How low will stock prices go?????

How about you’re getting a paycheck and you’ll sell whatever the hell we ask you to sell.

Shut up and get ready to sell some Aristada you crybabies.
Shut up. People like you are whats wrong with this company. You cannot sell Aristada with over 200 reps!
The psych said are getting their teeth kicked in. Look at your Aristada production. Bad bad

How about you’re getting a paycheck and you’ll sell whatever the hell we ask you to sell.

Shut up and get ready to sell some Aristada you crybabies.

Crybabies? Why not report more of my posts you asshat? You are obviously someone who dishes it out but can’t take a response, in other words a douche. Doesn’t change the fact that you are an idiot!

Addiction side to save the day yet again. CNS is a mess, and Pops cycles through commercial sales leader after commercial sales leader yet somehow keeps his job.

Sarissa tried their best to fix it. Wisely they cut ties when no changes were made.

Addiction side to save the day yet again. CNS is a mess, and Pops cycles through commercial sales leader after commercial sales leader yet somehow keeps his job.

Sarissa tried their best to fix it. Wisely they cut ties when no changes were made.

Lmfao, addiction here to save the day? This place is a big fucking joke at this point

There is no one proud to work at Alkermes unless you are LGBTQIA+ and have Nibblings, are a lonely single woman that failed to reproduce so you have purpose in your life or better yet you are so medically dependent on working because your mind body and soul are and have deteriorated so far you have nothing better to do with your time than pet your dogs and stare at an empty room.

There is no one proud to work at Alkermes unless you are LGBTQIA+ and have Nibblings, are a lonely single woman that failed to reproduce so you have purpose in your life or better yet you are so medically dependent on working because your mind body and soul are and have deteriorated so far you have nothing better to do with your time than pet your dogs and stare at an empty room.
Pride month would be nothing without a little shade! How cunty of you, sis!!

Now it’s my turn:

Your insults are so boring, the gays living in your head rent free evicted themselves.

You spend so much time on CF that both Pete Norman’s serpents and Jacobi asked you to take a break.

Your mother hates you so much, she read your post about a woman failing to reproduce and said, “sounds nice.”

Your IQ is lower than Alks stock price… In May 2020.


Your pet-less dog :(

The culture at Alks is so toxic, just read the posts above. Get out while you have an amazing opportunity available at BMS. It’s a dead end here, bms has a strong pipeline.

damn this Alkermes Netflix Original series is like a car crash I can not look away because it’s awesome to watch the red headed step children run the station wagon into a brick wall!
What’s next season gonna be like considering this one has been on repeat for 5 years now!