How long till the end?


Just wondering what my fellow sales professionals are thinking regarding this topic? It seems like we are not hitting the numbers that were projected..but do you think with the new indication we will start to expand? Or, should we all be looking for better opportunities.
How long is Amarin going to try to keep afloat without the revenue pouring in?

Just wondering what my fellow sales professionals are thinking regarding this topic? It seems like we are not hitting the numbers that were projected..but do you think with the new indication we will start to expand? Or, should we all be looking for better opportunities.
How long is Amarin going to try to keep afloat without the revenue pouring in?

It's really early in the launch. I wouldn't worry.

you could have 2050, it's a high cost of goods, much lower profit margin.Anchor will add little to the bottom line. ( most docs that will write VASCEPA will do so off-label due to safety)
There is a generic Lovaza in 15; the LDL story doesn't matter as much in the 200-500TG level patients so I'd be looking for greener pastures.
They can't market to a PCP market with current sales force and don't have the cash to hire one. There won't be a buyout.( the NCE story doesn't matter, you're already 9 months into NCE whether 3 or 5 years) so..

I hear mixed things from everyone I talk to...some think its only a matter of time before the end, others think once we get the new indication we will expand. I know some that are actively looking for new jobs. It may just be the industry. Lovaza scripts have declined over the past's either because patients don't want to or can't afford to pay for a "fish oil", or physicians just don't see the benefit to adding a fish oil to patients therapy in treating triglycerides.

The Amarin reps are doing a great job in generating Vascepa Rx's from Cardiologists, who are not the easiest specialists to call on. If you are an Amarin rep, pay no attention to any bashing troll who posts here as they have their head up their ass or they are Lovaza reps, who also have their heads up their asses.

Go Vascepa!! Kudos to the Amarin Sales Team! ANCHOR is coming!!

Who has told you, that your employment is guaranteed until 2030?
Let's look at the value of the company?
Debt - Shares Issued - $ per share
Please stop being a Pharma Robot Child- you give everyone a bad name

hahahahahahahaahahaahahaaha.....Yes, because I like it here and believe we have a solid compound and understand that to launch a company takes on debt issues stock etc. And the company will grow in value with Anchor. Yes, I'm giving "everyone" a bad name. Or I could go negative like you; and that will give "everyone" a good name!


Amen to that, Many of us cussed big pharma. Now we are in a specialty biotec in control of our own fate, I'm staying put ! These guys believed in me and I believe in them! In case you haven't noticed there aren't many pharma companies expanding out there, let's make this happen guys!,,

Great product Great leadership make it happen mission possible!,,

The Amarin reps are doing a great job in generating Vascepa Rx's from Cardiologists, who are not the easiest specialists to call on. If you are an Amarin rep, pay no attention to any bashing troll who posts here as they have their head up their ass or they are Lovaza reps, who also have their heads up their asses.

Go Vascepa!! Kudos to the Amarin Sales Team! ANCHOR is coming!!

Typical stock pumper that can't face reality. The scripts are horrible.

This whole thread tells a story. A story of a superior product that has the "competition" afraid.
Great job to all Reps and R.S.!

You are a joke. The one afraid is you as your stock is circling the toilet bowl. It is only a few cents above the 52 week low, which means you are on the brink of getting your doublewide repossessed.


I hear the fat lady warming up in Bedminster!

Those stellar sales numbers are just lighting up the stock! Oh.. ANCHOR?
only thing this ANCHOR is going to do is SINK AMARIN.

No money, Amarin is on cash reserve, can't hire to replace people that quit; financed 100million at 12% interest..
Joe Z is definitely a genious CEO!!

Does anyone have the number for SEC??

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No!!! And it ain't over now. Cuz when the going gets tough, the tough become unethical. This is going to get interesting. Buckle up.