How do these incompetent "managers" continue to get promoted???

Managers bring zero value to an office. If you don't think we can do the job hire someone else. As Steve Jobs once said " We don't hire smart people and tell them what to do. We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do"
I was fortunate as a new Entresto rep to have a great ABL who had a medical science background. He easily could take an objection, answer the tech aspect then translate into pat & provider benefit w/o insulting the HCP. Every other ABL/RD I have encountered at Novartis thinks HCP's are stupid bc they don't Rx Entresto or Leqvio 90%. They simply think the Sales Aid is the Bible to all things Novartis. Most ABL/RD's haven't carried a bag and had territory accountability during this post COVID Golden Age of no access. Time to look elsewhere friends.

I was fortunate as a new Entresto rep to have a great ABL who had a medical science background. He easily could take an objection, answer the tech aspect then translate into pat & provider benefit w/o insulting the HCP. Every other ABL/RD I have encountered at Novartis thinks HCP's are stupid bc they don't Rx Entresto or Leqvio 90%. They simply think the Sales Aid is the Bible to all things Novartis. Most ABL/RD's haven't carried a bag and had territory accountability during this post COVID Golden Age of no access. Time to look elsewhere friends.
follow the lead of sales management you dog serb!

I was fortunate as a new Entresto rep to have a great ABL who had a medical science background. He easily could take an objection, answer the tech aspect then translate into pat & provider benefit w/o insulting the HCP. Every other ABL/RD I have encountered at Novartis thinks HCP's are stupid bc they don't Rx Entresto or Leqvio 90%. They simply think the Sales Aid is the Bible to all things Novartis. Most ABL/RD's haven't carried a bag and had territory accountability during this post COVID Golden Age of no access. Time to look elsewhere friends.

Nor would it matter if there was an M.D. who wanted to initiate Leqvio 90% of the time.
They can't because of our abysmal commercial coverage.
Novartis was never equipped for success and it shows.
When you do get interest and action it is still a gigantic pain in the ass to get it pulled through (unless they use AIC's, which we know management hates).
It's such a colossal embarrassment.

Anyone else remember hearing about how this will be the smoothest launch in history? And how all the accounts will be ready to go immediately? The Novartis ignorance and arrogance always leads the way.

Anyone else remember hearing about how this will be the smoothest launch in history? And how all the accounts will be ready to go immediately? The Novartis ignorance and arrogance always leads the way.
Yes, and those of us with real buy and bill experience saw the writing on the wall, but no one would listen. Every person above me in the chain of command has less experience than I do. I really can’t believe the lack of experience of the people they hired to launch Leqvio.

Corporate sales or medical device or pharmaceutical sales is no longer about performance.

Top sales reps are in real estate, software, and other places these days.

Real estate?, that’s a good one....real estate is the lowest rung of sales people, can get a license over the weekend. Every single agent I’ve ever dealt with was a complete moron and in most cases screwed up every sale I made...Kind of like the chiropractor of the medical field.

Uh, if you haven’t noticed, we’ve slowly evolved into a woke world of box checking and personal pronouns to identify the “best” candidate for ANY job nowadays. I mean, have you listened to our current VP of the US? She’s literally too dumb to speak. This is happening in every large corporation, government agency, and coming to whatever organization you work in, if not already. And sadly, history shows that this only leads to the downfall of revenue, productivity, culture, etc....can you say Bud Light or CNN? Funny thing is, most of these “political appointment” beneficiaries actually believe they were promoted on merit and have quite the ego and chip on their shoulder when they arrive, lol......So thankful I only have a few years left in the working sector, I can’t imagine coming into this BS in my twenties.

sounds like you should retire now… and maybe consider checking out of life in general

Corporate sales or medical device or pharmaceutical sales is no longer about performance.

Top sales reps are in real estate, software, and other places these days.

Don’t lump medical device and pharmacy prescription “sales” together….especially the Novartis CV Sales Team which is an absolute joke. This sales team still doesn’t understand how to sell Leqvio, post reorg it is still all the same Entresto ABLs who are worthless when it comes to Leqvio. The RD’s are also generally fools who don’t have a clue.

Lesson for the industry: Don’t take a crappy Rx sales team with very superficial relationships (if any at all) and with only partial comp plan weighting and try to launch a physician administered drug. IGNORANT SENIOR LEADERSHIP DECISION.