Anyone can man the ship in easy times, but it takes a leader of character to take the helm in stormy seas.
There are a few, but there are also some that are very visible that just like to sit on the panic button and freak out on every little word and number, and beat up their people. Be still and listen to the ones who understand and are holding strong.
The baby is getting stronger by the day. Force feeding it and poking it, and beating it, makes it weaker not stronger.
People who sit in their office all day and don't talk to customers destroy what is being built too often in this business.
This drug is kicking some ass.
Word from a Sales Professional
There are a few, but there are also some that are very visible that just like to sit on the panic button and freak out on every little word and number, and beat up their people. Be still and listen to the ones who understand and are holding strong.
The baby is getting stronger by the day. Force feeding it and poking it, and beating it, makes it weaker not stronger.
People who sit in their office all day and don't talk to customers destroy what is being built too often in this business.
This drug is kicking some ass.
Word from a Sales Professional