How is Oncology Leadership doing now?

This outfit is unable to attract good people.... They can only hire reps who were laid off etc...

The bonus plan is the worse in the industry.. They hold 25% of the $29,000.00 target back resulting in a net (after taxes, deductions ) of around $2600.00 per quarter.... Come on...that is a joke for an Oncology company/division...The rest of the industry is not going to these type of bonuses...
There are a few good people left....all of them are waiting for the right opportunity...
This is fast becoming a place where the blind while soon be leading the blind..

MS is without a doubt the worst leader in sales. He is disconnected from the field. The next person to run sales will inherit the mess he left behind much like he did in marketing. Anyone paying attention in Frazer?

MS is without a doubt the worst leader in sales. He is disconnected from the field. The next person to run sales will inherit the mess he left behind much like he did in marketing. Anyone paying attention in Frazer?

His days are likely numbered. ME talks with Larry on a regular basis running roughshod over BC and MS with his opinions on the direction of oncology. ME is all smiles with MS and BC, but he is giving Larry an earful almost every week. Believe me, if Larry could was in a boat in the middle of the ocean and could only fit one person of those three people, MS and BC would be best to start to start looking for a floating door.

His days are likely numbered. ME talks with Larry on a regular basis running roughshod over BC and MS with his opinions on the direction of oncology. ME is all smiles with MS and BC, but he is giving Larry an earful almost every week. Believe me, if Larry could was in a boat in the middle of the ocean and could only fit one person of those three people, MS and BC would be best to start to start looking for a floating door.


I've been gone a little while now. I now they went through and got rid everyone they didnt' want or all the good people left and got better jobs. However, I was wondering if the Oncology Leadership is finally leading or is it still the same where BC pretends he knows anything about making money and being successful and puts all of his own political persuits within the company before focusing on business results and does anything possible, it seems, to prevent success. Then, MS goes along with a smile just to keep his job and hopefully get promoted, which to him will make it all worth it... ridiculous but true. Other people who have no marketing experience, let alone Oncology Marketing experience, running the flagship brand? How is it all really going?

Epic Failure!