How long before the next round of layoffs?

Incompetent reps/mgrs etc.. Everyone screwing everyone. I left 2 years ago and have to come back to CP for my guilty pleasure every month. You people are hysterical! No other industry comes close to this dysfunction. Sad but so like a train wreck. Can't help but watch it! And to think you are all so stupid to not realize with a little bit of effort you can make 2-3 times that much outside of the industry

Incompetent reps/mgrs etc.. Everyone screwing everyone. I left 2 years ago and have to come back to CP for my guilty pleasure every month. You people are hysterical! No other industry comes close to this dysfunction. Sad but so like a train wreck. Can't help but watch it! And to think you are all so stupid to not realize with a little bit of effort you can make 2-3 times that much outside of the industry

Sorry you can not make 2-3 times outside the industry with a little bit of effort. Not today.

Why is it that nobody ever thinks they can make six figures outside of pharma? WTH do you think your neighbors do for a living?

I swear this industry just breeds narcissists!!

Why is it that nobody ever thinks they can make six figures outside of pharma? WTH do you think your neighbors do for a living?

I swear this industry just breeds narcissists!!

The comment was that you can make 2-3 times as much outside of pharma which is total bullshit. You can make six figures a year selling cars but you work 6 days a week 12-14 hours a day not 10-2 like we do.

Verbosh - definition = douchebag - he has cut a number of high performing reps and DMs for reasons that deserve at best a slap on the wrist. He is on a power trip cutting people for reasons that are NOT written!!!! RIP Cali DM, NY REP and FLA REP hope we arent next

seems like the difference between the ny rep and us is he has a job that isnt going away. These quotas suck call me a woman cause im gonna need to call in a few orders to hit my goals

Calling won't help your numbers unless you fake them which you can't. Those reps were calling in orders the accounts wanted them too, and that chicken shit compliance guy fired them for no reason. We have such pieces of shit around here.

Your post is correct on many items and yes TWH will be history and TSP will take over Paragard at the end of the year. The only thing you have no clue on is Adasuve. Adasuve is a 10 year money maker for Teva and the only delay is the waiting period to get products through the P&T process which granted will take up to a year but after that Adasuve will have 9 years of growth and income for Teva.

I guess you missed this BIG TIME! Have fun waiting for your phone call tomorrow!!!!