How long till the end?

Anyone can man the ship in easy times, but it takes a leader of character to take the helm in stormy seas.

There are a few, but there are also some that are very visible that just like to sit on the panic button and freak out on every little word and number, and beat up their people. Be still and listen to the ones who understand and are holding strong.

The baby is getting stronger by the day. Force feeding it and poking it, and beating it, makes it weaker not stronger.

People who sit in their office all day and don't talk to customers destroy what is being built too often in this business.

This drug is kicking some ass.

Word from a Sales Professional

Anyone can man the ship in easy times, but it takes a leader of character to take the helm in stormy seas.

There are a none here, but there are some at other companies that were too smart to come here. Be still and listen to the ones who know what they are talking about. Maybe they can help you get a real job somewhere else.

The baby is getting weaker by the day. Force feeding it and poking it, and beating it, makes no difference.

People who sit in their office all day and don't talk to customers laugh all day long at those fools that have to try selling this with a straight face.

This drug is sucking on some ass.

Word from a stock pumper who is losing what little money he had.

Fixed the post

Anyone can man the ship in easy times, but it takes a leader of character to take the helm in stormy seas.

There are a few, but there are also some that are very visible that just like to sit on the panic button and freak out on every little word and number, and beat up their people. Be still and listen to the ones who understand and are holding strong.

The baby is getting stronger by the day. Force feeding it and poking it, and beating it, makes it weaker not stronger.

People who sit in their office all day and don't talk to customers destroy what is being built too often in this business.

This drug is kicking some ass.

Word from a Sales Professional

You're an idiot. Nobody cares about your pathetic investment except the group of dummies that fail to see reality for what it is. This drug is a dud. Nobody is buying it. If you are an Amarin sales professional you should be ashamed of the horrible job you're doing.

Please enjoy bankruptcy.

Hedge Funds will support the stock just to syphon dollars away from shareholders through selling call options, into perpetuity.

Management shot themselves in the foot with their dream peddling.

Just wondering what my fellow sales professionals are thinking regarding this topic? It seems like we are not hitting the numbers that were projected..but do you think with the new indication we will start to expand? Or, should we all be looking for better opportunities.
How long is Amarin going to try to keep afloat without the revenue pouring in?

Spoken like a true troll or GSK rep. I guess they are one in the same. Go away, douche.

The company will continue is cash burn. In fact, it will have to raise more money. Once it hits a point where there is no money left, the company will have to merge with someone else (at a stock price lower than where it is today). A large number of reps will be eliminated along the way.