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How can pharma employees support Democrats?

Still waiting……fucking losers. Not surprised, you can’t defend it!!

Defend what? A few violent people and a few hundred others entering the capital and wandering around? They were wrong for doing so and are being punished. End of story.

Any thoughts from you on the George Floyd ACTUAL riots where millions of dollars of property were destroyed and numerous deaths occurred?

Defend what? A few violent people and a few hundred others entering the capital and wandering around? They were wrong for doing so and are being punished. End of story.

Any thoughts from you on the George Floyd ACTUAL riots where millions of dollars of property were destroyed and numerous deaths occurred?

Don't forget the Capitol police officer that died, the protester that died, and look! $1.5M in damages to the Capitol building. Never fucking mind what could have happened to democracy had they been successful. You make it sound like they were on a Sunday tour of the building.......

One Year Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol.

Defend what? A few violent people and a few hundred others entering the capital and wandering around? They were wrong for doing so and are being punished. End of story.

Any thoughts from you on the George Floyd ACTUAL riots where millions of dollars of property were destroyed and numerous deaths occurred?
Hey A$$wipe. I live in a state where fake electors tried to steal my vote for Biden and will never forget. That was my liberty to a free and fair vote you people tried to steal so STFU.

Don't forget the Capitol police officer that died, the protester that died, and look! $1.5M in damages to the Capitol building. Never fucking mind what could have happened to democracy had they been successful. You make it sound like they were on a Sunday tour of the building.......

One Year Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol.

If they had been successful doing what? Walk me through that, genius. Delaying the vote for a couple hours? Terrifying

And I’ll take your silence on the actual riots as full support.

Defend what? A few violent people and a few hundred others entering the capital and wandering around? They were wrong for doing so and are being punished. End of story.

Any thoughts from you on the George Floyd ACTUAL riots where millions of dollars of property were destroyed and numerous deaths occurred?
Yeah you sound sane. What a loon!

Hey A$$wipe. I live in a state where fake electors tried to steal my vote for Biden and will never forget. That was my liberty to a free and fair vote you people tried to steal so STFU.
Got proof of that? Yeah, didn’t think so. You’re too mind numbingly stupid to be part of any logical discussion. Your guy LOST!!! Accept it!

If they had been successful doing what? Walk me through that, genius. Delaying the vote for a couple hours? Terrifying

And I’ll take your silence on the actual riots as full support.

Successful at getting to Pence or Pelosi. Can you say what would have happened had they gotten to either of them? No you cannot. Successful at delaying the vote for hour or days is bad enough. All because of a lie made up by Trump - made the US look like an insane asylum. Had Jan 6 not been shut down as it had, let's say it went on for several more hours. Can you say what would have happened?

After watching what that cop did to George Floyd, I don't have any problem with protesting. Peaceful protesting gets people worked up but not much gets done. Do I want people looting and burning due to George Floyd, of course not, no sane person wants to see that happen. Do I understand the anger and sympathize with the cause? Yes, I do. Do I think all cops are bad? No, and I respect them and think they are underpaid. Do I want them swiftly, properly and severely punished for murders like George Floyd's? Yes I do.

You ultra right wingers want to lump all of us lefties into a pile and think because we believe one thing, that we have to act or want a specific thing to happen. Like gun control. Do I want your 9mm personal protection weapon? Do I want hunting rifles that actually are built to kill a game animal? No. But I do want it harder for anyone to get any gun and I want the killing machines meant for the military to be unavailable for private citizens.

We want a lot of the same things that a lot of normal, sane, rational people do. Unless your a Trump-believing, racist, sexist piece of garbage, then good riddance with you. And since you're making Jan 6 seem like a family tour and picnic at the Caiptol building, and defending those actions, you can f off.

If they had been successful doing what? Walk me through that, genius. Delaying the vote for a couple hours? Terrifying

And I’ll take your silence on the actual riots as full support.

Delaying the vote for a couple of hours (LOL)?
Do you mean until they finished hanging Mike Pence?
Do you need photos and videos?
I disagree with many of Pence's ideas but respect him as an American who respects the Constitution.

