How I see it as we end 2019



The US Economy is as GOOD as it gets…Every company I know is having a record year. They have no fear of the coming year but do not expect 2020 to be as good as 2019. All traditional metrics that judge the state of the economy are green. There is no better place to be in business on the planet. Interest rates will remain low and NO inflation of significance is on the horizon. Wages are UP and unemployment is DOWN. Housing continues to be strong with signs of decline in states like California and NYC where taxes and housing cost are out of control. Long term accelerating debt and a decline in families having children (decline in birthrate) will be an issue… but not in my lifetime.


The political environment is a mess. Nothing productive comes out of the battles between parties. Driving a bigger wedge between the left and right. A study of Socialism will show it does not work. Venezuela, Spain and other European countries have proven a failed model. I do not like any of the candidates on either side. I have had personal dealings with Trump and do not like him but do like MANY of his policies. Wish he was not such a bully and would go to charm school..The left has gone way too far to the left making way for a more centered candidate… Bloomberg will have a difficult time getting his own parties nomination…the rest of the current candidates cant beat Trump. Don’t be surprised if Hillary jumps in when Biden loses water.

Hillary could beat Trump with a proper VP by her side and a more moderate platform if Trump continues to lose support. If Warren, Bernie or other radical candidates appear to get the support of the party then I think the stock market and economy TANK and I go 100% to cash and hide deeper in Sedona The environment and climate change are a huge challenge but one trip to Mexico City and China will make it painfully evident that this is more than a US battle to find a solution. Bloomberg focusing on eliminating Big Gulps at Circle K or knocking on doors in South Texas to get gun owners to give up their guns would cause a Civil War.


I worry about a catastrophic event that will change life as we know it. All it would take is a dirty bomb at Disneyland or at a shopping center in Springfield Missouri or a cyber attack from IRAN or a missile exploding in NYC shot from Korea.

I do not worry about a recession in the next 2 years but do see a reason to lighting up my stock portfolio to a MORE conservative position…BEFORE something UGLY happens.



The US Economy is as GOOD as it gets…Every company I know is having a record year. They have no fear of the coming year but do not expect 2020 to be as good as 2019. All traditional metrics that judge the state of the economy are green. There is no better place to be in business on the planet. Interest rates will remain low and NO inflation of significance is on the horizon. Wages are UP and unemployment is DOWN. Housing continues to be strong with signs of decline in states like California and NYC where taxes and housing cost are out of control. Long term accelerating debt and a decline in families having children (decline in birthrate) will be an issue… but not in my lifetime.


The political environment is a mess. Nothing productive comes out of the battles between parties. Driving a bigger wedge between the left and right. A study of Socialism will show it does not work. Venezuela, Spain and other European countries have proven a failed model. I do not like any of the candidates on either side. I have had personal dealings with Trump and do not like him but do like MANY of his policies. Wish he was not such a bully and would go to charm school..The left has gone way too far to the left making way for a more centered candidate… Bloomberg will have a difficult time getting his own parties nomination…the rest of the current candidates cant beat Trump. Don’t be surprised if Hillary jumps in when Biden loses water.

Hillary could beat Trump with a proper VP by her side and a more moderate platform if Trump continues to lose support. If Warren, Bernie or other radical candidates appear to get the support of the party then I think the stock market and economy TANK and I go 100% to cash and hide deeper in Sedona The environment and climate change are a huge challenge but one trip to Mexico City and China will make it painfully evident that this is more than a US battle to find a solution. Bloomberg focusing on eliminating Big Gulps at Circle K or knocking on doors in South Texas to get gun owners to give up their guns would cause a Civil War.


I worry about a catastrophic event that will change life as we know it. All it would take is a dirty bomb at Disneyland or at a shopping center in Springfield Missouri or a cyber attack from IRAN or a missile exploding in NYC shot from Korea.

I do not worry about a recession in the next 2 years but do see a reason to lighting up my stock portfolio to a MORE conservative position…BEFORE something UGLY happens.

My compliments on an interesting and thoughtful post. I appreciate the time it took you to write it.

I want to come back later and provide a more complete response. But for now I want to point out one area where I believe you to be in considerable error and that’s on Trump’s personality and style.

I don’t take to kindly to such criticism although I myself am not particularly happy with all of Trump’s behavior, but Trump has one great saving grace where his behavior is concerned - he’s a fighter. And Republicans and specifically conservatives have been looking for a true fighter for a long time now.

Trump is not the cause of division. He isn’t the cause of incivility. He’s the product of division and the product of incivility. Here’s the proof of my case.

First, let’s get something straight. Trump’s approval numbers are as high or higher than Obama's were at this point in Their presidencies. Whether you like Trump or not - he’s as popular as Obama at the very least in job approval figures.

Here’s the key though, Democrats, particularly the far left and the media have savaged the last several Republican presidents - even though they were models of gentlemanly decorum for the overwhelming part. W, the elder Bush and Reagan were all savagely attacked and lied about. In W’s case his approval numbers had been driven to the basement due to his unwillingness to engage the battle and fight back.

So if you don’t like Trump’s style, his decorum, then you have nobody to blame more than Democrats, liberals and the media. They have made it to where you almost can’t be a Republican or conservative and survive politically. Just look at all the unwarranted and irrational hatred that Trump and those who support him here in this board have to deal with. No substance, no fact based debate, just bile and venom, personal attacks on appearance, intelligence or patriotism.

Give these thoughts some consideration in your evaluation of Trump.

Oh and there is no way Hillary could win, I don’t care who her VP pick would be. She is now a known quantity. They know how mean and hateful she is. They are tired of her smug and condescending attitude and anybody with real sense will not fall for her policy positions even if she lied about them. Far more important than BP is that type of justices she would nominate to SCOTUS and the lower courts. Trump would bludgeon her with that alone and with a husband like hers she can’t me too Trump, Kavanaugh or anybody else! She made a deal with Bill the Horny Devil and she got burned!

