How far back does Bristol Myers Squibb background checks go?

Kevin Ang

Can I please get a summation of what the checks are having to do with:

- Certs/Licenses
- How are they verified

- Criminal History
- How far back do the checks go?
- Are different charges put under different levels of scrutiny

- Education
- Is GPA an important number for potential candidates
- If one is pursuing a level of education requested for (let’s say attained BS, is in classes for MBA) detailed in a particular job opening, does that hurt the candidate, per say?
Any useful information is helpful and extremely desired.


- Criminal History
- How far back do the checks go?

with the proliferation of cell phones in our culture, the background checks are not going back to the 2nd grade.

I knew I shouldn't have skipped gym class that one day to smoke that cigarette in the 8th grade.

dam it.