How can anyone know for certain what is going to happen?


There are no leaks and no one at Biogen knows for sure what is going to happen. It is all opinions and guesses. So many people seem super confident , whereas others are the opposite. Biogen is moving forward like they have this 100%. Go figure.


There are no leaks and no one at Biogen knows for sure what is going to happen. It is all opinions and guesses. So many people seem super confident , whereas others are the opposite. Biogen is moving forward like they have this 100%. Go figure.

This company is a jauggernut and jauggernuts usually get what they want.

What it’s not going to be is announced by June 7th. Everyone needs to slow their roll.

There are no leaks and no one at Biogen knows for sure what is going to happen. It is all opinions and guesses. So many people seem super confident , whereas others are the opposite. Biogen is moving forward like they have this 100%. Go figure.

Ahhh - I see the "Never. Getting. Approved" moron has changed tune to "Never. Getting. Prescribed".


Looking forward to Never. Seeing. You. Post. Again. once we get approval and you find the next controversial BLA to cry about.

Ahhh - I see the "Never. Getting. Approved" moron has changed tune to "Never. Getting. Prescribed".


Looking forward to Never. Seeing. You. Post. Again. once we get approval and you find the next controversial BLA to cry about.

Ughhh that poster was exhausting and YOU are exhausting. Why don't you take a hike?

“The opportunity to have a disease modifying drug, a drug that will actually help to slow down the disease process is just incredibly exciting”

FDA Approval will happen.