Marlboro man! Gay basher and drug loving loser. Where are your lame Charlie Sheen quotes?

No, that wasn't me, (the "Marlboro Man").......I don't post like that. I am more factual and low key in my posts. I just wish people on this forum were more positive. Quest provides good benefits and paychecks to tens of thousands of families. But then the proof is in the pudding. You people go to your jobs, OBEY YOUR SUPERIORS, and collect your paychecks. Tomorrow you will show up for your jobs at Quest, and the next day, and the next day. Like it or not, you work for Quest. You made your bed. Make the best of it. Win.

First if you are in the job market it probably best to curtail your use for several weeks while looking for a job. At the most recent AACC meeting I attended a toxicology seminar around how people attempt to cheat urine drug tests. The PhD that gave the seminar was involved in continuous research on how to detect adulteration substances that mask drug testing results. His approach was to find everyday readily available products that people could use or try to use to falsify the tests.
He did present that currently there was one item that masks the results and is undetectable by the in use screens to identify adulteration substances. Quest tests for pH, creatinine and oxidants as adulteration substances when performing the urine drug screens. Visine will mask r positive results and is undetectable by the adulteration screens. Now that being said you must ensure that you do not dilute the urine sample to the point that the creatinine drops to low. This is best done by not doing a system flush at the same time. Carry the visine close to the body to ensure it is body temperature, void your urine into the cup, add the entire vial of visine, cap and mix well. Make sure not to leave the empty bottle behind.
You could easily test this out at home by purchasing single analyte urine test kits on Amazon. THC is 10 for $15.

Poor guy, I'll help out the loser hippie...

Chances are, you're being screened for what's called a 10 panel drug screen... this test looks for all most possible drugs of abuse, including cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, marijuana, methadone, opiates, PCP, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, and tricyclic.

Depending on how much your future employer, court system, etc... wants to spend, they can either choose this screening by urine or blood. If they choose blood, you're phuct. There's no way around it, other than time.

If, however, they choose urine screens, there's a chance that you can pass by completely flushing your system by drinking a high concentration of nitrates (be careful, this can hurt you if you drink too much). Also, just drinking water or iced tea in MASS quantities will also flush your system.

Let's hope your only problem is weed (as that's most hippie's problems) your "flush time" will depend on a number of things; how long you've been smoking, how often you smoke, how much you smoke when you do, the fat content in you body, etc... THC (the chemical in pot that phucks you up) hides in the body's stored fat, so if you're a fat ass, chances are you're busted. Or, if you're a TOTAL pot head, you're busted. But, if you're a casual smoker who isn't overweight, is in good general health with a good metabolism, if you drink a shitload of water for a few days before your test, you should be OK.

Oh, and by the way, STAY OFF THE DRUGS YOU LOSER!