How Can You Double Dip Without Getting Caught?

Then make sure you're not out in the field working the new job. This is how one guy was caught by his current manager.

And don't talk to doctors. They could mention they saw you promoting your new drugs to your counterparts.

You also have to continue getting gas all over your territory with your gas card. F.Y.I. Managers get reports with the time, date, and amount of gas you get on a monthly basis. They also get an an e-mail alert notice if you get gas more than once a day. Some managers watch this, some don't.

They also get a time/date stamp e-mail notice on their phone when you submit your expense report. It lets them know who's making calls and who isn't. So don't do in the daytime.

So, Is is really worth it to double dip?

The poster who explained that you just keep your mouth shut is right on. I did this when I left my last job--worked for Novartis for 2 months while I collected from my last company. Why would it make any difference if you don't crap in your nest--take a terminal vacation, use the time with the new company for home study, etc. Never had a problem at all and was able to pocket an extra $15,000.

You also have to continue getting gas all over your territory with your gas card. F.Y.I. Managers get reports with the time, date, and amount of gas you get on a monthly basis. They also get an an e-mail alert notice if you get gas more than once a day. Some managers watch this, some don't.

This is a bunch of baloney. While a manager CAN get that type of information, they have to ask for it. It doesn't show up automatically.

Give notice the day you start with the new company. You will get paid for 2 weeks and accrued vacation. This is fine as you could tell your new employer you had to assure medical coverage, bonus, and/or auto, if they even find out, which is doubtful. You will walk away with an extra 5 grand. Good luck

Wrong, milk it as long as you can? Resign only when your "performance" will get you "terminated" from the old job.

Question: my new company wants me to start on march but I want to use my 4 weeks of vacation in march to get my bonus. What should I tell my new company? Would they let me do home studying while on vacation from previous employer ? Please, advise....

Question: my new company wants me to start on march but I want to use my 4 weeks of vacation in march to get my bonus. What should I tell my new company? Would they let me do home studying while on vacation from previous employer ? Please, advise....

You don't even have 4 weeks of vacation to burn at this point of the year since we are now on an accrual system of allotment. Check your eEtime, numbnuts.

If you don t want to work for Novartis, then do it. If you get caught you lose your severence pay. If you tell them you lose it. Show me the downside.

Companies are not allowed to say anything about you other than yes he or she worked here from this date to this date.
You can say I am incorrect but,they do not want to get sued. If you are staying in the industry I would say tread lightly,and maybe not do it. If you are leaving the industry I know what I would do.

Do not feel bad Novartis does not care about you. They care about the shareholders, and they should it's a public company, but you owe them nothing.

Dont's not with it. We had a guy try last year and got caught...lost both jobs. The industry is getting smaller folks...people talk

My husband is an attorney. Legally, the only info that a company can get is verify employment dates and ask if they woe rehire you. That's it. Anything more and you could sue the pants off of them.

right before a layoff your manager will be so busy the last thing they will be doing is worrying about you. My advise do it. You have more to gain and almost nothing to lose.

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