How can I get my manager fired?

Hi, I wrote the original thread. No one has done anything major. He is on a huge power trip. Things that reps have gotten disciplined for...having to stop to get gas, being 5 minutes late due to traffic (even with a courtesy call warning him), calling into a teleconference 2 minutes late(yes he kept track of the minutes), forgetting a power cord, beacuse the rep did not come to get him in his car for thier ride along, she waited in their meeting place, not telling him absolutely everything you have going on with your MGAM, sending an email to his boss without him helping you with it first, getting even remotely close to a dashboard item(by the way the dashboard is punitive and ridiculous), not going up to his boss at meetings to asskiss (no casual converastion allowed, it is a missed opportunity!), not taking notes at every meeting for every speaker. He also says bad things about other reps in the district when he is with me. Need I say more?

What if I went to the Ombudsman with some of his policy violations, not just behavior? These are things he cant deny beacuse he did them, other people saw it besides me. What do you think?

Ombudsman won't help with late to meeting, emails upward, casual conv stuff. That's welcome to comapny expectations with bad delivery. Talking to you about other reps he manages after you asked him to stop - there you might have somehting, along with any policy viols.

Ombudsman won't help with late to meeting, emails upward, casual conv stuff. That's welcome to comapny expectations with bad delivery. Talking to you about other reps he manages after you asked him to stop - there you might have somehting, along with any policy viols.

Any manager who tries to pit one rep against another is never acceptable. Managers using their power for such destructive ends is bad.

An employment attorney will cost you $450 for the first meeting - which can be all day if necessary. I know this, as I've done it. I work in the labs at merck - guess what - the scientific managers are doing all the same crap you complain about. Is it any wonder we have a hard time inventing/making new drugs??? I feel like I am trying to do science at the End of Days.
The lawyer advised me to keep a record, preferably one with a date & time stamp, about anything that is going on that is out of sorts. He advised me not to go to HR, other than to get HR to send me copies of the most current policies for various scenarios. I saved those emails.
Most of the industry refers to the merck environment as toxic. Because it is.

An employment attorney will cost you $450 for the first meeting - which can be all day if necessary. I know this, as I've done it. I work in the labs at merck - guess what - the scientific managers are doing all the same crap you complain about. Is it any wonder we have a hard time inventing/making new drugs??? I feel like I am trying to do science at the End of Days.
The lawyer advised me to keep a record, preferably one with a date & time stamp, about anything that is going on that is out of sorts. He advised me not to go to HR, other than to get HR to send me copies of the most current policies for various scenarios. I saved those emails.
Most of the industry refers to the merck environment as toxic. Because it is.
Tell him you want to sleep with him. When he makes a move file for harassment.

Well, I went ahead and called the Ombudsman. I wont say for what, but it was a questionable policy violation, a big one. Others were witness to it so he cant deny it. I made sure there was no way they could identify me (used other phone, did *67). I have to call back in 2 weeks to see if they want me to talk to HR. If I have to I will use a track phone and disguise my voice. I would like to at least scare the shit out of this guy and if possible have his manager find out. And having it go in his file would be great. It surprises me that a company as conservative as Merck doesnt love the Ombudsman. Being able to turn people in for things they are not supposed to be doing. Hopefully mine was serious enough they wont turn a blind eye.

I dont agree. A few years ago, my manager knowingly broke a policy in front of a whole district. Everyone saw it. He did other things too. At the right time, one of the reps that he was leaning on to quit called HR. They had their ducks in a row. Now, he didnt get tossed right away. What did happen was that he lost his "executive" manager title, and he lost his bonus for at least a full year, maybe longer. When we had cuts a few years back, if you were involved in any HR diciplinary issues or had any on the books, that was grounds for dismissal. So, he eventually got fired. It took time though. Do the right thing-have all your things organized and have witnesses to things. Then, call HR. At that point, he will really be paranoid to retaliate against you. Every time the manager planned a field visit, this rep would call in to HR and complain that they didnt want this manager working with them because he was so abusive, and retaliatory. He was so scared, he never had another field visit with this rep in over a year until he finally lost his job. And, the rep did real good. When they start looking at non-revenue positions, I believe that managers will be cut. If one of these issues is on the books in HR, I think that there is good reason to think they will be gone. It was great to see play out in the long run. Hang in there.

