Well my 3rd year at Bostwick we were over $250 million dollars in revenue and now in my 6th year here we are just over $100 it will end very soon.....sold to highest bidder or closed

It will end the way it began. Sparks that fizzle out because they didn't have what it takes.

I am not alone when I say that it amazes me that Bostwick (known by peers as S**twick) ever had a company in the first place. He started out his business career selling Stat Fix formalin replacement, or something that, & according to him, it was going to revolutionize fixation. It was crap and flopped.MS is his soul mate.

How do these POS keep getting high paying jobs in a dying business model. Please let me know.

It will end the way it began. Sparks that fizzle out because they didn't have what it takes.

I am not alone when I say that it amazes me that Bostwick (known by peers as S**twick) ever had a company in the first place. He started out his business career selling Stat Fix formalin replacement, or something that, & according to him, it was going to revolutionize fixation. It was crap and flopped.MS is his soul mate.

How do these POS keep getting high paying jobs in a dying business model. Please let me know.

They promise the same shit Obama promised and here we are 6 years into the shitty presidency and going on 2 yrs with Marty.......will all crash and burn soon enough.....Marty S. won't get another job in this industry we were his last hope or these fools wouldn't have taken his dumb ass non compete BS own

Marty and Robert came from the same lab that tanked under their direction. Wonder if Integrated Oncology fired him or he left. Didnt he have a non compete?

Yes he does have a non compete for 3 years and you wonder why Bostwick is underwater.......we can't call on half of the clients in our territory due to this DB.......yet they change the commission structure so you will fail and they can lay off more so they look more profitable .......wrong....clients follow the reps that take car of them not the GD douche bags that sink the company.

Good luck Marty and Rob.......

Yes he does have a non compete for 3 years and you wonder why Bostwick is underwater.......we can't call on half of the clients in our territory due to this DB.......yet they change the commission structure so you will fail and they can lay off more so they look more profitable .......wrong....clients follow the reps that take car of them not the GD douche bags that sink the company.

Good luck Marty and Rob.......

So true.......I had some clinets call me today and said they are DONE and the new rep sucks.......she isn't new she just doesn't ever leave the

I don't understand that if someone hates Bostwick laboratories so much and thinks it's sucks why do so many people waste their time and energy on it. If you are lucky enough to move on to bigger and better things then let it go. Move on. You don't have to put up with it anymore so keep it moving. Unfortunately there are people that still have to work there that have families to support. Believe me we know how bad it sucks. We see it everyday. We are the ones who actually see how there is no money coming in, deal with managers thatb are located 500 miles away who have no clue and only have their jobs because of who they know, go to a place that has 0 moral and leave work everyday wondering if we have job tomorrow. Believe me I don't think that there isn't as person in that place looking for somewhere else to go but I'm case you haven't noticed the job market isn't the best. The majority of Bostwick employees would like to move on. But in the mean time we have to grin it and bear it until our number is up or we get lucky to find something else. For those you who have moved on to bigger and better things get a life and let Bostwick go!!!!!