How does one be successful at Eisai?


The secret is to kiss deep ass, never say a negative thing, ever, and step on as many people as you can in your quest to rise above at Eisai. If you follow the outlined steps above you will surely last at Eisai for at least a year. The ones who dont step on others or kiss deep ass are all gone and if not will be sooner than the deep ass kissers.

The fact that you work at Aysi already means you'll never be a success. You better start buying power ball tickets and praying to alah, or mohamed, or jesus, or who ever you think is floating in the sky watching over you.

Not true, but I get the point. Fact is there are many former Eisai employees who are currently successful. The key word is "former". You have to leave the company to really be successful. And successful includes a "satisfaction" component - happiness! Working at Eisai is like being hit in the head with a hammer - it feels so good when it stops. Therefore, nearly everyone who leaves Eisai will be much happier, even if making less money.

I would like to be a success at Eisai. Tips?
Well first of all don't come here with a high level of excitement that you have landed a job with a great company with a great future only to find there is nothing farther from the truth. Don't work your ass off doing multiple programs (more than anyone else in my district), way more CNE programs than most people in the country, grow your business enough to raise the ranking of your territory a couple hundred spots because more than likely you will be layed off just like I was. PERFORMANCE DOES NOT MATTER AT EISAI! I can't believe the people who were kept!
I am grateful for the severance though, and now I can move on

Well first of all don't come here with a high level of excitement that you have landed a job with a great company with a great future only to find there is nothing farther from the truth. Don't work your ass off doing multiple programs (more than anyone else in my district), way more CNE programs than most people in the country, grow your business enough to raise the ranking of your territory a couple hundred spots because more than likely you will be layed off just like I was. PERFORMANCE DOES NOT MATTER AT EISAI! I can't believe the people who were kept!
I am grateful for the severance though, and now I can move on

You cry baby. Eisai is more than fair to everyone. You obviously deserved to be fired. Eisai would not let anyone go who is high in the rankings.

Eisai is like an old company with an established union , i.e. Ford , GM . Performance does not matter , you only have to fulfill minimum requirements. Great success is not recognized or liked in fact it is threat to the established managers. you will be more successful completing your expense report on time and calling on all your targets regardless of potential then being one of the top reps with great sales but poor admin and not seeing all your targets.

You cry baby. Eisai is more than fair to everyone. You obviously deserved to be fired. Eisai would not let anyone go who is high in the rankings.

LOL!!! Oh yea, Eisai has consistently kept all of the top performers! What a joke! Why the hell do the sales suck so much they have to let go of half of the sales force. When I was in training this year, I was shocked by the level of incompetence and inability to sell in the supposed field trainers. I could outsell them any day of the week. It doesnt surprise me that this company cannot recognize a REAL salesperson.

First, stick your nose up your DM's assss as far as it will go, then smother DM with nothing but kudos for what a great job they're doing, how their shiit dont stink, how they are the most educated person you know, stroke their egos(becuase they ahve HUGE ones)etc etc etc blah, blah, blah. Then, always be ready to do their work for DM, ie- filling out their perfomance reviews, tracking all the trackers, giving all the presentations at POA, holding all the conf calls, etc- you get the point, mkae sure they never have to lift a finger so that they can spend their time with their families or golfing, or that they have plenty of time in the field with all their reps to do 3 day ride alongs.

That's pretty much it, your sales don't matter one bit here at good ole eayssii