This is awesome! The fuel I need. I am only going to use policy violations, nothing that could be considered opinion. Another manager in my area got in hot with his DCO when his culture scores were horrible because it brought down the DCOs. He was put on some type of improvement plan and then the scores were better., So I dont believe nothing ever gets done. Also, my manager is legacy SP, and he was a jackass there too. So I think it is just him, maybe trying to impress his boss. 2 other managers in my area are not like this at all. They do the usual annoying stuff but nothing abusive like this. So I find it hard to believe it is all Merck Managers.

I will never make a manager. I will make a lousy one. I will never be able to sleep knowing my fancy lifestyle depends on ruining someone's lives. Knowing my expensive fancy bed is paid with blood money. I cannot go to church and worship knowing on Monday I am going to find some legal ways to rip a tenured rep apart, or close to a nervous breakdown or something so he/she would leave. Perhaps it takes a different breed of people to be managers.

Amazing, isn't it? Folks selling theirs souls to the Merck devil! Exactly what my past two managers did- It was sickening to witness- I have faith that they will pay for their actions in the end!

Maybe you should need some sort of testing to see if you would be a good manager. Some of these managers need something. Extra training or just learning how to treat other people.

I will never make a manager. I will make a lousy one. I will never be able to sleep knowing my fancy lifestyle depends on ruining someone's lives. Knowing my expensive fancy bed is paid with blood money. I cannot go to church and worship knowing on Monday I am going to find some legal ways to rip a tenured rep apart, or close to a nervous breakdown or something so he/she would leave. Perhaps it takes a different breed of people to be managers.

of course you can' sound like a decent, ethical, God-fearing upstanding human being...That is not good material for Merck management...(they have horns like the devil)

The Merck way is to push older reps out by (as you noted) pushing them to have a nervous breakdown...i have seen it over and over again...the rep is forced to quit to get out of the toxic waste dump that this company is...

of course you can' sound like a decent, ethical, God-fearing upstanding human being...That is not good material for Merck management...(they have horns like the devil)

The Merck way is to push older reps out by (as you noted) pushing them to have a nervous breakdown...i have seen it over and over again...the rep is forced to quit to get out of the toxic waste dump that this company is...

We have older reps in our district. They know about the younger reps being favored but I dont see any having nervous breakdowns about it. Its an ugly fact of life and they seem to take it like that.

Maybe you should need some sort of testing to see if you would be a good manager. Some of these managers need something. Extra training or just learning how to treat other people.

Your interactions with people should always be defined by basic decency. Its something your parents had a duty to teach you early in life. I question how anyone can make it in any professional level job if they are unable to do this. If you need a course to learn or relearn this then you are indeed in a very sorry state.

Your interactions with people should always be defined by basic decency. Its something your parents had a duty to teach you early in life. I question how anyone can make it in any professional level job if they are unable to do this. If you need a course to learn or relearn this then you are indeed in a very sorry state.

I think the other poster was talking about courses to assess, say, one's personality. Or courses to improve one's computer skills. As you said, there is no course to beef up or train a person to be decent. It is either in you or not. Or as you said, instilled by parents. I would say to be a "good" Merck manager at this point you have to bury any values learned to stay employed as one of your main tasks is to ruin lives with PIPs or other legal tactics. Some of us simply would not do it nor capable nor able to sleep/rest/eat/live life.

Your interactions with people should always be defined by basic decency. Its something your parents had a duty to teach you early in life. I question how anyone can make it in any professional level job if they are unable to do this. If you need a course to learn or relearn this then you are indeed in a very sorry state.

Basic decency???
1. Behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.

Dont think so. Not by the tone of the insulting remarks and actions being described on these posts.

Do not under any circumstances go to the Ombudsman! As with HR, they are not there to protect you or your interests. They are in place to protect the managers. If you think going to the ombudsman is kept confidential - think again. Best advice? Keep documenting everything - dates, names, places, and get a good employment attorney - one who specializes in discrimination in the workplace.

