" global survey and folks blasted the leadership and situation at Eisai!
Do the above and Eisai can return to the ranks of "preferred" place of employment!
'nuff said!
Sorry to spell it out but I know because it happened to me and it has happened to several of my friends. One guy has been unemployed for almost 3 years. He lost his house. He had to take a job making half what he made before. A lot depends on where you live.