Pence on Trump's indictment: 'Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president' (yahoo.com)
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Any thoughts from you on the George Floyd ACTUAL riots where millions of dollars of property were destroyed and numerous deaths occurred?
I love how this is the typical uneducated right wing response to 1/6. How is there any connection between the two events at all? Stop trying to deflect and speak about the events of 1/6. But I guess you can’t defend your position at all so you try to muddy the waters with your “whataboutisms”. Ok, I’ll play. Both events were tragic horrible events that but a severe scar on this country. The difference? One event truly happened and there is concrete proof it did so. We’ve all seen the video of Zoe Floyd losing his life after a minor infraction at the hands of supposed professionals who should know how to arrest someone properly. The other event? A guy lost an election and threw a 2nd grader temper tantrum and made up repeated lies about the loss. He actively stirred up trouble and sought out the stupid and gullible to believe his lies (like you) He worked up his minions for weeks and tried to get his followers to find evidence where there was none to be had. Even though time and time again he was proven a LOSER, he still stoked the lies snd confusion to his advantage. He then gathered all the morons and commanded them to get his revenge. He attacked The GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for all the world to see……over his sad, shallow, and poor ego.

You truly don’t get yet? How can you really be that stupid??

I love how this is the typical uneducated right wing response to 1/6. How is there any connection between the two events at all? Stop trying to deflect and speak about the events of 1/6. But I guess you can’t defend your position at all so you try to muddy the waters with your “whataboutisms”. Ok, I’ll play. Both events were tragic horrible events that but a severe scar on this country. The difference? One event truly happened and there is concrete proof it did so. We’ve all seen the video of Zoe Floyd losing his life after a minor infraction at the hands of supposed professionals who should know how to arrest someone properly. The other event? A guy lost an election and threw a 2nd grader temper tantrum and made up repeated lies about the loss. He actively stirred up trouble and sought out the stupid and gullible to believe his lies (like you) He worked up his minions for weeks and tried to get his followers to find evidence where there was none to be had. Even though time and time again he was proven a LOSER, he still stoked the lies snd confusion to his advantage. He then gathered all the morons and commanded them to get his revenge. He attacked The GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for all the world to see……over his sad, shallow, and poor ego.

You truly don’t get yet? How can you really be that stupid??

The irony is: Had he left his third-grader temper tantrum on the shelf and behaved like a grown man, as Al Gore did when the other candidate's brother threw his victory out using the 'dangling chad ruse', he could have reappeared when inflation was running rampant and very likely made a sensible-sounding case for re-election as a stateman. But he's not a man, as Bill O'Reilly who was mentioned in an earlier post told him to his face - he is too thin-skinned and more adept running a circus or a TV show than a country.

I love how this is the typical uneducated right wing response to 1/6. How is there any connection between the two events at all? Stop trying to deflect and speak about the events of 1/6. But I guess you can’t defend your position at all so you try to muddy the waters with your “whataboutisms”. Ok, I’ll play. Both events were tragic horrible events that but a severe scar on this country. The difference? One event truly happened and there is concrete proof it did so. We’ve all seen the video of Zoe Floyd losing his life after a minor infraction at the hands of supposed professionals who should know how to arrest someone properly. The other event? A guy lost an election and threw a 2nd grader temper tantrum and made up repeated lies about the loss. He actively stirred up trouble and sought out the stupid and gullible to believe his lies (like you) He worked up his minions for weeks and tried to get his followers to find evidence where there was none to be had. Even though time and time again he was proven a LOSER, he still stoked the lies snd confusion to his advantage. He then gathered all the morons and commanded them to get his revenge. He attacked The GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for all the world to see……over his sad, shallow, and poor ego.

You truly don’t get yet? How can you really be that stupid??
Don’t forget that the diabolical part of Trump’s henchmen trying to steal the election through the fake electors and instigating the rioters was to foment instability so that Trump’s new appointee Jeffrey Clark ( who he planned to install as Secretary of Defense) could incite the insurrection act. They were HOPING that there would be riots in the streets by us Biden supporters in big cities after the election was stolen. This was planned folks and god knows how many people would have been killed. Luckily we had Pence refuse to do this as well as others. I hope all of the co conspirators get nailed as well. Unfuckingbelievable!!!!!