This is my feeling as well with one caveat. The records you keep are useful and your employment attorney will love it. She will talk you into filing a suit and bill you huge amounts each month. After about $20K (or more painful amounts) you will finally realize that Merck has more money than God and will squeeze you absolutely dry. They will lie, manipulate, infer, imply, and carefully threaten until you give up. Your case better be black and white because they have Gray locked up tight and know how to get you to go nowhere.

Been there, done that. Wish my outcome were different. Case was decent but not rock solid. The whole process is fraught with paperwork for you as you try to make sure all the "T"s are crossed and the "I"s dotted. They are getting paid a fortune to screw you and you are trying to keep up on your own time. It is miserable, goes on for years and the only good result is that your employment attorney really likes you and sends you Christmas cards.

Get a real job in an industry where you will be respected. Pharmaceuticals is not for the long run.

Hi, I wrote the original thread. No one has done anything major. He is on a huge power trip. Things that reps have gotten disciplined for...having to stop to get gas, being 5 minutes late due to traffic (even with a courtesy call warning him), calling into a teleconference 2 minutes late(yes he kept track of the minutes), forgetting a power cord, beacuse the rep did not come to get him in his car for thier ride along, she waited in their meeting place, not telling him absolutely everything you have going on with your MGAM, sending an email to his boss without him helping you with it first, getting even remotely close to a dashboard item(by the way the dashboard is punitive and ridiculous), not going up to his boss at meetings to asskiss (no casual converastion allowed, it is a missed opportunity!), not taking notes at every meeting for every speaker. He also says bad things about other reps in the district when he is with me. Need I say more?

What if I went to the Ombudsman with some of his policy violations, not just behavior? These are things he cant deny beacuse he did them, other people saw it besides me. What do you think?

Looking at anything, like he has a bug up his a**. Criticize them, YOU look better. This guy needs to get a life and drop the vendetta or what ever is bugging him.

Looking at anything, like he has a bug up his a**. Criticize them, YOU look better. This guy needs to get a life and drop the vendetta or what ever is bugging him.

Just make sure everything is what it seems. At least with a blowhard you know what's up their a** that day. My worst manager was the 'nice' one who decided to compete against me when I asked if I could post for a position inside. After I told her about the position.

This is my feeling as well with one caveat. The records you keep are useful and your employment attorney will love it. She will talk you into filing a suit and bill you huge amounts each month. After about $20K (or more painful amounts) you will finally realize that Merck has more money than God and will squeeze you absolutely dry. They will lie, manipulate, infer, imply, and carefully threaten until you give up. Your case better be black and white because they have Gray locked up tight and know how to get you to go nowhere.

Been there, done that. Wish my outcome were different. Case was decent but not rock solid. The whole process is fraught with paperwork for you as you try to make sure all the "T"s are crossed and the "I"s dotted. They are getting paid a fortune to screw you and you are trying to keep up on your own time. It is miserable, goes on for years and the only good result is that your employment attorney really likes you and sends you Christmas cards.

Get a real job in an industry where you will be respected. Pharmaceuticals is not for the long run.
this is the truth...Merck has more money than God and will almost always beat you down...they can drag things out until you are out of energy and money...and once again, Pharma is no longer a respected industry...truly not for the long run or short run for that matter...

This is my feeling as well with one caveat. The records you keep are useful and your employment attorney will love it. She will talk you into filing a suit and bill you huge amounts each month. After about $20K (or more painful amounts) you will finally realize that Merck has more money than God and will squeeze you absolutely dry. They will lie, manipulate, infer, imply, and carefully threaten until you give up. Your case better be black and white because they have Gray locked up tight and know how to get you to go nowhere.

Been there, done that. Wish my outcome were different. Case was decent but not rock solid. The whole process is fraught with paperwork for you as you try to make sure all the "T"s are crossed and the "I"s dotted. They are getting paid a fortune to screw you and you are trying to keep up on your own time. It is miserable, goes on for years and the only good result is that your employment attorney really likes you and sends you Christmas cards.

Get a real job in an industry where you will be respected. Pharmaceuticals is not for the long run.

Correct on all counts.