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How can a Sales Rep be promoted to DM of their former district?

Get over yourselves. You guys sound like a bunch of whiny, entitled jerks. I don't think a few bad apple DMs should ruin it for everyone. Why shouldn't a BSR be eligible for a promotion in the district where they already have relationships, live, and work? That makes a lot more sense then moving them and their families, just to check the box on it being a different district. The reason this is a problem is that you then attract internal DM candidates who have no loyalty to their family. Not everyone is willing to move for a promotion. It would be a real shame to lose out on great management candidates just because they aren't willing to relocate their spouse and children.

I think this post hits on a larger issue- reps thinking they don't need to be managed and wanting to crab about their boss. The truth is, I think a lot of you complainers would have just as many complaints about a DM who was brought in from the outside. Just do your job and be grateful for the money and the lifestyle this position brings. I get tired of how ungrateful and b!tchy people in this industry are. Maybe all of you who are so disgruntled should go through a layoff (or 2, or 3) and then get back on this board and complain about your newly promoted DM. In other industries, people get promoted all of the time to manage people they used to work beside. That's how the corporate world works. Good companies should reward those who want to stay here and build their career. Loyalty should be rewarded, not looked down upon. I am glad Amgen is pulling management from within, rather than giving the position to someone from the outside. I wish my last company would have promoted from within. I watched a lot of my very qualified co-workers be passed up for some DM from another company- just because that person already had the "DM" title...not because they were the best candidate.

Reps who are promoted have a "history" with certain people in the district. They show favortism. I'd not recommend this.

My New DM had been a MDP candidate in my district for years. He had been a non stop complainer and hardly worked. He was so aggressive in getting the DM position because when he interviewed elsewhere he couldn't become a DM without the experience. His ambition was solely to get his DM fired. Took awhile but that is how he advanced. NO Aptitude & Very Poor Attitude. Can't even hold his own on a district teleconference. Can't wait to see him get RIF'ed at the next round.

My New DM had been a MDP candidate in my district for years. He had been a non stop complainer and hardly worked. He was so aggressive in getting the DM position because when he interviewed elsewhere he couldn't become a DM without the experience. His ambition was solely to get his DM fired. Took awhile but that is how he advanced. NO Aptitude & Very Poor Attitude. Can't even hold his own on a district teleconference. Can't wait to see him get RIF'ed at the next round.

Hey I know who this DM is. Pompous Napoleon Complex Thinks he's an Athletic Stud. Oh My this is a Riot. Yes, He will be Canned at next Layoff. He is Pathetic and He is SO in Love with himself. He has already made too many enemies.