It is open positions from people jumping ship already! I do not think the contract will last much longer. The numbers are terrible and nothing positive being said lately about the contract.
I too believe Oleptro will have a decent market share over time, but it will take time, and I am not sure how long AL wants to wait.
You can believe anything you want. The existing market share data since launch shows that it's not doing well.
Are you seeing any traction with the state medicaid programs?
I know! Three manager positions open right now! That is not a good sign. I really don't see how this contract will last much longer. The numbers are really terrible.
2 in the East Region and 1 in the West Region.
There is no "east or "west" region on the plan. Who are you guys?
Doesn't matter dipshit. At least 6 managers have left already!
Doesn't matter dipshit. At least 6 managers have left already!
The first full month of IMS data is available this morning and Oleptro is...let me look here...I'm still looking...hang on a patient...Oh, I see the problem here. Not enough NRX volume to register.