My compliments on an interesting and thoughtful post. I appreciate the time it took you to write it.

I want to come back later and provide a more complete response. But for now I want to point out one area where I believe you to be in considerable error and that’s on Trump’s personality and style.

I don’t take to kindly to such criticism although I myself am not particularly happy with all of Trump’s behavior, but Trump has one great saving grace where his behavior is concerned - he’s a fighter. And Republicans and specifically conservatives have been looking for a true fighter for a long time now.

Trump is not the cause of division. He isn’t the cause of incivility. He’s the product of division and the product of incivility. Here’s the proof of my case.

First, let’s get something straight. Trump’s approval numbers are as high or higher than Obama's were at this point in Their presidencies. Whether you like Trump or not - he’s as popular as Obama at the very least in job approval figures.

Here’s the key though, Democrats, particularly the far left and the media have savaged the last several Republican presidents - even though they were models of gentlemanly decorum for the overwhelming part. W, the elder Bush and Reagan were all savagely attacked and lied about. In W’s case his approval numbers had been driven to the basement due to his unwillingness to engage the battle and fight back.

So if you don’t like Trump’s style, his decorum, then you have nobody to blame more than Democrats, liberals and the media. They have made it to where you almost can’t be a Republican or conservative and survive politically. Just look at all the unwarranted and irrational hatred that Trump and those who support him here in this board have to deal with. No substance, no fact based debate, just bile and venom, personal attacks on appearance, intelligence or patriotism.

Give these thoughts some consideration in your evaluation of Trump.

Oh and there is no way Hillary could win, I don’t care who her VP pick would be. She is now a known quantity. They know how mean and hateful she is. They are tired of her smug and condescending attitude and anybody with real sense will not fall for her policy positions even if she lied about them. Far more important than BP is that type of justices she would nominate to SCOTUS and the lower courts. Trump would bludgeon her with that alone and with a husband like hers she can’t me too Trump, Kavanaugh or anybody else! She made a deal with Bill the Horny Devil and she got burned!

You seem obsessed with Obama. Get this straight. I never even mentioned him and wasn't comparing Trump to him. I simply said I didn't like him on a personal level. I don't like Obama either. It is not essential to agree with every aspect of a president or like them in order to vote for them.

You seem obsessed with Obama. Get this straight. I never even mentioned him and wasn't comparing Trump to him. I simply said I didn't like him on a personal level. I don't like Obama either. It is not essential to agree with every aspect of a president or like them in order to vote for them.

LOL! No I’m not obsessed with Obama. You just made a fool of himself. To reference the immediate preceding president especially one of the other party is not obsession. It’s entirely to be expected, reasonable and a natural comparison. I also focused quite a bit on Hillary. But like most liberals, you can’t abide perspective. No, you want to be free to bash Trump in isolation. Not on my watch.

You started well but you’re too thin skinned and wanted to go personal rather than discuss the substance of the topic at hand.

Care yo get back on track!!

LOL! No I’m not obsessed with Obama. You just made a fool of himself. To reference the immediate preceding president especially one of the other party is not obsession. It’s entirely to be expected, reasonable and a natural comparison. I also focused quite a bit on Hillary. But like most liberals, you can’t abide perspective. No, you want to be free to bash Trump in isolation. Not on my watch.

You started well but you’re too thin skinned and wanted to go personal rather than discuss the substance of the topic at hand.

Care yo get back on track!!

Freedom of speech Sparky, ever hear of it? :cool:

Yep. In fact that’s what I’m engaging in. I’m using my freedom of speech to point out error. Funny how often I have to do that with you. :D:cool:

LOL, but as I often have to point out to you, even FOS has limitations. Like most Breitbart / Alex Jones disciples, I often have to point out the folly of your absurd statements when your wheels come off and you invent new facts. ;)

LOL, but as I often have to point out to you, even FOS has limitations. Like most Breitbart / Alex Jones disciples, I often have to point out the folly of your absurd statements when your wheels come off and you invent new facts. ;)

And you’re always wrong about what the limits of free speech are as you constantly misapply the principles surrounding free speech.

And you’re the one who invents new facts which are only figments of your deranged imagination.

And you’re always wrong about what the limits of free speech are as you constantly misapply the principles surrounding free speech.

And you’re the one who invents new facts which are only figments of your deranged imagination.

I'm wrong about there being a limitation to free speech? Let's start here Mr. Mental Midget - step by step:

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919, placed limitations on free speech (the crowded theater example). This was partially overturned later but there ARE still restrictions - Yes? or No?

We'll get to the 'application' part later - for now just answer the question after which I'll excuse you for a lunch break because I'm such a nice guy. ;)

I'm wrong about there being a limitation to free speech? Let's start here Mr. Mental Midget - step by step:

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919, placed limitations on free speech (the crowded theater example). This was partially overturned later but there ARE still restrictions - Yes? or No?

We'll get to the 'application' part later - for now just answer the question after which I'll excuse you for a lunch break because I'm such a nice guy. ;)

Once again you’re betrayed by your lack of reading comprehension and you indulge yourself in the bad habit of lying and misrepresenting other’s positions.

And quite being disrespectful or I’ll send you to bed without any supper! ;);)

Once again you’re betrayed by your lack of reading comprehension and you indulge yourself in the bad habit of lying and misrepresenting other’s positions.

And quite being disrespectful or I’ll send you to bed without any supper! ;);)

Who's the liar? Did Justice Holmes write that opinion or didn't he? So now you run away? Again? :rolleyes: