How is the Inflammation Business Unit?

Like anything else, it just depends. Depends on the manager, the team and the RD. Personally I am very happy in the IBU. I sell Otezla and Enbrel in a tiny territory I can work two days a week. I love my base salary, 401k and free car. I will stay as long as this gravy train lasts.

This is an example of why Amgen has run into a ditch with nothing being done or accomplished with totally lazy people working here.

Its a mixed answer.

Enbrel represents the worst of Amgen. Too many reps calling on two few customers. Despite KN axing JW for his focus on teleconferences over calls, the culture still exists here to have multiple standing weekly teleconferences with both our district, the region and various TO committees. We just don't focus on making good calls. Calls on customers are our last priority.

Otezla represents the hope for better. Their product barely works and the old magic of Celgene is gone, but KN has tried to save their performance culture of making calls first, second and third and if there is time left then do a situational leadership or structural bias call. The problem is they are beholden to our utter lack of IC data so many of their best have vanished for smaller, more nimble companies. You simply can't not collect data and expect performance sales pros to stick around.

Teze is a mix. Entirely populated by legacy Amgen so heavy dose of activity focus, but the friends I know who went over there say because it's new and growing, at least management is making an effort to leave them alone and let them make calls. None of the forced Veeva Engage BS that Enbrel's management does.

Overall, decent place. The next 12 months will decide. Will KN's efforts to instill a performance culture take root or will the activity first Enbrel slugs win the day?

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